The Sinister Plasmosaurs Of Antarctica Have Become The Invisible Guards Of Longinus' Spear - Alternative View

The Sinister Plasmosaurs Of Antarctica Have Become The Invisible Guards Of Longinus' Spear - Alternative View
The Sinister Plasmosaurs Of Antarctica Have Become The Invisible Guards Of Longinus' Spear - Alternative View

Video: The Sinister Plasmosaurs Of Antarctica Have Become The Invisible Guards Of Longinus' Spear - Alternative View

Video: The Sinister Plasmosaurs Of Antarctica Have Become The Invisible Guards Of Longinus' Spear - Alternative View
Video: SPEAR 17 2024, July

Antarctica continues to amaze and frighten scientists with its unexpected finds, among which there are extraterrestrial artifacts and other wonders belonging to disappeared civilizations. But today we will talk about the sinister plasmataurs, which became the invisible guards of the legendary spear of Longinus.

The events of 2012 can be compared only with the first flight of people into space, because after 30 years of drilling, Russian researchers managed to reach Lake Vostok, where the most varied secrets of this land can be hidden. Although they could also track down Hitler's secret cache, which is mentioned by many trusted sources. Before their defeat, the Germans brought materials here with the help of submarines for the construction of a secret base, and many prisoners arrived along with specialists. An ice cave was made on the surface of the reservoir, where the most important materials with the personal files of the Fuhrer were placed. Then, during the speech of Admiral Karl Doenitz in front of the cadets, it was emphasized that he had built an impregnable stronghold for the leader,where already in 1945 it was planned to transport his body along with the remains of Eva Braun for future cloning with DNA. The commander of the submarine “U-530” was Wilhelm Bernhard, who transported boxes with artifacts of the Third Reich and the leader's personal belongings here.


It is worth noting that Soviet intelligence took information about Base-211 seriously, and also itself conducted a number of studies in this direction. The results of the operation have remained classified until now, but we will not go into the details of this story yet, because ahead of everyone there is a meeting with Yuri Korshunov, who miraculously survived the expedition of the 50s. Then six people went to the South Pole, leaving Mirny station, but two employees returned back. The official version was the failure of equipment and difficult weather conditions, after which, 10 years later, the Americans arrived here, equipped with the latest technology innovations. People returned to the base in a deranged state, so they were urgently taken home, and apart from a couple of notes in the press, there was no other information about the events. Since then, no one wanted to repeat the feat of their fellows and go through this route,but what actually happened to the participants?


The polar day with an acceptable air temperature delighted people who did not even stop on the way to repair equipment. The first signals of danger began to appear at the Pole when the tired travelers went to bed, but Yuri Korshunov was overcome by insomnia. He decided to leave the tent and immediately noticed an unusual object in the form of a luminous ball, bouncing in the air like a ball. Then he suddenly began to change shape and became large, and then turned into a terrible semblance of a live sausage, having a muzzle without eyes with a huge hole instead of a mouth. The snow simply melted as this creature moved, but the group's photographer decided to get closer to him, although everyone said not to make sudden movements. In an instant, the monster changed its appearance and turned into a halo over the human head. Then colleagues started shooting at him with guns,which led to the emergence of strong sparks and lightning, and the victim of the Plasmaaur lay dead on the ground with a charred back.


It was impossible to contact the station, because of a sudden magnetic storm, turning signals into terrible growls and whistles, but then these monsters destroyed three more people, and then began to emerge from the air, slowly moving towards other living objects. A companion who witnessed the events after the attack looked like a baby who died on the way back. Then, after the examination, in addition to heart failure, the doctors found a slight frostbite, not life-threatening, and the leadership believed the words of the polar explorer, although there was no other evidence of the existence of the monsters. A similar situation happened with our American colleagues. In the 60s, thanks to the scientist Roy D. Christopher, a theory arose about the radiation belt of our planet, inhabited by plasma clots that can approach the surface only at the poles. These life forms arose much earlier than organics and gave rise to many invisible creatures that become visible only when they enter the dense layers of the environment.

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So they can be not only the guardians of Antarctica, but also the keepers of the legendary spear of power. When in 1882 the British heir to Admiral Houston Stuart Chamberlain decided to settle in Dresden, he was so imbued with sympathy for Nietzsche and Wagner that he even wrote a work on the rule of the Aryan race over humanity. Then the artifact was in the Austrian capital's museum, but this person inspired the German Emperor Wilhelm II with thoughts regarding the possession of the relic. It's good that then his brother refused to send it for an imaginary show, but the story associated with him is not over yet.


Hitler also saw him in the halls of the Hofburg and immediately fell into a trance, imagining how he would rule the whole world. After that, he became a member of the occult society and used psychotropic drugs throughout his life, and was also possessed by the Teutonic knights, crushing everything in the way. Being only a corporal, this man changed Christian myths and carefully studied Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine", which described the path of the Aryans who came from Atlantis and the former ancestors of the Germans. In 1938, the Fuhrer's troops guarded the palace, where the valuable object was located, after which it was decided to transport Longinus's spear to the underground gallery of Nuremberg, where it lay in an armored bunker. But the allies bombed the city and opened access to the storage, after which the agony of the Third Reich began.


The Fuehrer, already being crazy, ordered to secretly remove all the artifacts and immerse them in the waters of Lake Zell, only during the operation there was a serious failure. The military confused the artifact with the sword of Mauritius and left it lying in front of the Americans who captured this corner. Then no one paid attention to the nondescript iron object, but thanks to General Patton, it was delivered to Truman, and then transferred to the authorities of the liberated Vienna. Now the rarity lies in its place in the museum, although there are many rumors that the Americans replaced it with a copy and kept the original for themselves, and therefore dominate the whole world. Here are just the original mystical collections of the Fuhrer were taken to Antarctica, then to be walled up in the underground structures of New Swabia. Therefore, the icy expanses still keep a dangerous relic from humanity,so that it does not destroy the planet.


Reshetnikova Irina