UFO Attack On People In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View

UFO Attack On People In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View
UFO Attack On People In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View

Video: UFO Attack On People In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View

Video: UFO Attack On People In The Krasnodar Territory - Alternative View
Video: Government’s UFO Report Reveals Many Unexplained Objects 2024, June

The number of places where abnormal phenomena regularly occur in Russia is constantly growing. But the most unusual events took place ten years ago in the Krasnodar Territory. There UFO attacked people!

An ordinary house in a private building, a simple Kuban family. He is an electrician, she is a milkmaid at a local farm. Lyubov Fedotovna, a middle-aged woman, tells how she was “fired upon by aliens” on a deserted highway.

Husband Ivan Yuryevich after the incident came to the local administration with a complaint: "The devilry is loose!" - and asked to protect his wife. He is sincerely afraid that she could be stolen: "They write that the aliens are kidnapping people!" She herself is also scared and instead of versions shrugs up her hands.

- Everything happened at 4.10 am. I usually go to the farm at this time. Alone, on a bike. And then by chance I met a friend, also a milkmaid, we are going together. And suddenly, in front of us, over the handlebars of bicycles, seemingly long sparks were sewn. Like tracer bullets in a movie, only bright green with blue flashes. They crossed the highway and flew into the darkness, into the field. At the same time, the sound "Tuu-Tuu-Tuu!" We got scared and got up. A friend whispered: "Are there fireflies?" I told her: "It doesn't look like it!" We slowly rolled on, but did not manage to drive even 20 meters when the shelling was repeated.

Then the women pressed the pedals and rushed along the road. We came to our senses after a hundred meters at a burning lantern.

- I looked around and was stunned: where we had just been "fired upon", a large bright green glowing ball hung over the houses and trees. And when we turned into a forest plantation, the ball had already disappeared …

Novokubansk is a “chosen place”, the center of an anomalous zone with a diameter of about 100 km. From the side of the sea and mountains, it is surrounded by a parabola by prehistoric megaliths - dolmens. According to one of the versions, their builders could use these structures as a single energy complex like a global computer to control gravity, teleportation, and even as a weapon.