The Mystery Of The "heavenly Angels" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The "heavenly Angels" - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The "heavenly Angels" - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The "heavenly Angels" - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The
Video: "Closer" Part 3 2024, June

Scientists all over the world cannot answer the question, where 40 thousand years ago, among the bestial Neanderthals "suddenly" appeared tall handsome men of excellent physique - Cro-Magnons, people of the modern type?..

Perhaps the clue is contained in the messages scattered across ancient books, chronicles and chronicles about "miraculous heavenly phenomena", "Angels and sons of God" who descended from heaven and communicated with people. Chroniclers, ancient historians, compilers of the Bible speak about this. Taken together, their observations make you think.

For example, the ancient Roman historian Plutarch tells how in the 1st century BC. e. In Phrygia (Asia Minor), the troops of the famous military leader Lucullus and the head of the Spanish rebels Sertorius met for a decisive battle. The ranks went on top of each other, before the collision there was very little, when suddenly … the sky opened up, a large fiery body appeared, which was rapidly rushing to the ground. On "low level flight", it flew between the ranks of the opponents, and then rose up and disappeared into the sky. In appearance, Plutarch writes, it resembled a wide barrel, and in color it resembled molten silver. Frightened by such a mysterious sign, the soldiers did not dare to join the battle and dispersed. Does this description sound like modern UFO reports? Perhaps somewhere in the archives of an unknown planet there is an image of the ranks of the ancient Roman legionaries led by Lucullus …

A similar event is described by Homer in the Iliad, telling about the great war between the Greeks and the Trojans in the 13th century BC. e. During the battle, the "bright star sent by Zeus" fell among the combatants, astonishing the regiments. UFO reports are also found in medieval chronicles. Benvenuto Chel-lini, the famous Italian sculptor and Renaissance painter, tells how he and a friend once traveled from Florence to Rome. It was already dark when they found themselves in the mountains surrounding the city. Turning around, both shouted in amazement: "God, heavenly, where is this large fiery log over Florence that sparkles and emits a bright light ?!"

The Russian chronicle reports: on January 25, 1677, a terrible fire broke out in Ustyug the Great - the entire city center disappeared into flames. And suddenly, in the midst of the fire above the Church of St. Barbara, something huge appeared, similar to the moon, and stood motionless over the blazing city for two whole hours. And then it quickly ascended to heaven and disappeared.

But what the prophet Ezekiel tells about the events that took place at the beginning of the 6th century BC. BC: “I was among the settlers on the river Chebar, when the heavens opened and I saw the appearances of God … A great cloud and swirling fire, and radiance around it.

From the middle of the fire could be seen the likeness of four animals - and their appearance was like that of a man … and each had four wings. And the hands of men were under their wings. And their wings touched one another, and two covered their bodies."

After the first meeting, Ezekiel already calls the newcomers not "animals" but "cherubim". They act as before: they raise their drooping wings and, with a terrible roar, fly upward along with the wheels “full of eyes”, heading towards the “glory of the Lord” flying over them. What else could a man of the 6th century BC tell? e. even a balloon? How else can he describe a UFO?

Promotional video:

The Prophet says that "animals" or "cherubim" are humanlike. But, perhaps, on the contrary, a man who mysteriously arose on earth Cro-Magnon is “cherub-like”?

The answer to this question, perhaps, is contained in the Bible: “Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and took them as their wives, which one chose … The sons of God began to enter the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them …, glorious people since ancient times”. Thus, the text of the Bible points to direct sexual contacts of highly developed "sons of God" with people.

It also tells about the heavenly Angels who visited the righteous man Lot in the city of Sodom. They were so similar to people that homosexuals from Sodom tried to rape the Angels, and they barely escaped in Lot's house, punishing the perverts with blindness (this could be done, for example, with a laser beam). When the dawn rose, the Angels began to rush Lot: get up, take your wife and your two daughters, so that you will not perish for the iniquity of the city (Genesis, ch. 19, v. 15). And those men took him by the hand, and his wife, and two daughters, and set him outside the city. One of the Angels said: save your soul, do not look back, save yourself on the mountain, so that you do not die. And the Lord rained sulfur and fire from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah …

As we can see, the Bible describes a situation that could well take place in our time. And the Angels turn out to be "humanlike" … But in those distant times, the problem of UFOs and "aliens" did not exist at all. Now the stated facts can be fully interpreted as evidence of close contact of people of the past with highly developed beings. Let's remember that on the scale of the Universe, which is 17 billion years old, our civilization arose not even "yesterday", but a microsecond ago. Perhaps more ancient civilizations actively influence the life of other planets, including the development of highly organized earthlings? And the human genetic code is partly borrowed from space aliens?

Source: Miracles. Puzzles. Secrets №3. J. Gladkova
