Bright UFO Lights Blazed In Colorado - Alternative View

Bright UFO Lights Blazed In Colorado - Alternative View
Bright UFO Lights Blazed In Colorado - Alternative View

Video: Bright UFO Lights Blazed In Colorado - Alternative View

Video: Bright UFO Lights Blazed In Colorado - Alternative View
Video: Bright blue UFO seen crashing into ocean near Hawaii prompts calls to 911, FAA | ABC7 2024, July

According to a resident of the city of Arvada in Colorado, USA, his brother knew that he was interested in UFOs and everything connected with them. On November 21, 2017 at 17:27 local time, he called and said that strange lights were flickering near their house.

The man asked to take some pictures and immediately rushed home. However, upon arrival, the brother upset said that he did not have time to film what was happening, as the lights disappeared immediately after his call.

The brothers traveled together to where UFO lights had previously been seen.

As they walked down the road, the lights appeared again, and they managed to take a couple of shots. The light sources moved slowly in the sky and shimmered for about half an hour.

The lights appeared to be slightly larger than the stars seen in other parts of the sky, and were clearly below the sparse clouds. They moved back and forth, but did not move too far from each other and just slowly danced around.

Their number in the sky also changed, sometimes increasing to seven, and sometimes decreasing to two or three.

At the beginning of the observation, the man decided that these were drones, but then he analyzed the past experience of observing them and came to the conclusion that they were not them.

The UFO lights became brighter and dimmer, in the end they all simply disappeared.

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An eyewitness shared the incident on Facebook, and a couple of his friends responded that they also saw similar lights in the area.