Nibiru And The Flood - Alternative View

Nibiru And The Flood - Alternative View
Nibiru And The Flood - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru And The Flood - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru And The Flood - Alternative View
Video: Does Planet 9 Exist? 2024, October

If the evidence for the 13,000-year-old Flood is as clear as it seems, then why, one wonders, did it take so long to acknowledge it as a scientific fact? The reason lies in the firmly rooted principle of modern science: no event can be considered “possible” until a scientific theory that explains it has been created. It is for this reason that Alfred Wegener's idea of continental displacement was ignored for 60 years before it was confirmed by the tectonic shield theory. Thus, the fact that scientists do not recognize the event of the Flood is due to their inability to find the real cause of that terrible catastrophe, the consequences of which we have just considered.

However, now, thanks to the deciphering of the text of "Enuma Elish" and the description of events associated with the planet Nibiru - planet X, we can imagine the likely cause of the Flood.

Zakaria Sitchin hypothesized that the planet Nibiru, drawn into its orbit around the Sun, disrupted the stability of the Earth's snow caps and caused the Flood. Indeed, in the Sumerian writings, it is repeatedly repeated that the Flood was caused by the planet Nibiru. It says that the disturbance caused by the planet was so powerful that the Earth was shaken to its very foundations. In one of the texts quoted by Sitchin, Nibiru is characterized quite definitely:

When the wise man cries out "Flood!" -

This is the god Nibiru;

This is a Hero - a planet with four heads.

God, whose weapon is the Water Hurricane, will return yet;

He will sink to his resting place.

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Is it possible to assume, from a scientific point of view, that the planet Nibiru really was the cause of the Great Flood, that thanks to it the water on Earth rose to the height of the Andes and Mount Ararat (on which Noah landed)? Everyday observations show that the combined gravitational effect of the sun and the moon is strong enough to lift the mass of ocean waters, forming a spherical bulge equal in height to a tidal wave. True, these waves can reach as little as 30 feet (10 m) in height, but they confirm an important principle - the ability of gravitational fields to lift the water mass, forming bulges on it. And this phenomenon can be amplified many times over with the close passage of another planet. In the biblical account of the Flood, this is exactly what it says: "… the seabed was opened, and the very foundation of the Earth was exposed."

Moving in its orbit, Nibiru, according to Sitchin, was supposed to be at some point in the Asteroid Belt, at the nearest distance of 166 million miles from Earth. At this distance, it should have been visible from Earth (which is confirmed in the legend of the visit of the Earth by the gods Anu and Antu), but was it close enough to Earth to cause the Flood? From my point of view, no. But before discarding Sitchin's theory, consider first another possibility.

The fact that the trajectory of a planetary body is affected by the proximity of neighboring planets is an established scientific fact.

Therefore, Nibiru, regularly returning to the inner region of the solar system, interacted with other planets, and, probably, each time moved along a slightly changed trajectory. Could it be that instead of reaching its perigee near the Asteroid Belt, it was pulled much closer to Earth?

One Mesopotamian text, translated by Alfred Jeremiah, tells of the arrangement of the planets in which Nibiru once found itself in close proximity to Venus and Earth. In this legend, where the names of the gods are attributed to various planets, it is said that the seven outer planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Nibiru) attacked the "Heavenly Barrier" that separated them from the four inner "planets" (the Sun, Mercury, Venus and the Moon). Later, Ishtar / Venus tried to become "the queen of the heavens" and move into "a magnificent dwelling with Anu / Nibiru." Luna (Xing) was also subjected to a "severe siege." At the end of the story, it is told that Nibiru saved the darkened moon and made it "shine in the heavens" again, and Ishtar / Venus was defeated in her quest for glory. Upon careful reading it becomes clearthat this text, like the Enuma Elish, is not really describing the battle of the gods, but cosmic events.

We find further confirmation of this in the words of the Babylonian historian-priest Beruz, who lived in the 3rd century BC:

“I, Beruz, the interpreter of Belussa, affirm that everything that the Earth inherited will be burned when the five planets unite under the sign of Cancer and are arranged in one row, so that they will be in one straight line. And when they line up in the same way under the sign of Capricorn, we will be in danger of the Flood."

David Fazold, in his extensive study of the Flood, cites a startling fact in Chinese tradition. One pictogram, deciphered by the Chinese scientists S. Kan and E. Nelson, contains a mysterious equation: "eight + connected + earth = total … + water = flood". Fazold interprets this as "eight survivors," but it seems to me that it is more about eight planets, including Nibiru and Venus. The word "connected" should probably mean the moment when all the planets line up in one row, as was said by Beruz and as it is also said in the Mesopotamian text about the attack of the planets on the "Celestial Barrier".

Some authors consider the close transit of Venus to be the cause of the Flood. And in this sense it is curious that the Mayan and Sumerian astronomers studied the orbit of Venus especially carefully. Perhaps the idea of Venus's "approach" is prompted by a number of anomalies of this planet - especially the fact that its surface was recently formed, the existence of an incomprehensible internal source of heat and its unusual reverse (clockwise) rotation. However, this hypothesis suffers from one, but a very significant drawback - it is completely incomprehensible what could force Venus to suddenly leave its orbit?

Thus, we have some evidence that Nibiru accidentally passed very close to Earth and Venus. Could this hypothesis serve as a scientific basis for explaining the Flood? According to this version, Nibiru could be much, much closer than in the Asteroid Belt, at a distance of 166 million miles, as suggested by Sitchin's theory. At its closest approach to Earth, Venus remains 25 million miles away. If we imagine theoretically that Nibiru passed at an equal distance between the two planets, then it should have been 12.5 million miles from Earth. And since this planet was three times the size of Earth, this was enough to cause dramatic consequences.

How did the Flood actually begin? Many studies accept the hypothesis that the Flood was a tidal wave, and accordingly, the authors look for its causes on the Earth itself: According to one such theory, the Antarctic ice sheet on Earth periodically breaks open and its fragments slide into the sea. Another theory is that, as the Bible says, “all the underground streams were opened” (Genesis 7-11), which means that gases burst through the cracks in the ocean floor, putting pressure on the ocean water.

But more plausible hypotheses arise if we try to find external - cosmic reasons for the Flood. Scientists believe that when two planets come close together, a "cosmic stress field" is formed, in which colossal electromagnetic forces are concentrated. And thus, the passage of Nibiru, which was three times the size of the Earth, should have caused significant shocks that generated the volcanic effects accompanying the Flood. A side effect could well have been melting ice at the poles, sliding ice into the sea and blowing out gases in the ocean. As for the Flood itself, the earth's waters were probably drawn by the force of gravity, and a huge water bubble was formed, directed towards Nibiru at the time of its approach to the Earth. Then, as Nibiru passed by, all this water mass poured back to Earth,dragging along a mass of torn trees, many animal corpses and dumping everything in a heap.

It can also be assumed that this meeting with Nibiru influenced the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, rotation around its own axis and the tilt of the axis. One ancient text - the epic Poem of Erra - contains a direct allusion to the changes in the Earth's orbit during the Flood. So, the god Marduk complains that because of the Flood "the order of conjugation of Heaven and Earth went out of the ordinary rut, and the location of the gods, heavenly bodies changed, and they did not return to their former places."

Apparently, the earth's magnetic field was also affected. In 1972, Swedish scientists who studied samples of the earth's crust came to the conclusion that 12,400 years ago there was a change in the sign of the Earth's magnetic field. In fact, over the long history of the Earth, such changes in the magnetic field, most likely, were many, but so far this phenomenon has not been given a scientific explanation.

The rapprochement with Nibiru probably had dramatic consequences for Venus. Venus is the only planet in the solar system that rotates clockwise on its axis. The speed of its rotation is also unusual - it takes Venus at least 243 days to complete revolution around its axis. Many planets orbit in one day or less, with the exception of Pluto (6.4 days) and Mercury (58.6 days). The combination of these oddities allows one to believe, as Tom Van Flandern says, that "something else, not the Sun, took away the speed of rotation from Venus." I think that it was the electromagnetic forces of Nibiru in those distant times that first slowed down the rotation of Venus, and then forced it to slowly rotate in the opposite direction. Indeed, Enuma Elish confirms that the planet Nibiru / Marduk rotated clockwise,in the direction opposite to all other planets. This collision probably explains the high internal heat on Venus - which is a complete mystery to astronomers.

Are these disturbances on Venus inherited since its inception, or are they relatively recent phenomena? One scientist, Dr. Stuart Greenwood, noticed that the cloud cover over Venus has changed significantly over the past several thousand years. Comparing ancient astronomical records from the time of the Mayans and the Babylonians, Greenwood established that the period when Venus is not visible at the moment of "closest approach" (when it cannot be seen behind the Sun) has significantly decreased - if once this period was equal to 90 days, now - only 50 days. Greenwood concluded that in recent times, Venus must have had an atmosphere that contained a much smaller cloud cover. This suggests that Venus is currently "recovering" from the recent collision with Nibiru.

It is probably no coincidence that the Aztecs have preserved a legend in which Venus is called "the star that smokes." It is very possible that this old legend, passed down from generation to generation, is based on eyewitness accounts from the time of the Flood. If so, then Venus may have lost its atmosphere during the collision with Nibiru and restored it over the past 13 thousand years. This Aztec legend echoes the Greek legend, which says that some "flaming star" nearly destroyed the world, flooded the Earth, and then turned into Venus! There must be some kind of historical background in the seemingly irrational fear that the Maya Indians have for Venus - they believe that at a certain position in orbit, it can lead to death.

Thus, science and legends are here combined and jointly reinforce the view that the Flood was a historical event and was caused by an external source that also affected Venus. The planet Nibiru is the missing link that has been searched for for so long, and which can now serve as a scientific basis for the legends of the Flood.

Alford Alan
