How To Read The Clues Of Fate. Practical Guide - Alternative View

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How To Read The Clues Of Fate. Practical Guide - Alternative View
How To Read The Clues Of Fate. Practical Guide - Alternative View

Video: How To Read The Clues Of Fate. Practical Guide - Alternative View

Video: How To Read The Clues Of Fate. Practical Guide - Alternative View
Video: How do you use a Micropipette? A practical guide! 2024, October

Your secret

Man is the creator of his own destiny and the Master of the world in which he lives. But, as a creator, he must be aware of what he is doing and how correct his actions are.

But what we do is far from always tangible, tangible and subject to assessment from the standpoint of well-known categories. And at the same time, only the lazy will not notice that most of our actions, deeds, deeds are reflected in the world around us.

Not only and not so much in the form of a real process, but in the form of plots, events, situations that remind us of our deeds and our plans. What is it? Coincidence or pattern? The book “How to read the clues of fate. Practical Guide tells us that everything that happens around us, from small to large, is not a coincidence, not an accident, but a clear and well-coordinated mechanism, a look at which allows us to get real confirmation and evidence that everything is the world is not accidental.

It has long been known about the Signs that humanity receives and sees. There is no book, there is no event, which would not be shrouded in the mystery of signs, warnings, hints, seeing and understanding which, most often after the event, people made certain conclusions.

But the conclusion drawn after, went only into the piggy bank of experience, without giving the opportunity to prevent, correct what had already happened. Understanding the same clues before the event, during the period of its formation and formation, was considered a high skill and ability to follow the drawing of fate and the clues of the universe, not relying only on one's own opinion.

But let's look at the process of obtaining information from the other side. And why, in fact, only the "chosen ones" should have greater capabilities or more information than ordinary people who have nothing to do with the occult? Why some may know, others may not? What is the reason for this inequality?

You can, of course, talk long and tediously about the fact that for the most part occultists have a special education, talent or gift, which is a pass to the world of the unknown. Or that not everything is worth knowing to a person. All this will be true, but not quite.

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The system (universe) gives people equal opportunities. It's just that some, applying strength and patience, develop and strengthen them, others simply live, spending neither energy nor time to understand what actually represents the world in which they live.

And to everyone, striving or not striving to develop or understand themselves and the world, the System provides information. This happens every minute and every second. The mass of events, situations, processes occurring around a person outside of his will and intention, suggest thought, stop, limit, induce, make him change plans and the usual train of thought. All this, spontaneously and irregularly, like the wind on the high seas, by the will of nature, but not by the will of man. But it is possible otherwise.

How and how? Look around you. You walk by people and hear a conversation, phrases. You walk down the street and you see an event. Is it all by chance? In occultism, there is no such word, since everything that happens to a person and around a person has a causal relationship.

Take the plot for example. You come to work. Your computer crashed for no reason. You cannot do what you wanted and should, but have to wait for the master and take your time with what "comes to hand". Conversations with colleagues, looking through papers, putting things in order on the table, reading a newspaper. What or what can you push or move to? Just don't say: there is nothing! This is not true. You, in any case and regardless of your will, will enter a cycle of events that is alien to your plans and intentions, you will receive new information, new information. You will become a participant in a situation that you would never have been in before this event. You are in the circle of the new, and this new is your world.

The world around a person is his reflection. He lives in that environment, communicates with those people, exists in the environment of those circumstances that he deserves for a particular period of time. But as the world around a person (and this, as you yourself understand, is only a small part of the real world) reflects it, like a person's gaze in a mirror, so the mirror itself can tell a person about what is happening to him or her, it is only look right.

Of course, you should not take the concept of "the world around a person - his reflection" literally. This does not mean that the trash can is a reflection of your entire I, but only a part, physiological. We are all flesh and blood and do not forget about that. And the world is able to reflect only what is contained in you, in a person. And naturally, not all the processes of the external world cause your approval and satisfaction, but if you look deep into yourself, impartially, it may turn out to be so. Rather, it will surely be the same on whether you are ready to dissemble or face facts, a lot depends on the dialogue with the System. After all, the System, unlike a person, is impartial, and its assessment is devoid of an emotional component, in contrast to the perception of a person who receives and adapts information with a certain amount of emotion. But let's move on …

Signs, signs, manifestations - these are the few definitions that contain information that the universe, by virtue of its Laws, seeks to bring to human understanding. And this does not mean at all that she wants it. This happens due to the laws of the universe, and a person who is part of it falls into the sphere of disseminating such information. And the task of a person, if he really wants to understand what he is being told and for what purpose he is told, is to listen to it.

But how, according to what principles and on what basis does all of the above function?

Imagine the surrounding world of a person in the form of the surface of lake water. It is the lake one, since the human world is small enough and limited by his interests. In this lake there is a man himself, he has a lot of objects surrounding him. Water is just an analogy for information. The man takes a step. This, as you understand, leads to the emergence of waves, large or small, which move from a person to surrounding objects, carrying information about his action. But the waves, having reached these objects, are reflected from them and partially return to the person, carrying the color-information of the external environment. As a result, a person receives certain responses to his step, and is able, if he thinks and evaluates what is happening, to evaluate the consequences of this step.

Also, objects in this lake, moving, inform a person about their steps, whether they like it or not. Moreover, as you understand, the speed of the waves in the information sense is incommensurably higher than the speed of the waves in the water.

This principle is similar to echolocation. An act, thought, desire is an impulse that reaches the object, reflects from it, and brings a kind of response. This answer, falling under the category of development, sign, is not always straightforward. Its shape depends entirely on both the impulse itself and what served as the reflective structure.

And in order to learn to distinguish the essence of the information received from its shell, it is necessary to look impartially and realistically at what comes to us from outside. In any plot, event and information there is an essence (or applied truth) that must be learned to separate.

In addition to the fact that information is divided into types, the information also differs in the form of the response. A conversation is one thing, a situation you see is another, and so on. The difference in the form of the answer determines the source of the process. Of course, information can be intertwined, contain several components from different sources, but even this can be separated and understood.

Knowledge of the source of information is extremely important, since it is the source, regardless of the knowledge or lack of knowledge of a person, that determines the quality of the process. The source, or its Laws, which each have their own, determine what and how will happen. What is considered correct or legal in relation to a given source, and what may be a violation. And it is this knowledge that allows you to control the situation, and, as a fact, your own life.

The habit of listening to the conversation of the Universe is a very good habit, but it requires skill and a certain amount of patience from you in the beginning. You must learn to pay attention to everything, all events, situations, words that occur in your environment. But not through the prism of “they showed it to me”, the most common mistake that leads to big problems in the perception of the world around us, but through the prism I saw it, which means it can be significant.

This is the little that could be told to you within the framework of this short article. You can learn more, more clearly and clearly in my book.

Best regards, Dmitry Nevsky
