Flying Shields And Star People: Contacts Of Indian Tribes With Alien Civilizations - Alternative View

Flying Shields And Star People: Contacts Of Indian Tribes With Alien Civilizations - Alternative View
Flying Shields And Star People: Contacts Of Indian Tribes With Alien Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Flying Shields And Star People: Contacts Of Indian Tribes With Alien Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Flying Shields And Star People: Contacts Of Indian Tribes With Alien Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Hopi Legend Predicts Alien Arrival (Season 7) | History 2024, October

Civilizations with a special understanding of the metaphysics of the Universe, who believe in the existence of subtle worlds, still keep the memory of that period in their history when earthlings freely interacted with "star people".

Representatives of the culture of pre-Columbian America, enslaved and exterminated by Europeans, did not share either the religion or beliefs of their colonizers. In these territories, a unique system of moral, religious and philosophical views has been formed. Like a precious treasure, the Indians did their best to preserve the ancient knowledge of their ancestors.

Many legends were irretrievably lost, but some of the information, fortunately, survived, passing the test of time. British scientists are unable to explain some facts from the history of the indigenous population of America, because it turned out that the starting points of the Indian worldview contradict the prevailing Western European paradigm.

Representatives of different Indian tribes tell similar legends about otherworldly beings - "people of the stars", descended from heaven to share their knowledge with ancient mankind. Obviously, the aliens considered the first inhabitants of our planet worthy of their generous gifts and wise teachings.


According to the Indians, the ancient people established contact with various alien civilizations. Proof - myths that tell about such meetings. The ancestors of Native Americans, for example, knew about flying machines and technology so sophisticated that they could easily be confused with magic.

Generations followed each other. Over time, the original legends were overgrown with details and, like vignettes, were embellished with stunning details.

“My people talk about the Star People who came to us many centuries ago,” Richard Wagamesh begins his story. “People from the stars brought their spiritual teachings and offered to get acquainted with the map of the cosmos. They were kind, full of love and compassion and served as an excellent example for young Indians. When the aliens left us, my people were orphaned."

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Where did the Star People come from in Ojibway and where did they go? Who brought the knowledge to them? What scientific achievements did they use to make their incredible flights? Will we ever be able to become like them?”- asks himself Vagamesh.

The Hopi Indians are sure that they owe much of their knowledge to newcomers from the distant Pleiades. Cultural wealth, way of life - all of this the Hopi inherited from their teachers. At the same time, the Pleiadians taught the Dakota tribe.

The Kree tribe lives nearby, which believes that a long time ago there was such a moment in their history when the "founding fathers" flew in from distant stars. At first, the aliens were ethereal beings, and later they were able to materialize and become like people.


The indigenous inhabitants of Lakota talk about celestial beings who, when passing into the world of dense matter, activated special energy shields around themselves. The alien ships were like glowing balls. Sometimes the space guests took the most gifted children with them and traveled with them throughout space.

The theory of paleocontact is not new at all, but Native Americans perceive the topic from a more spiritual point of view than the Western world.

Stephanie Wuttuni explains this phenomenon in detail: “My people do not pursue the truth, as the representatives of the dominant culture do. We pay more attention to the spiritual essence of things. Therefore, you will never meet an Indian who would rush to solve this or that issue with the greed of a person hungry for knowledge. This direct, harsh approach is alien to us.

First we retreat to observe - to look and listen. Wuttuni recalls listening to the stories of the elders as a child. This was information passed down from generation to generation. Legends often talked about aliens from distant stars and relationships with them. The aliens themselves established contact with her tribe. Unlike Europeans, celebrity guests were not aggressive creatures, and they did not have to be afraid.

“I remember well with what trepidation and admiration I listened to the stories that once we were friends with beings not from our world. At night, I tried to mentally talk to these aliens. I wanted to know who they are and what they look like, whether they have the same families as people, etc."

“As a teenager, I was surprised to learn that not only the elders of my tribe, but the people of the mainstream culture also knew about these creatures. But the perception of aliens by Indians and Europeans was very different. The Indians have always believed in another reality and other worlds."

Hopi petroglyphs depicting Star People with "flying shields" hovering over their heads
Hopi petroglyphs depicting Star People with "flying shields" hovering over their heads

Hopi petroglyphs depicting Star People with "flying shields" hovering over their heads

Before knowledge of the UFO phenomenon spread throughout the world, the mystic Olgala Siu (1863–1950), known as the Black Elk, recounted one of his encounters with aliens during his tour of the Wild West. The man argued that such meetings were not just isolated events - they were “embedded” in the culture of the Native American population.

Here is his story: “I had a vision that a disk appeared from above. Scientists call them unidentified flying objects, but this is a joke, you know? Europeans are ignorant, they have lost touch with the power and wisdom of nature, so they do not have such a gift to see the invisible."

“The disk flew right at me and landed. It was concave, and the upper part protruded on it. It flew noiselessly, but glowed with neon lights. Then the little people came. Each of their groups speaks their own language."

“They could read minds, and I could read their minds. Therefore, we communicated silently. Imagine that you are reading a book silently and not out loud. Something like that. They are humanoid creatures, so I greeted them and said, "Welcome."

Without a doubt, all Indian tribes still maintain an energetic connection with Mother Earth. They call themselves "the original guardians of the planet" and condemn the path of Western democracy leading to inevitable destruction. According to the Indians, the connection between the Earth and her children was seriously broken, so the planet began to take revenge on its offenders. For the same reason, Star People have turned their backs on modern humans and do not want to come into direct contact with earthlings.

The Indians offer their own solution to the problem. Humanity needs to awaken its awareness, make a shift in consciousness. This will make us worthy, and advanced space civilizations will again want to cooperate with us. Native American people believe that we all sail in the same boat. Now this boat is leaking, and we have a one-way ticket. It is possible to survive only by universal efforts, by the efforts of all mankind.

Elena Muravyova for
