Dreams Are Reality - Alternative View

Dreams Are Reality - Alternative View
Dreams Are Reality - Alternative View

Video: Dreams Are Reality - Alternative View

Video: Dreams Are Reality - Alternative View
Video: Dreams May Take Place in Parallel Dimension 2024, June

A few years ago, as a result of a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University (USA), it was found that the intuition of pregnant women regarding the sex of the unborn child is not wrong in 70% of cases. But the dreams of pregnant women related to the sex of the unborn child turn out to be true in 100% of cases!

Dreams give a person information that already sits somewhere in the depths of his subconscious. They often indicate what this person needs to grow, achieve psychological harmony, healthy relationships with other people, etc. They help you choose the right path and remind you of unfinished business. Dreams are real factories for the production of meanings. And they never lie.

The writer Tom Robbins once said that dreams don't come true - they are reality. And when we talk about fulfilled dreams, we usually mean the implementation of our ambitious plans or desires.

Sleep is most directly related to the moment of awakening. When the “soap bubble” of our sleep breaks, we momentarily get the opportunity to look inside our own subconscious and fish out some images from there that relate to what we should be. It seems like our brains work tirelessly to fulfill our potential day and night.

There are things that cannot be seen during the day in bright light - stars, for example. In order to see some things, darkness is required. We can puzzle over a solution to a problem for a very long time, and then it comes in a dream - on a silver platter. It turns out that trying to solve a problem without the information that is stored in our dreams is the same as if the judge passed his verdict, ignoring half of the facts in the case.

Many of our dreams are worthy of being called "masterpieces of metaphorical communication." Once, for example, I dreamed that I received a plump wad of one hundred dollar bills, and then I discovered a deception - only the first bill was real. In another dream, I lost my wallet with all my ID cards. In the third, I found a golden calf, badly dented and chained to the ground with a thick chain. In the fourth, my boss invited me to an extravagant pool party at his estate, but the pool was empty.

The meaning of all these dreams was quite clear to me.

Dreams carry real information, real impulses, real emotions. And if you ignore them, then the consequences will also be quite real.

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The Senoi people live in Malaysia, where there is a real cult of sleep. Every morning these people get together to tell each other about their dreams last night and to discuss the meaning of those dreams. All important decisions are made with dreams in mind. Senoi believe that when something or someone pursues a person in a dream, it is more an ally than an enemy. Therefore, you need not run away, but turn your face to the pursuer and find out why you are being pursued, what they want to say / warn / remind about.

And, by the way, hay and do not know at all what depression, neuroses or psychosis are.