Cotard Syndrome Makes People Think Of Themselves As Zombies - Alternative View

Cotard Syndrome Makes People Think Of Themselves As Zombies - Alternative View
Cotard Syndrome Makes People Think Of Themselves As Zombies - Alternative View

Video: Cotard Syndrome Makes People Think Of Themselves As Zombies - Alternative View

Video: Cotard Syndrome Makes People Think Of Themselves As Zombies - Alternative View
Video: Cotard's Syndrome: When People Believe They're Dead 2024, October

Graham suffered from an extremely rare disorder called the walking dead syndrome. He sincerely believed that he had died a long time ago, which is why he spent almost all his free time at the cemetery.

Nine years ago, this man from Great Britain, who goes by the name of Graham in the press, woke up in the morning and decided that he was already dead. A little later, doctors diagnosed him with Cotard syndrome, which is also known as the walking dead syndrome.

It affects people who are convinced that they have turned into zombies. However, Graham did not believe the doctors. He continued to insist that his brain was dead, as he "accidentally scalded it in the bathroom."

“I didn't want to see people because I didn't see the point,” Graham says. - Nothing made me happy. I used to adore my car, but after the onset of the disease I lost all interest in it. Everything that pleased me vanished at once. Lost taste and smell. He stopped talking. Even my thoughts disappeared, because everything seemed meaningless."



Graham stopped brushing his teeth, and they turned black, which strengthened the likeness of the deceased. And only in the cemetery did he find peace, because he felt himself there in his place. He lost interest in smoking, he stopped even eating, as there is "no point in this after death." Only after a month of therapy was he able to return to normal life. Cotard's syndrome is one of the rarest in the world. It is believed that on the entire planet no more than a few hundred people suffer from it.

The syndrome is associated with depression and develops in several different forms. Some of his victims develop the illusion that they have been denied limbs, someone believes that they are "completely dead." Often, victims of this disorder actually starve to death because they do not feel the need to eat. There are those who pour sulfuric acid on themselves in order to "burn rotting dead flesh."

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