John Kaminsky: America Stinks Like A Stagnant Pond - Alternative View

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John Kaminsky: America Stinks Like A Stagnant Pond - Alternative View
John Kaminsky: America Stinks Like A Stagnant Pond - Alternative View

Eutrophication of American consciousness

A society that does not believe in itself will not survive.

Too many nutrients, not enough movement. Like a fish in a pond … most people know that if you eat too much, you find it hard to breathe. And you are easier for predators to catch.

Now this pond already stinks. We breathe in this stench and choke on a cough, but then deny that something is wrong. What we rarely consider is our own stupidity. Slowly, very slowly, in a process that has spanned generations, as our oxygen levels decline, our mind shuts down.

We humans are ourselves the stinking, vile foam on the planet, sucking life out of it as quickly as we can, regardless of the damage we are doing. As a pond is covered with green algae, which only extinguish all life under them, so the human mind suffocates, buried under an endless wave of deceptive information that prevents us from focusing on the main thing - clean air and water, as well as healthy nutrition - now all these objects are almost inaccessible for most of the world's population.

Our brain shuts down because it is paralyzed by too many choices that cause mental blockages known as cognitive dissonance, where depending on the point of view, the same answer is right and wrong.

This is due to the influence on us of too many people who lie to make money, and with the lack of influence of too few people trying to fix something that is clearly not appropriate for human society.

We grow up with a range of dogmas embedded in our minds, so when we find that most of them are wrong, the subsequent irritation forces most of us to give up trying to understand the forces that these dogmas have laid in us in order to use us to our advantage and exploit. And we go into our own little worlds.

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When we do this, we do not immediately notice that between our life and what happens in the outside world, at first there is only a translucent veil of indifference. But soon it turns into an opaque barrier of ignorance, which can be compared to thinking vile foam on the surface of a pond, when idle chatter dominates your consciousness, where dead fish swim in a green slurry and birds fall from the sky.

This is the story of our eutrophication, a gradual transition from true (genuine) knowledge to false propaganda. Along the way, genuine unauthorized knowledge will one day become illegal (as has already happened in blocked countries such as France and Germany).

black mist

Americans were shocked by the 2016 presidential election when they had to choose between two Rothschild puppets who were completely subservient to their Israeli masters, a long-standing presidential tradition.

A society that does not believe in itself will not survive.

Money has replaced the soul in the human pursuit of happiness. Needless to say, this is not a good sign.

Most societies today are falling apart because its people really don't believe in anything. And without any belief in a good future, life suddenly fades away, your vibrations weaken, and the reasons for extending life become more and more difficult to find.

Society is falling apart because there is nothing to believe in. Our leaders are known to be corrupt. Our priests rape children. The Bible, which held the faith of many, was made up of myths put together to give power over more people.

All idols were defeated, all gods were debunked. The neighbors will hear about your good deeds, but the rest of the world will focus only on your crimes, after which you will receive the maximum punishment from a judge who does not know you.

If you try to reveal the truth, you will be persecuted by those who earn money dishonestly, cowardly mongrels will mock you in public.

Once crystal clear, the purpose of life has become cloudy.

One thing leads to another

Lack of faith in the future makes hell manifest on Earth.

To even begin to eliminate the disease of society, you must first examine the condition of the individual. Of course, people from different backgrounds have different markers for measurement, but for the review it is necessary to judge the daily habits of people, which are very similar all over the world. We swim, we shop, we go to work that allows us to build a home and raise a family and hopefully die surrounded by many loving grandchildren.

We like to think that we have mastered at least one important skill that makes us proud of the life we have lived in. If we are not proud of our life, then it makes us dangerous to everyone else.

The Protestant Reformation introduced the Old Testament to worshipers of the Christian religion, which ultimately led to the collapse.

Morally, Americans have become vile froth on the surface of the pond, indulging in poisons in their food and medicine, oblivious to the murder of millions each year in their country’s endless battle with evil aliens who have the precious minerals and fossils that the Deep State overseers crave. Most Americans don't even realize they are responsible for killing hundreds of Syrian children (twice) and deliberately infecting thousands of people in Yemen with cholera.

We have sent half the world to a violent death based on a political scenario that is completely false.

Scientifically, Americans have become vile foam on the pond because all their aspirations and knowledge are geared towards military applications, so the progress that could be made to alleviate human suffering has been wasted on weapons systems that don't work very well.

Spiritually, the prayers of Americans have been captured by cynical evangelicals who value their riches more than the souls of their listeners.

Most people you know refuse to see America's predatory nature, refuse to see the 9/11 lie; our government refuses even to tell the truth about the Las Vegas “shooting” or the Sonoma County fires that burned down houses but did not affect the trees around them. This is a serious indicator of foul foam on the pond.

Virtually every category of human effort is controlled by those who seek not to enlighten, but to deceive their gullible goals, an ancient profession that makes a profit for the professional fraudster. It is a calling that attracts too large a percentage of the population, and which will no doubt be death for all of us.

Seen from the perspective of the universe, humans are a completely useless form of life.

People are blocked from participation

There is no single place for rational discussion that grabs the attention of the world, in part because our oppressors control every opportunity for mass dissemination of information, and simply will not allow the truth to be told about most of the issues.

There is no real mention in any college curriculum of something that can benefit everyone.

It is necessary to see the past of the filthy foam from the surface of the pond, produced by our sticky leaders, with their false bloodlines, to see the predicament that the human species has created for itself. With enough sunshine and rain, the foul foam will disappear, but it will take time and I don't want to mitigate the damage we've done to ourselves.

Some of the richest, most powerful people in the world seek to rape and kill - and even use children for pleasure. And the highest leaders in our country are involved in all this. If we don't fix this, we shouldn't live. We are just disgusting foam on the surface of the pond and disturb the whole world.

Eutrophication is the saturation of water bodies with biogenic elements, accompanied by an increase in the biological productivity of water basins. Eutrophication can be the result of both natural aging of a water body and anthropogenic impacts.