Tenant Julia - Alternative View

Tenant Julia - Alternative View
Tenant Julia - Alternative View

Video: Tenant Julia - Alternative View

Video: Tenant Julia - Alternative View
Video: FULL BODY WORKOUT STRENGTH & HIIT by Kanch 2024, October

At the end of October 1997, Julia Esteves moved into an old apartment in the Palermo area of Buenos Aires. Prices for new apartments were exorbitant, and she decided to buy an old, rather spacious apartment, although she was not satisfied with everything. The apartment consisted of a kitchen, dining room, bedroom and bathroom, and there was also a laundry room. Quite a comfortable home.

However, after a few days Julia began to feel uneasy at night. Drafts whistled ominously in the laundry, it was always cold and even the light bulb did not dispel the twilight. Julia did not want to succumb to childhood fears, but several times in the evening she found it difficult to force herself to have dinner in the kitchen, sitting with her back to the door of the laundry. She felt that someone was waiting for her in the dark, like a bird of prey. Of course, it was ridiculous to run from your own home. Like most of the hunters pursued, she could not move, hoping that the hunter would leave.

“I couldn't take a minute longer. I saw the face of a corpse looking at me. His gaze pierced me through, his face approached mine at a distance of two fingers. I couldn't breathe, as if a noose was being pulled around my neck. It rattled in my temples. I passed out and I don't remember anything else."

Later, neighbors told Julia that the previous owner of the apartment did not leave to live in the province, as the real estate agency claimed, but died under strange circumstances. She was found with a deep wound on her head. The conclusion of the forensic medical examination stated that she hit the kitchen sink. However, it was not clear why her husband then disappeared without a trace.

“We called a medium to cleanse the house. Now I can clearly read traces of violence that I had not noticed before. I plugged the hole behind the closet and informed the police that I received two calls some time after the move. They say that it was probably the husband of the deceased who called, and they say that they will figure it out."