Are Natural Disasters Spawning Ghosts? - Alternative View

Are Natural Disasters Spawning Ghosts? - Alternative View
Are Natural Disasters Spawning Ghosts? - Alternative View

Video: Are Natural Disasters Spawning Ghosts? - Alternative View

Video: Are Natural Disasters Spawning Ghosts? - Alternative View
Video: NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 04 - 10 july 2021 Climate changе! disasters 2021 flood 2024, June

In the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan, firefighters from Tagajo continued to receive calls from “residents” in areas destroyed by the disaster. The strange calls continued until rescuers visited the ruins and held a prayer service. After collective prayer, the calls from the dead stopped. A Japanese nurse from Sendai was visited by more than two dozen tsunami victims' spirits that infested her.

A similar increase in the number of ghosts was observed in Chile after the 8.8 magnitude earthquake. A woman approached the local watchman at night with a request to help retrieve the body of her deceased son, which is located at the pillars of a nearby bridge. In response, the watchman said that he could not leave the place of work, but would report what had happened. However, as soon as he took up a paper with a pen to write down the information received from the woman, she disappeared without a trace. The next day, at the place indicated by the ghost, the corpse of an 11-year-old child was found.


From the Chilean tent city, where about three dozen people died, we heard the screams of the dead for a long time. Similar appearances of ghosts with poltergeists were observed after other natural disasters around the world: in New Zealand after the 2011 earthquake, in the US state of Washington in 1910 after an avalanche near Wellington and other areas.