UFO Healed A Talented Pianist - Alternative View

UFO Healed A Talented Pianist - Alternative View
UFO Healed A Talented Pianist - Alternative View

Video: UFO Healed A Talented Pianist - Alternative View

Video: UFO Healed A Talented Pianist - Alternative View
Video: Was President Roosevelt In Possession Of Extraterrestrial Technology? | UFO: The Lost Evidence 2024, October

MUFON (English MUFON - Mutual UFO Network) is the world's largest American organization for the study of extraterrestrial space and the study of various cases of UFO activity.

It was established on a voluntary basis in May 1969, and now its offices are open in every country in the world. The number of registered participants is more than 3 thousand people. Over its almost half-century history, MUFON has collected an impressive archive of photographs, audio and video recordings, documents and eyewitness accounts.

Many of these materials are published annually on the pages of the mufon magazines Skyluk and UFO Monthly. The rest are open to the public on the organization's website. The story that will be discussed in this article is taken from life, although the name and surname of the main character were not disclosed at his request. At least, this is what the authoritative researchers of the MUFON organization say.

It happened in November 1968 in one of the settlements of the French Alps. The main character, Dr. H., at that time was 43 years old, and he had a little son. The man was once a talented pianist, but during the Algerian War he was not lucky enough to step on a mine - and, as a result, both limbs on the right side were paralyzed. Ten years later, the injuries sustained in the war continued to bother him. After a long rehabilitation course, he was able to walk, visibly limping. There was no question of playing the piano again.

Three days before the event, the doctor was chopping wood, the ax slipped out of his hands and injured his leg just above the ankle. He immediately treated the wound, but it was still very painful, and the man could hardly move.

On a rainy night, a man woke up crying from his 14 month old son. The clock was 3, the wife was sleeping soundly, and the doctor decided not to wake her. The shutters in the nursery were closed, but a bright light shone through the doors. The weather was stormy, and the man thought it was lightning flashes. He gave the child a bottle of milk and went to the kitchen to drink water, barely going down the stairs.

The rain stopped, but the flashes of light outside the window did not stop. The doctor noted to himself that, oddly enough, no thunder was heard either. He went into the living room, flung open the door to the terrace - and froze in surprise. Far below, in the valley, hovered two identical disc-shaped objects with horizontal and vertical antennas, which flashed brightly at intervals of one second.

Opening his mouth and holding his breath, the man watched as the discs slowly flew in his direction, at the same time approaching each other. The antennas on their inner side began to intertwine, merging until they disappeared completely - and the two aircraft became one large ship. When the object was two hundred meters away, the UFO suddenly stopped and released a beam of light, which, like a shining corridor, slowly stretched towards the man. When the beam reached its target, Dr. H. instinctively covered his eyes with his hand. A moment later, there was a sound like an explosion of fireworks - and the light immediately disappeared, and with it the UFO itself was gone.

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Shocked by what he saw, the man returned to the kitchen and wrote down everything that he happened to observe. In addition, he sketched the discs. Then he went upstairs, woke up his wife and began to tell her about what had happened, excitedly walking around the room. "Your leg!" The woman cried softly. She noticed that her husband was no longer limping. The doctor lifted the leg of his pajamas. The ax wound completely healed, although even in the evening it caused him severe pain.

After some time, the man no longer bothered about the old wound received in the war. Moreover, he miraculously recovered the motor functions of his right hand, and he was able to play the piano again. He considered his healing a gift from aliens.

Maybe this whole story is just a beautiful legend. One of those that are told at the table or around the fire during the hike. After all, no matter how serious the researchers from the MUFON organization are, they are only people. And people, as you know, sometimes like to embellish and wishful thinking. But this case is not the only one of its kind.

In May 1974, an Arizona woman was diagnosed with pelvic cancer. Soon after the operation, metastases spread to the pancreas. The second operation did not help either - and a year later the disease spread to the intestines. The chemotherapy course was unsuccessful, and the doctors let the patient go home to be with her family before she died.

Several agonizing days passed in this way. And one night the woman heard someone calling her name. Without realizing what she was doing, the patient got into the car and drove to a neighboring village. Approaching the settlement, the woman saw an unidentified object hovering in the sky. A huge silver UFO landed on the ground, and short creatures in tight-fitting metallic overalls emerged from it.

The aliens approached the car and asked the woman to follow them to their ship. They said they wanted to help. The woman obediently obeyed. Inside the ship, the patient was stripped and examined. Then they told her the same thing as earthly doctors: she has cancer. At the same time, the aliens promised to cure her. A similar tray with handles appeared over the patient's body. This device was taken back and forth, and each time the woman experienced excruciating pain.

After that, a bright red liquid was injected into the patient's abdomen, then about 2 liters of dark blood were pumped out of it and several injections were made. The woman was conscious, observing the outlandish medical devices with which she was treated. When all the procedures were over, the patient was told that she was completely healthy and could get up and get dressed.

Returning home, the woman went to bed and the next morning felt disgusting. Towards evening, she began to feel sick, and a black, foul-smelling mucus came out of her stomach. Relatives took the woman to the hospital, deciding that she was dying. Three days later, the patient's health improved, and soon the doctors told her the good news - she no longer had cancer.

In December 1994, Morgana Van Clausen was prescribed an operation to remove a breast tumor. The day before this operation, he and his son were traveling in a car and saw a triangular UFO through the window. A few seconds later, the aircraft disappeared into the sky. At night, Morgana woke up with severe chest pain - so severe that the woman fainted from the shock. Barely mustering her strength, in the morning she went to the hospital. And then it turned out that the tumor disappeared incredibly without a trace.

Of course, it is not necessary to unquestioningly believe that aliens are not only aggressive, but also “kind”, helping people in trouble. But who knows … Perhaps, if not our creators, then our kindred creatures, who are not indifferent to what is happening on Earth, live in the universe. At the same time, it is a pity that such miraculous healings happen selectively and infrequently.

Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info