Why Do UFOs Kidnap People And Animals? - Alternative View

Why Do UFOs Kidnap People And Animals? - Alternative View
Why Do UFOs Kidnap People And Animals? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do UFOs Kidnap People And Animals? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do UFOs Kidnap People And Animals? - Alternative View
Video: Siblings' "Bizarre" Story of Being Abducted by Aliens | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN 2024, July

Forest workers in the American state of Washington, in the very north of the country near the border with Canada, witnessed an absolutely incredible event: right before their eyes in broad daylight, an unidentified flying object kidnapped a huge elk!

On the day this happened, the workers saw that from the very morning a herd of moose was peacefully grazing on the slope of a nearby hill, there were a dozen and a half of them. The herd consisted entirely of females and young one-year-olds. males at this time of year are separately, in their "bachelor" herd, and graze slightly higher on the slope.

Now, on their way to lunch, two workers, Francisco and Augustine, who had overtaken the others and had almost reached the top of the hill, saw this herd again, but from above. And at the same moment, Francisco noticed a strange flying object, which slowly, as if stealthily, walked over the hill, as if following the terrain and snuggling closer to the ground.

The UFO flew approximately 50-60 meters below the point of the hill where Francisco and his friend were at that time, and the distance to him in a straight line did not exceed 800-900 meters. The object was clearly heading in the direction of the herd.

When the moose spotted the object, they rushed up the slope in an easterly direction, but their movement was greatly impeded, since the mass of recently chopped deciduous trees was a thick palisade of half-meter trunks sticking up like sharp peaks. Here and there the road was blocked by real barricades of felled trees.

One moose cow lagged far behind everyone and, having lost her orientation, moved in the other direction, to the north. The UFO was clearly aiming at a single person and began to approach her. Astounded Francisco, seeing this "hunt", shouted to his friend, pointing his hand in that direction: "Hey, just look at this!"

Smoothly swinging, the UFO moved at a low speed, not exceeding 8-10 km per hour. When he caught up with the moose, this scene was seen by at least three workers - Augustine, who was walking next to Francisco, and the forester foreman, who was 500 meters away from them.

The UFO entered directly over the moose cow and, without stopping for a second, somehow lifted her into the air, and without any visible devices: none of those present saw any cables or anything like that! Everyone, however, was extremely surprised at how, in general, this relatively small aircraft could lift such a large animal.

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Having gained height only enough so as not to touch the undergrowth, the object, still in the same oscillatory rhythm, moved on, and the moose cow hanging under it in complete immobility now looked like a monumental metal statue, swimming the same course exactly under the bottom of the UFO. The animal's legs - in unison with the vibrations of the aircraft - periodically described circular movements, almost touching the bushes and the tops of the chopped-off low trees.

After some time, the UFO passed the cleared area of the territory and approached the edge of the forest. He did not slow down and, apparently, did not make the necessary maneuver in time, since he clearly touched the treetops. At such a distance, the workers could not clearly see what exactly - the disc itself, or an elk, or something else hit the upper branches, but everyone saw that the UFO suddenly "dived", ie. decreased, changed direction to the opposite, but immediately went vertically upward. Eyewitnesses got the impression that at that moment the UFO almost lost a moose cow. Having risen above the forest, the object moved to the north, keeping at a low altitude above the very tops of the trees, then disappeared from view for a moment, soared up sharply at an angle of about 45 °, and disappeared into the clouds.

The herd huddled into one dense mass - as it happens every time, say, a mountain lion or any vulture appears - and remained in such an alarming state for at least two more hours.

The feeling of anxiety was transmitted to the workers. For the rest of the day, they instinctively kept close to each other, now and then looking up into the sky. Everyone easily imagined that if this flying thing could easily carry off an animal weighing about two hundred and thirty kilograms, then even more so it would not be difficult for it to snatch a person at any time. Even those members of the brigade who had not seen the abduction and at first made fun of their friends now felt discomfort. People were afraid if the UFO would return - for one of them …

However, fears of this kind are not as unfounded as it might seem. Suffice it to recall the earlier and well-known among ufologists case of October 1974, when not only five moose hunted by Karl Hejon from Wyoming, but the hunter himself became victims of abduction. The incident was soon detailed in print as "the true story of Carl Hidgon's Incredible Contact" (Timothy Green Beckley, "Kidnapped By Aliens! The True Story of Carl Hidgon's Incredible Contact", 1975), but then this message went almost unnoticed - apparently, due to the fact that the story seemed too implausible.

Karl then became a participant in completely incredible events. Having sent a bullet into a giant elk, he was amazed to see that she suddenly literally stopped in flight and plopped to the ground: her trajectory was as if cut off halfway. The discouraged hunter looked around: who could do this? Behind he saw a more than strange other "hunter", dressed in a tight-fitting overalls, and not far away - an awkward little rectangular aircraft standing on the ground, looking more like a transparent box. The dimensions of the "box" Hijon by eye determined as a meter and a half by two. The stranger, vaguely reminiscent of an Easterner with his small eyeless eyes, large teeth (however, there was no chin at all) and protruding short hair, asked Hijon if he would like to go aboard. No sooner had the hunter figured out anything or move at least one muscle than he found himself inside that “strange thing”, wondering how he - so big - could fit into such a small “box”. The only thing that came to his mind was that he was somehow “reduced”. Inside the same "box" Karl saw with even greater amazement five elk, which he was hunting. The moose lay motionless in a transparent container. They are all - how could they fit in here?.. The moose lay motionless in a transparent container. They are all - how could they fit in here?.. The moose lay motionless in a transparent container. They are all - how could they fit in here?..

Well, and then there was a "standard program": strangers "examined" him, took him somewhere far away - sort of like to another planet, and then returned to about the same deserted place from where they took him away, but Karl remembered all this very vaguely …

One could have doubted this story, if not for the many indirect confirmations of what happened, including the inexplicable disposal of kidney stones, the appearance of scars on the lungs, etc. The pickup truck Heijon was hunting was later found somewhere in the middle of the field, but no tire marks were found around the truck. How did he get there?.. And it was only under hypnosis that Karl remembered all the details of what had happened, never ceasing to wonder how he himself, a strange-looking stranger, and all five elks could squeeze into a small "box" measuring two by one and a half meters …

This case serves as another confirmation of the unthinkable technical capabilities of unidentified flying objects. If to all that has been said we add numerous reports of cases of abduction and extermination by "plates" or "discs" of all kinds of domestic animals and, first of all, cattle, then the UFO interest in moose logically fits into the general well-known scheme. Moreover, this option of “collecting biological material”, obviously, seems to be even simpler and more affordable for UFOs, since everything happens far from settlements, where the “plate” is unlikely to be “spotted” by angry farmers or, say, curious ufologists.
