Interview With A Ghost - Alternative View

Interview With A Ghost - Alternative View
Interview With A Ghost - Alternative View

Video: Interview With A Ghost - Alternative View

Video: Interview With A Ghost - Alternative View
Video: Metalliquoi ? - Interview : Ghost 2024, October

The world's only psychic journalist Yerlan Mustafin lives in Karkaralinsk. He writes historical articles about his native land, and his spiritistic abilities allow him to resort to the help of spirits in his work.

We met Yerlan Mustafin when we were preparing material about anomalies on Lake Shaitankol, which became a republican sensation. The ethnographer was our guide. Since childhood, he discovered an unusual talent - he sees the souls of dead people.

- I see souls just like ordinary people, only a little in the fog, - says Mustafin. - Sometimes they want to convey something to someone. Once a ghost came to me - a Russian man. He said his name. It turns out that he was killed while building a holiday home. He asked to tell his family that he was forgotten and not remembered. I called the old-timers, they contacted his wife and sent a message.

Spirits help Yerlan in the search for graves at the request of relatives.

- In the fall of last year, a man came to me from Priozersk. He turned to me not as a psychic, but as a local historian. I asked to find information about my grandfather, I wanted to find his grave. I gave him the information I had,”says Mustafin. - After he left, I went with a friend to the cemetery. He entered a state of trance and asked the deceased Auespai Kiyakov, who was the volost ruler of the Abralinsky volost of the Karkaralinsky district, to show his grave. He appeared, and I went where he showed. I went to the indicated grave. The inscription was in Old Arabic. He died, it turns out, in 1913. I immediately called my grandson from there and told the good news. Then he came with relatives, visited the grave, and they gave an ace.

Sometimes souls come when Yerlan communicates with the relatives of the deceased. And sometimes he sees them just like that … on the street. They look the same as in real life, only a little vague.

- Once I talked with a visitor, - says Mustafin. - And the soul of a young woman appeared from behind. The deceased said that she was a sister who came and she was killed, how hard and painful it was for her, and then warned her not to drink alcohol. I conveyed all this to my interlocutor, and she would howl. Barely reassured. It turns out that she abuses alcohol.

Yerlan first saw ghosts at the age of six. A certain old woman came every day at night and looked at the boy. He fell asleep all sweaty with fear. And then I found out that it was the deceased sister of his grandfather. She was a healer. An interesting detail: perfume brought sweets to the little psychic. Every day he found sweets all over the house in different places, which he ate without hesitation. For the first time, Yerlan felt the death of a loved one at school. He suddenly became afraid for his cousin. He called his mom and shared his concerns. And in the evening, when he came home from school, he found out that the 24-year-old girl had died in the morning. Later, the sister's soul visited the boy.

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Once Yerlan was taken to a psychic who told his mother that the guy had talent. He asked to slaughter a ram and distribute meat, and then go to the cemetery and spend the night there. After that, Yerlan felt calmer in his soul.

Mustafin recently published the eighth book about the inhabitants of Karkaralinsk. In it, he, in particular, wrote about the fate of the imams who lived here at the beginning of the last century. When it is difficult for him to find material, the souls of the dead often come to him and tell him where and in which museum or archive he can be found.

The journalist also helps those who are tormented in their hometown by the poltergeist. In one of the apartments of Karkaralinsk, strange sounds and meows were constantly heard, although there were no cats here. Arriving at the call of the tenants, Yerlan saw … a portal from where otherworldly entities penetrated into this apartment.

- I would like to be a normal person, - says Yerlan. - But I only learned to close and not see the spirits. Thus, I take a break from my mission. I am a believer: everything happens according to the will of Allah. But we still do not fully understand the world of spirits. After the first article about me in your newspaper, people started coming to me. Somehow a guy and a girl disappeared. The searches were unsuccessful. The psychics whom the relatives contacted said they were alive, but they were being held. It was a confusing story. A year later, my relatives approached me. They sent photos of the missing. And I saw them dead. I saw where they were buried. I gave all the information I saw to my relatives. And after half a month they found their bodies … There are many such stories … Last summer, a child disappeared in one of the large cities of Kazakhstan. They searched for him for a long time, but could not find it. It was assumed that the stepfather was involved. They turned to me. The child was 13-14 years old. In a state of trance I saw him dead in the water. I was told the name of the river. And I heard the voice of this child: "Mom, mom, I drowned myself." I gave everything to my family, and the boy was found in that river.

But the most terrible case in Yerlan's practice was the suicide of a teenager who committed suicide due to problems with peers. However, according to Mustafin, the boy could not go into the world of shadows - even his family could hear his voice. But the journalist was able to help his soul, and she left the vale of land.

It is noteworthy that Yerlan Mustafin is a member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and a member of the Eurasian Union of Folk Healers.