Why Do Indians Prefer To Wear Long Hair - Alternative View

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Why Do Indians Prefer To Wear Long Hair - Alternative View
Why Do Indians Prefer To Wear Long Hair - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Indians Prefer To Wear Long Hair - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Indians Prefer To Wear Long Hair - Alternative View
Video: Why Are Indians Obsessed With Women's Long Hair? 2024, October

Our culture tells people that hair style is personal preference, that hair style is fashion and / or convenience, and how people wear their hair is just a cosmetic matter. Returning to the period of the Vietnam War, you can find a different picture, hidden from most people.

In the early 90s, Sally (her name has been changed to maintain confidentiality) married a psychologist who worked at the veterans affairs department's medical hospital. He has worked with combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Most of them served in Vietnam.

Sally says: “I clearly remember the evening when my husband came home holding a formal looking fat folder. Inside were hundreds of pages of government research. The husband was shocked by the content. What he read in these documents completely changed his life.

From that moment on, my conservative, mediocre husband began to grow his hair and beard and never cut his hair again. What's more, the veterans affairs ministry's medical center allowed him to do so, and several other conservative male employees followed suit.

When I read the document, I understood why. It turned out that during the Vietnam War, the Special Forces of the War Department sent secret agents to the American Indian reservations to look for talented scouts, tough young people with the skills of silent movement over rough terrain. They were specifically looking for men with extraordinary, almost supernatural, tracking abilities. It was noted that these carefully selected people were real experts in the field of tracking and survival.

Conventional enticements and well-tried catch phrases were used to recruit new recruits, so some Native American hunters ended up on military service. However, after they were recruited, something amazing happened. The talents and abilities that they possessed on the reservation mysteriously disappeared, and recruit after recruit suffered a complete failure, behaving on a combat mission in a way that was not expected of them.

The search for the cause of the failure led the government to conduct costly testing of these recruits, and this is what it found.

When asked about the failure, the senior recruits, as one, answered that when they had a short haircut in a military fashion, they could no longer “feel” the enemy, could no longer get access to the “sixth sense”. They could no longer rely on their "intuition", could not "read" secret signs as well as before, and could not access subtle psychic information.

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So, the research institute recruited more Indian hunters, allowed them to keep their long hair and conducted tests in various fields. They then paired up the men who showed the same results on all tests. They left one of the men in the pair with long hair, and the other got a short military haircut. Then these two were tested again. Time after time, men with long hair performed well. Time after time, men with short hair have failed the tests that previously performed well.

Examples of type tests

The recruit is sleeping in the forest. An armed "enemy" approaches the sleeping man. Men with long hair woke up from a feeling of great danger and left long before the appearance of the enemy, long before any sounds were heard indicating the approach of the enemy.

In another version of this test, long-haired men felt approaching and intuitively that the enemy would launch a physical attack. They trusted the "sixth sense" and remained motionless, pretending to be asleep, then quickly grabbed the attacker and "killed" him as soon as the "enemy" came close enough to attack.

This same recruit, after passing this and other tests, had a short military haircut, and he consistently failed many tests that he had previously successfully passed.

So, the document prescribed that all Indian hunters should be exempted from the need to cut their hair short. In fact, it was required that the hunters "stay with long hair."


The evolution of the mammalian body lasted over a million years. Survival abilities in humans and animals have become more and more developed over time. Science is constantly faced with the discovery of amazing possibilities for survival in humans and animals. Each part of the body has its own strictly defined function for survival and proper functioning of the body as a whole. Every part of the body has a reason to exist.

Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it would be quite correct to call them so - nerves on the surface of the body, a kind of highly developed "antennae" or "antennae" that transmit a huge amount of important information to the brain stem, to the limbic system, to the neocortex. Human hair, including facial hair on men, not only directly supplies the brain with information, hair also emits energy, and electromagnetic energy is emitted by the brain into the environment. This was established using the Kirlian effect, when a person was photographed first with long hair and then after a haircut. When hair is trimmed, receiving and sending signals to the environment is much more difficult. The result is helplessness.

Hair clipping promotes unawareness in relation to environmental problems in local ecosystems. It also promotes numbness in any relationship and sexual dissatisfaction.


To solve the problems existing in our world, first of all, we must admit that many of our basic ideas about reality are wrong. It may happen that the main part of the solution is looking at us every morning from the mirror.

The biblical story of Samson and Delilah contains many secret meanings for us. When Delilah cut Samson's hair, the previously invincible he was defeated.