5 Reasons For The Silence Of Aliens - Alternative View

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5 Reasons For The Silence Of Aliens - Alternative View
5 Reasons For The Silence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Usually, when some scientists begin to speculate about the possibility of alien life, others sarcastically object to them. If extraterrestrial life exists, then why have the inhabitants of distant planets still not really showed up? Where are these space guests? Let's try to answer these questions. So, here are five options for why we still haven't shaken hands with aliens from outer space.

No arms, no legs …

Green, but necessarily men: with arms, legs and a head? And who told us that even if they have two heads, then both are present, if not completely, but eyes, noses and other human attributes? Completely optional. Aliens can be so different that we, for example, walk past them every day and simply do not notice.

Zoo hypothesis

Option two. The so-called zoo hypothesis, proposed in 1973 by the American astronomer John Ball. The newcomers know about us, see, appreciate, maybe even place bets among themselves: which country will be “cooler” in the next century or who will win the next war, but, as befits true betting lovers, do not interfere in the process. For them, we are animals sitting in a cage-Earth and have just begun to master the "cellular" space. Perhaps they compare our flights to Mars with the attempts of a monkey to reach with a stick to a banana lying outside a half meter from the grate. So …

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They are just bored

Option three. The newcomers are simply bored with us. It is interesting to watch the monkey for 15-20 minutes, the child

show, and then it's time to go home, to do serious, "adult" business. The trip to the human zoo can be repeated in a month and a half. At the same time, it is possible that after we reach a certain level of development - not even technical progress, but rather some higher moral level - in other words, after the transformation of the monkey into a human, the aliens will become interested in us. And then a real, full-fledged contact with handshakes, assurances of friendship and long-term mutually beneficial cooperation is possible.

Another time

Option four. At the moment we are with "them" in different time periods. Let's say that life on the same Mars existed a billion years ago. A couple of million years before our arrival, the Martians became extinct, and now we are trying to find traces of them. In a few million years (and perhaps much earlier), humanity will have completed its mournful path. Some time will pass, and the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri will follow with interest the route of their "Curiosity", trying to determine: was there intelligent life on Earth? Or any life at all?

We are alone in this celebration of life

The last option. There are no aliens, there have never been and never will be. Intelligent life on Earth was born

due to such exceptional and unique coincidences that it is almost impossible to repeat it. We are alone among all these countless stars, and it will always be so.

So choose the option that you like, or you can come up with something of your own. In any case, someone who, and the aliens, will in no way be offended by you.