The Fall Of The UFO At "altitude 611" - Alternative View

The Fall Of The UFO At "altitude 611" - Alternative View
The Fall Of The UFO At "altitude 611" - Alternative View

Video: The Fall Of The UFO At "altitude 611" - Alternative View

Video: The Fall Of The UFO At
Video: Government’s UFO Report Reveals Many Unexplained Objects 2024, July

In the field of "space aliens", Primorye is not in last place not only in Russia, but also in the world. In February 1947, the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fell here, in 1912 - Boguslavsky, and in the winter of 1986 - a whole UFO. The last event just turned 30 years old.

In the late 80s, a forest guard inspector was making a round of taiga in the Terneisky district when he heard a terrible roar. He ran to the noise and saw a bear standing in the middle of the clearing on its hind legs and screaming desperately. Half a meter from the head of the clubfoot, a red disk revolved, and steam was pouring out of the bear's mouth, although it was a hot summer. The feeling was that the UFO was frying an unfortunate animal. Naturally, the inspector prudently retreated, leaving the bear behind.

In 1996, in the vicinity of the village of Amgu, a horse disappeared from the hunter Vladimir Chechurin. A few days later, the stallion was found. But dead. All the bones of the animal were intact, and the insides turned into a continuous mess. Heart and lungs were missing altogether. Who needed to mock the horse in such a way did not find out. But two years later, Chechurin's mare disappeared. A little later, the horse was found. And again the same picture: the bones are intact, the entrails are mixed, as if she was thrown from a great height. By the way, the hunter recalled that a few days before the loss of the horse, he saw several UFOs in the Amgu area.

In the early 90s, in the Olginsky district, in the village of Timofeevka, a security group while walking around the perimeter of a military unit came across three tall figures in silver overalls. The aliens were moving towards the warehouse. The sailors fired several warning shots into the air. The strangers turned around and left. In the Khasan region, on the territory of one of the local military units, while on duty, a guard, a Kazakh by nationality, saw a gigantic face right in front of him. The ghost materialized out of thin air and began to move towards the soldier. The frightened serviceman whispered a prayer. And his face melted into thin air. After that, the Kazakh received a slight push in the side and ended up in the hospital with a paralyzed left hand …

Cigars, cucumbers, lenses …

Local ufologists have estimated that 8% of the Primorye population saw UFO vehicles. In total, according to the same ufologists, aliens visit the region at least once every six weeks. “The uninitiated know little about the depth of penetration of alien civilizations into our world … The military know this problem very well,” said V. Zorin, KGB major of the Primorsky Territory, who investigated the UFO crash in Dalnegorsk in 1986.

In conditions when every, even natural, phenomenon was considered as a manifestation of a possible impending aggression from the West or China, the KGB had to perform quite specific tasks. After the Vietnam-China War of 1979, a letter of instruction was sent to all Far Eastern directorates and KGB stations, instructing them to deal with the unexplained phenomenon that occurred with Soviet planes flying from the Far East to Southeast Asia, if possible. Near the coast of China, planes suddenly disappeared for a long time from the radar screens of tracking Soviet bases and ships.

This was explained by the use by the Chinese of some kind of secret electronic weapon, which removed objects from sight, moreover, over large areas. However, at the same time, in the reports of the chief of intelligence of the Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral Domyslovsky, it was reported that in the same places "a giant cylinder hovering over the surface of the ocean was repeatedly observed." From one end of it, like bees from a hive, small UFOs flew out, dived into the water, after a while they flew out from under the water and returned. UFOs were loaded into a cylinder, and he went beyond the horizon.

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However, neither the intelligence work, nor the research of the USSR scientific fleet plying the Pacific Ocean brought any clarity to this issue. The presence of unexplained phenomena in the Far East was also confirmed by the commander of the Air Defense Forces of the Far East, Colonel-General Gennady Reshetnikov: “In the course of my military practice, there were especially mysterious phenomena. Sometimes such targets appeared, to which fighters were raised or radar installations of anti-aircraft missiles were guided, but they did not determine what it really was. There were cases when the target responded to the signal: "I am my plane." We have such a request system. Or, on the contrary, she did not answer. Moreover, I know of cases when planes taking off into the air at first, including their onboard sights, detected a target, and when approaching a certain distance,when the weapon control system was supposed to be triggered to launch missiles, everything disappeared. Or the plane was just slipping through this space.

A second attack was carried out. Once again, the target was discovered, and it again - once! - and disappeared from the screen. There were such interesting and mysterious phenomena, but we did not specifically deal with them, did not put them in a card index. Simply, according to the principle of carrying and organizing work, these materials were collected for this or that stage of duty, and if no one showed any special consequences or interest further, nothing special was confirmed, then they were destroyed in the prescribed manner."

But the KGB has often taken an interest in such cases. So, in 1984, Yu. Chervinsky, an officer of the KGB for the Primorsky Territory, flew to Khabarovsk from Vladivostok to take testimonies from four military aircraft pilots who met with an unidentified object during a flight from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk. Each of them was interviewed carefully and separately. But nevertheless, in the description of what they saw, their testimonies converged: in particular, at the time of flight on the starboard side of the sea, a cigar-shaped object appeared, stretched parallel to half the length of the aircraft, which then took the form of a cucumber, with small shoots sticking out in all directions. After that, he took the form of a vertical lens and, finally, transforming into a cylinder, with great speed went towards the sea. All this lasted about 15 minutes.

The collected tapes of audio recordings and all materials were transferred from Vladivostok to the central office of the KGB in Moscow. During a total inspection of the surrounding area, it turned out that during a meeting with an unidentified object in the area, neither the military nor the civilians carried out any activities and exercises, and the essence of the phenomenon remained unknown.

As the correspondent told. "K" the head of the FSB Directorate for the Primorsky Territory, Lieutenant-General V. Zhilyaev, at that time there was a special instruction from the center to pay attention to cases that went beyond understanding. In Primorye, they were also generalized and transmitted to Moscow. Zhilyaev himself traveled to the Golden Valley in 1983, where he took testimony from a military pilot who reported that he had seen a UFO. The pilot said that when he saw an unidentified object, the plane stopped obeying the controls, he lost consciousness, and the plane practically landed at the airfield on its own.

On January 29, 1986 at 19:55, an unidentified spherical flying object in the form of a red-hot stainless projectile crashed right within the boundaries of Dalnegorsk, on the Izvestkovaya hill, better known as "height 611" (above sea level). According to eyewitnesses, the balloon was reddish-orange in color, 1/2 moon in size and flew from China parallel to the ground (almost breaking the pipe of the enrichment plant) at an altitude of 600-700 m. The sound of a flying object was not heard. In front of the Izvestkovaya hill, the object abruptly changed its trajectory and fell to the ground at an angle of 60–70 degrees at a speed of 50 km / h. The ball tried to rise six times, but to no avail. None of the eyewitnesses heard the sound of an explosion or hitting the ground. A fire started at the site of the fall, which lasted an hour and a half.

The first group of researchers led by Professor Valery Dvuzhilny arrived at the site on the third day after the crash. A snow-free glade of 2x2 m (the snow melted due to high temperatures) with burnt-out ground opened up to their eyes. In addition to a lone stump, there was nothing to burn here, and the researchers concluded that the UFO itself was on fire. No large debris was found in the clearing, but there were small (from 0.045 to 4 g) tear-shaped metal balls and drops of lead around the entire perimeter. In total, 70 g of lead, 5 g of the "mesh" material and about 40 g of iron balls were found.

After the 1986 disaster in Dalnegorsk, a peak in UFO activity was observed for several years. According to eyewitnesses, new UFOs flew in almost every month, and most of them circled above "height 611". According to one hypothesis, these UFOs surveyed the crash site. On the other, there was a rescue operation.

A command followed from Moscow to the KGB of the Primorsky Territory to find out what had happened. Major of the KGB Vladimir Zorev from the department in Dalnegorsk was instructed to interview eyewitnesses, draw up interrogation protocols, and after they were drawn up in 1987 he was sent to Moscow. After the end of the Cold War, the military lost interest in UFOs. But the consequences of the fall of a UFO at "height 611" are still felt: at Izvestkova, blood pressure rises, the pulse quickens, and an inexplicable fear arises.
