Phaistos Disc: A Relic From Atlantis? - Alternative View

Phaistos Disc: A Relic From Atlantis? - Alternative View
Phaistos Disc: A Relic From Atlantis? - Alternative View

Video: Phaistos Disc: A Relic From Atlantis? - Alternative View

Video: Phaistos Disc: A Relic From Atlantis? - Alternative View
Video: Steve Kershaw - The Phaistos Disk: Mystery, Forgery, and (Pseudo)archaeology 2024, July

This sensational find was made in 1908 on the Greek island of Crete. In the ruins of an ancient castle in Festa, Italian archaeologists have found an unusual clay disc with a diameter of only 14 cm, which was covered on both sides with inscriptions of a mysterious drawing.

Archaeologists have never found anything like this before. The palace was destroyed in 1700 BC. The age of the disk obviously dates back to earlier eras.

There is a hypothesis that this pictogram is the only material evidence of the existence of Atlantis.

For more than a hundred years, researchers from many countries have been trying to unravel the mystery of the Cretan pictograms, but their efforts have not yet been crowned with success. The longer the disc is studied, the more various speculations arise around it.

Polish writer and scientist Maciej Kuczynski is known for his publications on the ancient knowledge of the biological secrets of life. Having worked for a long time in deciphering a drawing written on a disk from Festa, he proposed an original hypothesis, which, in his opinion, could shed light on this mysterious story.

According to Kuczynski, the disc is a relic of the sunken Atlantis. The inscriptions on it are hardly executed in any language in the direct sense of this word, but, most likely, are a kind of symbolism, describing in an allegorical form the main stages of the origin of life on Earth.

The pictograms are arranged in groups in turns of a spiral emanating from a bold central point, obviously the Sun, and this already hints at the content of the text. This short "textbook" on biology is stuffed with the most interesting scientific information and therefore could appear only in the depths of a highly developed civilization, which possessed sources of the richest knowledge and scientific foresight.

The biological record on the disc to some extent echoes the plot content of the picture writing on the so-called codes of Mexican Indians, as well as on numerous rock inscriptions. This means that these texts were once replicated in various forms. Drawing writing in the Mediterranean countries and in the East has never been used.

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All this, according to Kuczynski, reinforces the assumption that Atlantis did exist, playing for many millennia the role of a kind of think tank and bridge at the junction of the American and European continents.


Why were symbols chosen to convey information? Obviously, for the dissemination of knowledge among peoples who stood at an incomparably lower stage of their development, it was more expedient to use a universal language in the form of symbolic drawings, which would be understandable to the sages and priests of the Ancient world, regardless of where they lived and what language they spoke.

Kuczynski believes that he managed to understand the semantic thread of about three dozen separate groups of symbols, each of which is, as it were, a page from this "textbook". In its interpretation, the disc tells about the decisive role of the Universe in the creation of life on Earth in all its manifestations. It also allegedly contains references to long-term evolutionary processes that ultimately led to the emergence of the human race.

In the translation of the Polish scientist, it sounds something like this: the connection of space with the Earth created the fish, and the fish, through complex processes of cell division and environmental factors, gradually evolved into humans. In short, the man came out of the water. The pictograms focus on the unearthly origin of life, in which they strongly resonate with the myths and legends of many peoples.

Is this accidental? Judging by the translation, the ancients knew about the evolutionary role of chromosomes and the processes of cell division.

Nobody doubts that the Cretan disc is not a fake.

The clay from which it is made is not found in these parts. So how could the most ancient civilizations that drew chromosome chains have such knowledge? The great Greek Plato did not doubt the highest level of civilization that existed on the miraculous island of Atlantis, which adds points to Kuchinsky's hypothesis.

Suppose that all these discoveries were not made by the Atlanteans, and all information was delivered to Earth in finished form by couriers from space. From the point of view of common sense, they should have passed on invaluable knowledge to the most intellectually developed society, and not to savages who would have thrown it into a landfill anyway.

Was it possible that a single disc was made in the "laboratories" of Atlantis, which is now making so much noise? There could probably be more such discs - "textbooks", but they either have not been found yet, or have become unusable, or forever, together with a great civilization, plunged into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.