&Ldquo; Everything Is New - Long Forgotten Old &Rdquo; - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Everything Is New - Long Forgotten Old &Rdquo; - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Everything Is New - Long Forgotten Old &Rdquo; - Alternative View

The first mentions of the Secret Space Program (SSP) and the involuntary participation of earthlings in it (programs like “20 years of cosmic slavery and back to the past in the physical body”) did not happen in our century and by no means exclusively thanks to insider informants of this and other programs. Everything was much earlier …

Ufologists know the story of the mysterious disappearance of the Australian pilot Frederick Valentich over the Bass Strait, separating Australia from Tasmania. According to the recording of the negotiations between Valentich and the Melbourne airport dispatcher, a large cigar-shaped UFO appeared above his Cessna just before the disappearance. It happened on October 21, 1978 - at 19 hours 12 minutes radio communication with the pilot was interrupted …

Four years later, this story suddenly received an unexpected continuation. In the summer of 1982, the commander of the border detachment, Lieutenant Colonel Kazantsev, received a report about the detention of ufologist Sarychev in the immediate vicinity of the Soviet-Chinese border. He had a cover letter from the chairman of the Commission for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. Troitsky, and a strange black capsule. Sarychev allegedly picked up this capsule at the height of "1204". Inside was a rolled-up plate of an unknown material. On it - the text in English, applied with a substance of bright orange color:

“I, Valentich Frederic J., was hijacked by a UFO along with my Cessna plane. In view of the limited time and the extreme danger of my situation, I present the most important thing.

I was asked to become an alien spaceship pilot. Here it is, contact with another civilization, and I, Frederic Valentich, carry it out! The most tempting was the fantastic proposal to stay in the same physical body, that is, not to age for 25 years (the length of the contract signed by me and the aliens). At the time of the transaction, I only remembered that my parents had died, I was single. I didn't even remember the girl I met, which once again testifies to the strong psychological impact that I was subjected to.

The giant UFO where I am forced to work is a cargo ship. The crew, apart from the people captured, like me, consists of two or three aliens. All of them belong to a civilization from the Pleiades cluster and represent some kind of interplanetary organization with six civilizations from the constellations Orion, Cygnus and Great Dog. Aliens claim that they are conducting research work on Earth, but this is only a screen for covering up the true activities and calming the conscience of other earthlings who have signed, like me, forced contracts. Our main cargo from Earth is liquefied oxygen produced by UFO-mounted installations. These "explorers" steal the most valuable part of the earth's atmosphere, and idiots like me are actively helping them in this.

The main route of our vessel is "Earth-Callisto". Callisto has a large, permanent base. We sometimes make two flights a week.

God help me and those who find this letter! Russian or Chinese, please transfer this capsule to the Australian Embassy in your country."

Promotional video:

The mysterious plate was sent to the Australian Embassy. A special commission created there carried out a graphological examination and came to the conclusion that the text on the plate and the entries in the instructor's journal of the Melbourne flying club belong to the same person, Frederic Valentich. As for the plate, here is the opinion of Nechai, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, addressed to a special expert commission under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (labeled “top secret”): “The stunning physical and mechanical characteristics of the material, its unusual chemical composition and structure allow us to Conclusions: the material was obtained using technologies unknown to mankind and, possibly, outside the Earth. The plate is a source of unknown radiation of colossal penetrating power, which illuminates all types of films and photographic films."

Valentin PSALOMSCHIKOV, Ph. D. in physics and mathematics, told about this story to Russian readers. sciences

That's it. And today, when hundreds of former forced recruits into the inhuman (in DIRECT SENSE!) Programs of the conglomerate of space hucksters (on Earth they are known as the owners of the Corporation of the Space Conglomerate or "Consortium") begin to remember their past and inform the world about it, we need to remember that that SOMETIMES seemed to be something “beyond fantasy”. IT'S LIKE THAT! Unfortunately …
