Could The Nazi Bell Defy Gravity? - Alternative View

Could The Nazi Bell Defy Gravity? - Alternative View
Could The Nazi Bell Defy Gravity? - Alternative View

Video: Could The Nazi Bell Defy Gravity? - Alternative View

Video: Could The Nazi Bell Defy Gravity? - Alternative View
Video: This flying saucer was a secret weapon during the Cold War 2024, July

Could it be that the secret technology developed by the Nazis in the final stages of World War II enabled them to secretly travel into space?

Conspiracy theorists believe that the mysterious "Nazi Bell" using an inexplicable gravitational system allowed representatives of the Third Reich to visit the Moon, Mars and even distant star systems.

“Was the 'Nazi bell' the new weapon of the Wunderwaffe, capable of changing history forever? Did he really exist? If so, where is he now? What happened to this secret Nazi project? - a lot of such questions have been exciting the minds of researchers concerning this controversial topic for several decades.

The bell, known in German as "Die Glocke", is known to have been developed by a leading team of scientists and engineers led by SS General Hans Kammler, who directed the Nazis' secret program to develop the V-2, the world's first long-range ballistic missile., which made a suborbital space flight in 1944.

A German documentary about the "Nazi Bell" released in 2014 states that the bell-shaped ship, about three meters in diameter, made of light copper alloy, was originally intended as a covert weapon capable of countering enemy air superiority.

Powered by a mysterious red fuel, presumably red mercury, the flying saucer may have escaped from Earth, according to reports. However, after the overthrow of the Third Reich, the top-secret technology was allegedly taken over by the United States.

Thus, according to conspiracy theorists, the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell was nothing more than a Nazi-era flying saucer test. After all, the US military has always insisted that the incident in New Mexico was a simple balloon fall.

Voronina Svetlana

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