Internal Fusion Of Man And Woman. The Tantra Path - Alternative View

Internal Fusion Of Man And Woman. The Tantra Path - Alternative View
Internal Fusion Of Man And Woman. The Tantra Path - Alternative View

Video: Internal Fusion Of Man And Woman. The Tantra Path - Alternative View

Video: Internal Fusion Of Man And Woman. The Tantra Path - Alternative View
Video: OSHO: Making Love – A Sacred Experience 2024, October

According to Tantra, it is impossible to be satisfied with the external, you need to move inward. You need to find the inner woman and the inner man. It is necessary to achieve internal fusion. And this is a great thought.

How does this happen? In a man, the muladhara chakra is male, and svadhisthana is female. For a woman, muladhara is female, and svadhisthana is male, and so on. This duality persists up to the sixth chakra, but in the seventh it is no longer there. Within you there are three couples and you need to "marry" mooladhara with svadhisthana, manipura with anahata and vishuddhu with ajna.

When the energy goes out, you need an outside woman. You just looked into each other for a second, for intercourse with an external woman cannot be continuous, it is only short-lived. For a moment you are lost in each other, and now you are thrown back to yourself. After loving intimacy, you are disappointed every time …

All lovers are disappointed people. They are very hopeful, but their hope is contrary to experience. The outer date can only be short-lived, but the inner one can become endless. And the higher you rise, the closer it is to infinity.

In the first chakra, mooladhara, a man remains a man. Even when making love to the outer woman, remember the inner woman. Make love to her, but remember the inner woman.

Let your consciousness go inward - completely forget about the outer woman. At the moment of orgasm, forget about her or him completely. Close your eyes and withdraw into yourself, let it be meditation. Your energy is in motion - don't miss the opportunity. Now is the very moment that you can meet, this is a moment of inner journey.

It is usually difficult to look into yourself, but at the moment of intercourse, some kind of gap opens in you, which is usually not visible. In moments of love, you give your best. You are at your limit. With orgasm, all the energies of your body merge in a dance.

Every cell, every fiber is dancing, obeying rhythms and harmony inaccessible to you in everyday life. This is the moment. This is a moment of harmony - use it to get inside yourself. When making love, meditate, look inside. At such moments, a door opens, which brings you a feeling of happiness, for through this door a particle of inner bliss comes to you.

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It does not come from the outer woman, it does not come from the outer man, but it comes from the very depths of your being. The external is just an excuse.

If, while making love, you plunge into meditation, plunge into silence, turn your gaze inward, close your eyes, forget the outer woman or man, this happens.

Muladhara, your masculine center, begins to move towards the feminine (svadhisthana), and merging, internal intercourse occurs. And at the moment of this merger, energy is released. As the energy is released during intercourse with a woman, so she is also released when merging muladhara with svadhisthana, and this energy rushes to a higher center, to manipura.

Manipura is a male chakra, anahata is a female one. And if you have already tuned in to the inner meeting of the first couple, then the day will come when the second lovers will find each other. You don't need to do anything to do this … the energy released when the former intercourse opens the door for a second meeting.

And the energy of the second meeting creates an opportunity for the third. The third meeting takes place between Vishuddha and Ajna. When the third meeting takes place, the energy for the fourth will be born from it, but this will no longer be a meeting; it is no longer a union, but a unity.

Sahasrara is one, there is no division into male and female. Adam and Eve disappear into each other without a trace, completely. A man becomes a woman, a woman becomes a man. Any division is lost. This is an absolute, eternal meeting.

Hindus call this sachchidananda. Jesus called the Kingdom of God.

In the seventh body, you disappear as part of duality. All opposites, all differences disappear. Night is no longer night, day is no longer day. Summer is not summer, winter is not winter. Matter is not matter, mind is not mind.

You have gone beyond. We entered the transcendental space, which Buddha calls nirvana. Each of the three inner encounters (as well as the fourth) takes place in its own separate dimension. I have talked to you more than once about the four states: deep sleep, dreaming, wakefulness and turiya.

Turiya means the fourth, the beyond. The seven chakras and working with them in a certain way correlate with these four states. The first meeting between mooladhara and svadhisthana is like deep sleep. The meeting is happening, but you cannot be aware of it clearly enough. It will bring you joy, deeply refresh you. You will feel tremendous tranquility, as in a deep sleep, but you will not see anything definite … it is too dark.

Inside you, a man and a woman met, but this meeting took place in the realm of the unconscious. It was not illuminated by the light of day, it happened in the darkness of the night. Yes, you will feel the results, the consequences. Suddenly a new energy will awaken in you, a new glow, a new glow. An aura is formed around you.

Even those around you will be able to feel that a new quality of presence has appeared in you, a new vibration. But you don't fully understand what's going on. The first meeting is like a deep sleep. The second meeting is like a dream … when manipura meets anahata, your merging with the inner woman is like a dream.

You can remember something about it, like in the morning you can remember what you dreamed that night - a little of this, a little of this, a couple of moments. Maybe something was forgotten, maybe everything was remembered, but you can remember something. The second meeting is like a dream. You are more aware of it than the first. You get the feeling that something is happening. There is a feeling that you are changing, some kind of transformation is taking place, and you will not be the same.

And with the second meeting, you begin to understand that your interest in the outer woman is fading. Your interest in the outside man is no longer as dizzy as it used to be.

The first meeting will also bring some changes, but you are not aware of them. Perhaps after the first meeting you will think that you are no longer so interested in your woman, but you still cannot understand that interest in a woman is disappearing altogether. It may seem that you are tired of your woman and on the other you will be happier. You need a change, a new atmosphere, a woman of a different kind. But these will only be guesses.

And with the second meeting you will understand that you are generally less interested in a woman or a man - your interest turns inward. On the third meeting, your awareness will be perfect. It's like awakening.

Vishuddha meets ajna, and you attain perfect awareness. This fusion takes place in daylight. Or, one might say, the first meeting takes place in the darkness of the night, the second - in the twilight between day and night, and the third - at noon, when you are absolutely conscious and see everything completely clearly.

Now you know that the external is finished. This does not mean that you will leave your wife or husband, but there will be no reckless passion, only sympathy will remain. Of course, the woman who has helped you along the way until now is your friend, the man who brought you to this level is your friend. You are grateful. You feel gratitude and empathy for each other. Understanding always carries with it compassion.
