Amazing Predictions Of The Monk Ranyo Nero - Alternative View

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Amazing Predictions Of The Monk Ranyo Nero - Alternative View
Amazing Predictions Of The Monk Ranyo Nero - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Predictions Of The Monk Ranyo Nero - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Predictions Of The Monk Ranyo Nero - Alternative View
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The exact dates of Ranyo Nero's birth and death are unknown. There is evidence that he lived around the XIV century in Florence (Italy).

Astrologer-fortuneteller Ranyo Nero (Raqno Nero, which means "Black Spider"), was a Franciscan monk. It is likely that his real name is Federico Martelli. In 1972, in one of the monasteries in Bologna, his manuscript was found, the so-called "Eternal Book", an oracle book.

In it, Nero, a century and a half before Nostradamus, predicted the history of the civilization of our planet up to 6323 inclusive, that is, until the 7th millennium!

In 1981 and 1984, B. Basher's 800-page book was published in Italy, dedicated to Nero's manuscript and provided with commentaries to it. In its literary and artistic merits, Nero's work is much inferior to the book of predictions by Nostradamus, written in a poetic syllable.

But if the consciousness and will of Nostradamus were bound by the dogmas of Christianity, then Nero freely reasoned about various other religions. Disguising himself often as the babble of a holy fool, he outlined the esoteric (internal) history of mankind, indicating the ways of its development in the future.

Sometimes his predictions are fragmentary and full of naive exclamations (for example: "Oh, I see a great eagle …"). But in the "Eternal Book" many events are indicated exactly, some names are spelled out. Luther, for example, is simply named Martin. And next to it is the letter L.

The attempt on the life of the Pope, who will bear the names of two apostles (John Paul), is described in some detail. It is indicated that this will happen in the square, there will be two shots, one of them will hit the target, but dad will not be killed. It is also predicted that a wicked Turk will shoot, and there will be two who tried to kill, and one of them will be caught.

Nero also has predictions about Stalin. He is called a man descending from a mountain, who has smoke from his mouth (the pipe is not described, since in the time of Nero they did not smoke yet, tobacco was later brought from America). Stalin is portrayed as a terrible tyrant, whose black shadow will cover a third of humanity.

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In other places, Stalin is called a predatory werewolf, a black terrible beetle, and a nightmare bear devouring human skulls. “And many will be killed in the back of the head,” says the Eternal Book, although the author, as a rule, did not focus on such details.

The Eternal Book is written in the style of older prophecies. It recalls the prophecies of one of the most ancient books ever written by mankind - "Bundahishn, or the Foundation of Creation", which is an integral part of the Avesta. With the same strange recitative, almost hexameter, Ranyo Nero predicts the future.

It is striking that, unlike Nostradamus, he very often gives an alternative, offers other ways of developing the future, gives, as it were, an opportunity to choose future events.

Ranyo Nero calls himself the "Black Spider" and writes that his task is to "catch flies", which are carriers of all kinds of disasters, infection, blackness, epidemics. The goal is to show humanity which paths cannot be followed. If we recall medieval demonology, one of the names of the devil was Beelzebub, or Baalzebub, which means "Lord of the flies."

Therefore, for many events, R. Nero calculates the second option and says that the correction of fate is possible not only for an individual, but also for entire nations and all civilization. There is always a better alternative, but it is given to people for a reason, but only through conscious efforts, collective, group work of humanity on themselves, on their astral code.


1. Troubles and schism of the church. North and West Germany are at war with each other in 1503.

It was a troubled time when Martin Luther (1483-1546) lived - one of the leaders of the Reformation, who laid the foundation for Lutheranism.

2. Oh, I see a great eagle that will bring a huge war in its beak in 1870.

Indeed, in 1870, the Franco-Prussian war broke out, associated with the name of the Hohenzollerns. An eagle is depicted on their coat of arms.

3. There will be two seven-year wars in Europe.

Everything came true. In the 18th century. the troops of field marshal Count P. A. Rumyantsev reached Berlin.

4. There will be a hard time - the big war over the Hellespont in 1912.

The Hellespont is the ancient Greek name for the Dardanelles. Here we are talking about the Balkan War.

5. There will be a constant struggle between three big religions - the religions of Christ, the green religion, the Sun and Fire Religion, which the peoples of Arabia and Persia profess.

The religion of Christ is Christianity. Green religion is the religion of the Moon (according to R. Nero, the Moon is green), i.e. Islam. The religion of the Sun and Fire is Zoroastrianism, now prevalent in India and Iran.

6. Christianity will go through all times. The hour will come when Christians will live in caves.

7. There are no good angels behind the Green religion, so it will die out.

8. Religion of the Sun and Fire in the XXI century. learns the victorious procession. She will find support for herself in the northern country of the Hyperboreans, where she will appear in a completely new quality, the place of her main temple is the green island of Erin. The time will come when this religion will survive only on the islands.

9. The religion of the Great Void will spread to the whole East. Over time, this will die out. The remains of it will be established only on one peninsula, which will be compared with the islands of bliss.

It is difficult to understand what R. Nero means by the fourth religion - the religion of the Great Emptiness - atheism or Buddhism? It can be assumed that, most likely, this is Buddhism, since he calls atheists "accursed atheists", that is, he does not consider their views a religion.

10. There will also be three more religions - Hinduism, Paganism and the Great Serpent religion. The entire south will be embraced by the Great Serpent religion.

The religion of the Great Serpent is, apparently, the religion of the Indians who honor the feathered serpent of Kukulkan.

11. Each religion will generate its own type of person.

12. The religion of the Great Void and the religion of the Sun and Fire will eventually give birth to a new religion, becoming a father and mother to it.

13. The religion of the Great Serpent, paganism, the religion of the Great Void, the religion of the Sun and Fire will be united and used by the religion of Lucifer (Satan).

14. The religion of Satan will arise in 1925. I see a victorious procession, I see a temple, but there is no light. In it, everything is the other way around and only pork snouts are visible.

On January 31, 1925, the foundation of the Temple of Satan was officially announced. It was then that Edward A. Crowley gathered his supporters, initiating the religion of Satan.

15. at the end of the XX century. the whole world will worship Satan. Many white people are seduced by this religion. The main center of seduction is the country of Tartary

Russia was called Tartary at the time of R. Nero, and the end of the 20th century in Russia is the 90s and the period of "democratic" reforms and devastation under Yeltsin's rule.

16. In 2075, the main banner of the Church of Satan will be picked up by the black peoples of Africa, the black banner, black trees, everything around is black.

17. Worshipers of Satan will learn how to make each person have many of their likenesses - "prints". The human soul will take turns settling in these similarities.

It is likely that this prediction predicts the discovery of a method for regenerating the whole human body from one somatic cell taken from the tissue of a human donor - that is, cloning.

18. A terrible bloody whirlwind forms in the middle of Europe. He, like a spider, will climb on three sides - to the west, south and east. And this will last seven years.

For R. Nero there is no century of Prosperity. In the dark to come, he saw the Second World War. It lasted 7 years, if the account is kept from 1938, when the Nazis invaded Austria.

19. Two terrible poisonous mushrooms will rise over two cities. there will be seven such mushrooms in total.

Here we are talking about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Of the seven mushrooms, three have grown so far: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.

20. End of XX century. - a terrible cloud is visible over the East.

It is likely that this refers to events in the Middle East. This, in any case, is not the Third World War - R. Nero did not predict it.

21. In India terrible troubles will occur. A strong dictator will emerge in the north of India, who will unite the country together.

22. In 1981, a new terrible disease will appear as a punishment for fornication.

It is likely that we are talking about AIDS.

23 At the end of XX century. deadly diseases will pass over Europe, which will take away half of the population. There will be five new diseases in total, one of them for the good of humanity.

24. In the early 90s of the XX century. there will be a demographic outbreak among the southern people living on many islands south of the equator. They will be a very strong people. He will give birth to a terrible dictator who will unleash a war.

It is not known what kind of people we are talking about. But it is likely that it will be Indonesia.

25. After that, the number of humanity will greatly decrease. France, Spain, Turkey, Scandinavian countries will disappear. Tartary will not disappear.

26. There will be two suns and two moons in the sky. There will be no night. The earth will turn into a blazing hell. It will be impossible to live on Earth.

Only in the air and underground will there be salvation for the living. Eight underground cities will be built. The peaks will be cut down from the mountains. People can only live in the mountains. Many people will be blinded by the light of the two Suns.

27. Snow and ice will melt in the North, and vast, lushly blooming lands will appear at the poles.

It is assumed that the tilt of the earth's axis will change when it is between the two suns.

28. Huge waves will rise. They will flood half of the earth and then roll back.

The position of the Earth between two Suns can cause unpredictable seismic and water activity.

29. The new Sun will patronize the religion of Satan.

The new sun - it is likely that this is Tishya mentioned in many myths (in ancient Indian mythology - the name of the star Sirius).

30. Huge temples in the form of cones will be built. The Sphinxes will be erected and huge horns will rise from the ground.

31. The new moon will be smaller and closer to the Earth than the old one. The new moon will be as clearly visible from Earth as the old one.

32. When people see the light of two Suns, two Moons in the sky, then the Antichrist - Satan on a horse with three heads will come to Earth.

Scientists have found that in the ancient Persian vault "Avesta" (the time of the ruler Rustam, who ruled before the prophet Muhammad), it is said that Thaumian the Savior will come when the light of two Suns shines over the Earth. He will defeat dwarfs and giants, scatter hordes of ants. People will come to him from the sky on sparkling clouds.

33. People with patchy skin will appear.

34. New species of animals will not obey man. Pets will become enemies of man, as they study his disposition and habits well.

35. The worst enemies of man in the XXI century. there will be insects. Terrible spiders will destroy people. Locusts will fill the entire Earth.

36. Humanity will be divided into two regions - black and white.

37. On the island of Erin the Sun will shine and from there the Savior will come. There will be three Saviors in total on Earth. One of them will descend from the mountains.

38. Malicious dwarfs will destroy people. Fear those with a head larger than the torso. Great fear emanates from them.

39. There will be terrible ropes and chains. With their help, people will enrich themselves.

Maybe cables and wires are meant here.

40. Mushrooms will grow taller than human growth.

These are either mutant mushrooms, or we are talking about nuclear tests. Maybe about nuclear war.

41. There will be cubic fruits, octahedral temples, flying mirrors in which people from miles away will be reflected, there will be terrible shells that hear and speak with human voices.

Maybe we are talking about huge TVs (flying mirrors) that broadcast various programs. As for the "scary shells", it is likely that these are mobile phones.