If People Want To Survive - They Must Rally - Alternative View

If People Want To Survive - They Must Rally - Alternative View
If People Want To Survive - They Must Rally - Alternative View

Video: If People Want To Survive - They Must Rally - Alternative View

Video: If People Want To Survive - They Must Rally - Alternative View
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The official abdication of Pope Benedict XVI from the Holy See took place in February 2013 due to his advanced age. A similar case took place in the 15th century, when Pope Gregory XII voluntarily parted with the tiara. But the fear of Catholics and pilgrims around the world lies not in the abdication itself, but in the existing prediction associated with the last renounced Pope. The prophecy says that after this abdication the reign of the very last pontiff will come, and it is during this period that the Vatican will fall, and the Apocalypse will happen on the Promised Land. What is actually prepared for the World? Is humanity really on the edge of the abyss of universal destruction?

A well-known divination about the impending fate of all popes belongs to the Catholic Archbishop Armagh (Saint Malachi), who lived in Northern Ireland in the 12th century. He was the very first Irish priest canonized for demonstrating a number of miracles and promoting Roman worship among the people. The most famous miracle he created is that Saint Malachi expelled all creeping reptiles from Ireland, and to this day there are no snakes in the only country on the planet.


Even as an archbishop, Armagh regularly visited the Vatican library, and at night he made notes of his mysterious manuscript. From the moment of his death in 1148, the mysterious manuscript was handed over for reading in monasteries, and then lost. Only 450 years later, the diviner's treatises were discovered by the Benedictine monk Arnold de Villon, he called them "The Prediction of the Popes."

The old document was an analogue of a catalog containing a brief description of 112 bishops, who came at different times to replace each other, who were supposed to possess the Holy See. The next future pontiff, in his mysterious divination, Malachi briefly and aphoristically gave an outline in Latin, describing the fruits of the reign of each successor.

The most important thing in Malachi's predictions is the terrible ending to the papacy and the tragedy of the outcome of the existence of all mankind. The Irish saint described in his prophecies that the service mission of the popes, who have been continuously replacing each other, starting with St. Peter, will end at the 112th pontiff. Then the fall of the holy city of Rome will occur, followed by the Apocalypse.

And one part of the treatise has already come true. Pope 111, named in the prophecy "the glory of the olive," meaning the triumph of peace, was indeed a peacemaker. He made every effort to reconcile Orthodox believers and Muslims. But for health reasons, he abdicated the holy throne, and soon died.

The next successor, declared in the prophecies of Malachi the most recent in the institute of the papacy, was chosen the Argentine cardinal Jorge Mario Bergolio, known as Archbishop Francis. In the Vatican, the official enthronement of the now Pope Francis took place, and the pontiff was entrusted with a palium as a symbol of the new papal power, and then handed the "fisherman's ring" as a symbol of continuity from the very first apostle Peter, who founded the papacy of Rome.

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The seer Malachi describes that it was under the 112th Pontiff Peter of Rome (Peter II) that “Saint Rome will fall, the city of the Seven Hills will be completely destroyed, and then the end of the world will come”. The very last of the Popes, according to the predictions of Saint Malachi, will feed all the weak-willed, with which he will commit many calamities, then the Terrible Judge will condemn the nations, and then the end will come. A terrible prophecy makes you wonder, because many aphorisms described in Irish treatises fully coincided with the characteristics of the popes who ruled in Rome during this period of time.

Soon the secrets of the Vatican will be revealed to the world, which it still hides. In Israel, a worldwide team of scholars is translating the original text of the Bible. Experts have combined all the options for describing the scriptures: from the books of the Old Testament in ancient Arabic dialects to the books of the New Testament in the ancient Greek language, including the oldest manuscripts discovered recently. Scientists suggest that during the reign of the papacy in Rome, the contents of the Bible were distorted by inaccurate translation, moreover, it was significantly cleaned up by theologians.

The Vatican has many secrets, it has its notorious secret archives of the management of the affairs of the international world church, created for centuries since 1610, because it has been the center of political and religious events for hundreds of years. A secret religious organization trembles many relics, the most famous of which are the Ark of the Covenant, the golden Sphere and the blood of St. Januarius. It was the Vatican who shared with the secret services the secret technologies of devices capable of seeing through time. But the question of an indisputable end of all times has never been hidden, has always been open in all documents and sermons of the church.

Modern natural disasters do not fit into the established scientific picture of the world. Theoretically impossible earthquakes in the old Altai mountains, which are usually inherent in young growing mountains. Strange giant cracks of unknown origin, recently appeared in Africa. Terrible earthquakes and tsunamis in those parts of the world where, by geographic definition, they cannot exist at all.

The end of the world will come at the moment when the cup of patience of the Higher natural forces is overflowing. But when that happens will depend on any person on Earth. As a guideline, the Supreme Powers sent the ten commandments of the Bible in Christianity, the suras of the Koran in Islam, the Torah of the Tanakh in Judaism, the Vedas in the Mahabharata of Hinduism, and all the sacred laws of other religions. Through his own labor and work on himself, each person must learn to comply with the divine plan and the laws of the Universe. The result of the Apocalypse will be the transition of humanity to a new stage of evolution. If people want to survive, they must unite and come to harmony with Nature with the whole world.