The Vision Of Pietro Ubaldi - Alternative View

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The Vision Of Pietro Ubaldi - Alternative View
The Vision Of Pietro Ubaldi - Alternative View

Video: The Vision Of Pietro Ubaldi - Alternative View

Video: The Vision Of Pietro Ubaldi - Alternative View
Video: Faith 2024, July

Today, some call him Nostradamus of the 20th century, but until some time ago, the name of Pietro Ubaldi was not widely known.

The brilliant predictions of this Italian writer, physicist and philosopher were made by him about 80 years ago and published in his books. So far, information about Ubaldi can only be found in English-language encyclopedias, but, undoubtedly, the whole world will soon start talking about him.


Pietro Ubaldi was born in 1896 in one of the small provincial Italian cities, Foligno, into the family of an Umbrian aristocrat. He lived a rather long and difficult life and passed away at the age of 78 in Brazil in São Vicente.


Almost nothing is known about his childhood. In his youth, at the insistence of his father, he entered the University of Rome, where he studied law. But Pietro's interests were not limited to this, he was attracted by other sciences: philosophy, physics, the history of religion and ancient languages. In addition, Ubaldi was a good musician and was fluent in several languages.

After graduating from university, he continued to pursue self-education. To somehow survive, Pietro became an English teacher in a regular school. Even then, his essays on philosophy, biology, the history of ethics and the social problems of that time were published.

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In the early 30s of the last century, Ubaldi wrote in his diary that he hears an inner voice, which dictates prophecies to him.

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga described her feelings from clairvoyance in the same way. She said that her voice was coming from somewhere above, but there was no strength to try to understand where it came from, and there was no need for that either. You need to listen carefully, remember and be grateful for this gift.


Ubaldi's prophecies dealt with various areas of human life. Back in 1931, he said that harmful emissions into the atmosphere would eventually lead to the development of cancer on a huge scale. But they did not listen to him.


At the same time, he warned that uncontrolled deforestation and wasteful use of the earth's interior are unacceptable, and urged scientists to look for alternative fuel. However, only in the 50s of the last century, work began in this direction.

In 1932, he introduced some clarifications to Darwin's theory, but the scientific world again did not pay attention to them. Only 20 years later, when molecular genetics was recognized as a science, it became clear that the Italian prophet was right.

He argued with Einstein about gravity. In the light of today's scientific developments by American astrophysicists and scientists from Moscow University, one can see that Ubaldi's assumptions again outpaced practical evidence by tens of years.

He was almost the first to assert that there is wave motion in space, the speed of which is much higher than the speed of electromagnetic oscillations, in particular light. I must say that such statements in the middle of the last century were not only amazing, but also quite bold. We now know that it is.

He warned his friend Enrico Fermi more than once that experiments with atoms are not as harmless as they seem at first glance. Who knows, maybe he knew that after a few decades deadly clouds would gather over Chernobyl …


In certain circles, it is believed that the phenomenon of Pietro Ubaldi can be explained by well-developed intuition or simple logical thinking, coupled with versatile knowledge. It is hardly possible to say for sure whether the predictions were based on intuition or a voice from above. But everything comes true!


60 years ago, Ubaldi predicted the end of the war between religion and science, he said that they would find common ground. He believed that by the end of the 20th century, science recognized not only the material, but also the spiritual, therefore, it would not declare its incompatibility with faith. The lack of spirituality of civilization will become a relic of the past.

But these statements of the seer caused strong opposition from Mussolini, his junta and the religious fanatics of the Vatican. This was Ubaldi's first conflict with the government. However, later in his life there were many of them.

At the time, in 1934, when no one even suspected World War II, Pietro wrote that it was inevitable, since the world was preoccupied with developing means of attack and defense. By accumulating weapons, people have at their disposal a huge destructive potential, but they are not yet morally ready to forget about it.

Therefore, bloody madness is inevitable. But it will end with the victory of reason and peace. Ubaldi called fascism an abscess on the body of Europe and said that, like any abscess, it would break through and grow new skin. And this will once again serve as proof that political bluff and a totalitarian regime are not viable and do not bring any benefit.

But not all of his predictions were tragic. Ubaldi was sure that Europe, after a series of difficult trials, would make a big step in social evolution. The forces of progress will be revived, spirituality will return. And there will be peace on the planet for a while.

Another surprisingly accurate forecast was made by Ubaldi in the 30s of the last century. He said that a cruel opposition of the symbolic axis Berlin - Rome to red Moscow is coming. This axis will surely break, after spilling a lot of blood.

And then a new confrontation will follow: Moscow's ideology of social justice against the US policy of individual freedom. According to Ubaldi, both can be achieved only under the condition of peace between Russia and the United States and a policy of demilitarization. In those years, such a statement of the prophet could be considered a fantasy. And this is exactly what happened.

Or here's another fulfilled prophecy: “There is no need to attack red Russia. Its totalitarian regime will be broken not from the outside, but by internal forces. Soviet godless communism itself will lead to the end of the world communist idea. And as soon as this special system of violence is overcome there, the world will breathe, Russia will straighten up, and communism as a doctrine for the near future will disappear. And this will be good news for the entire human civilization, another evolutionary step towards a world civilization of the spirit …"

From the darkness of oblivion

The seer, philosopher, writer Ubaldi was unclaimed at home. At that time, Mussolini himself recommended that the population of the country read tabloid novels and other similar reading materials, and not books like Ubaldi's. If the concept of "dissident" existed then, then this is the label that would have been glued to the prophet.


Of course, the authorities did not like his bold predictions, which did not pay due attention to the Duce, disputes with the Vatican obscurantists. Therefore, Ubaldi published his books in Brazil, including the main treatises: "The Great Synthesis" and "Prophecies".

These works highlight the issues of the evolution of the Universe, hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth and forecasts of the development of society. He was convinced that "the convulsions of time are a preparation for the birth of a new universal human organization of a higher level." Ubaldi believed in the victory of progress and the reign of high morality, echoing his thoughts with Socrates, Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy.

But even when Mussolini's regime fell, the Italians were not interested in the works of the seer. And not only compatriots. In 1952, some Italian organization nominated Ubaldi for the Nobel Prize. However, Sweden decided that Sartre was a more worthy candidate.

And so, not recognized in Europe, Ubaldi left for Brazil, where his works were still willingly published in different languages. And how can one fail to recall the biblical: "There is no prophet in his own country" ?!

Today, the Italians who have finally recovered their sight have begun to publish his books. At the moment, 20 books out of 24 existing ones have already been published. Ubaldi, albeit belatedly, was recognized at home, as evidenced by the words of Ricardo Pieracci, an Italian professor: “Clairvoyance in Ubaldi's case is not just a voice from above, but it is also the rise of analytical thought, creative inspiration and scientific intuition in a person of universal knowledge and heightened feeling of its time."