Mari Prayers In Sacred Groves. - Alternative View

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Mari Prayers In Sacred Groves. - Alternative View
Mari Prayers In Sacred Groves. - Alternative View

Video: Mari Prayers In Sacred Groves. - Alternative View

Video: Mari Prayers In Sacred Groves. - Alternative View
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They started talking about the phenomenon of Mari paganism more than 20 years ago. Ethnographers admit that only one national people in Russia was able to almost completely preserve their roots, life, culture and even religion - and these are the Mari

One of the most significant rituals in the Mari religion is world prayers. The purpose of which is to gather their people from all over Russia in one place. Traditionally, such prayers are held only in sacred groves. On the territory of the Mari Republic there are about 500 such groves where this ancient ceremony can be performed. The last major prayer took place this weekend.

Prayers have always been considered a pagan rite of the Mari people. Large prayers are rarely held - once every 5 years. Their history is such that for a long time the Mari were not allowed to carry out their ceremony. Back in the 19th century, they secretly went to the sacred groves with whole families. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a massive conversion of the Mari to paganism. After that there were official congresses of Mari kart or priests. The largest prayer took place after the end of the Patriotic War in 49. Then more than 1000 people gathered and it lasted a whole week. And again, almost half a century of prohibition. Only in the 90s, prayers were officially allowed by the authorities and began to be held regularly. Only 70 karts gathered for this prayer. Mari from all over the world come to the world prayers. At such a large prayer, the entire Mari people feel like one whole.

Leonid Shabalin, Mari priest from Tatarstan: “This is our Mari culture. This is the culture of the Mari people. Don't forget. Is it bad if we ask our gods to send us a good life. So that there are no drug addicts, we say this in circulation. So that there are no alcoholics, so that everyone behaves well."

This prayer with sacrifice took place in the sacred grove of the Kuzhenersky region. Preparations for it began in the spring. All participants brought with them bread, pancakes, kvass, pies, honey and live geese in advance. At the very beginning, a sacrifice is made, which takes place in several stages: the stabbing of the birds and the separation of important parts. Then the geese are boiled in large cauldrons. After the sacrifice - the last stage of prayer: a prayer is read to the deity. Most often, the Mari ask for health to their loved ones and themselves, well-being and prosperity to the whole land and the entire Mari people. And then everyone is treated to cooked food, thanks to the gods for the mercy. According to custom, you cannot take anything with you from the sacred grove. Therefore, all the remains are burned in the fire. Many people have long been attracted by this ancient rite. And this time, not only the participants came to the prayer,but researchers of the culture and everyday life of the peoples of Russia.

Ilya Buyanovsky, traveler, researcher of the cultural heritage of Russia: “This is no longer paganism, this is a religion that has grown as a result of the long-term evolution of paganism. The uniqueness of everything that happens is visible. This has not survived anywhere else."

Groves, in which prayers are regularly held, are considered sacred. You can't swear, drink alcohol, break trees in them. Before praying, even a person must come spiritually cleansed after a special weekly fast. Old-timers say that the uninitiated may not find this place. Sacred groves are essentially considered anomalous zones, and have long been the focus of scientists' attention. According to research, all navigation systems in them either do not work or give incorrect data. They simply cannot show this place on earth. As the Mari priests say, these sacred places are specifically intended only for prayers.

Yet, despite the mysticism and mysteries around all the sacred groves, it is these zones that continue to be mediators in communication between the Mari people and their gods, and help to perform the most important ritual in the life of the Mari - prayers. It is already known for sure that three more prayers will be held in the groves of the republic in October. Therefore, for all Mari, sacred groves are not only beautiful places where you can pray and relax, but also natural pagan temples that need to be respected and protected.