Where Were The Islands Of The Immortals? - Alternative View

Where Were The Islands Of The Immortals? - Alternative View
Where Were The Islands Of The Immortals? - Alternative View

Video: Where Were The Islands Of The Immortals? - Alternative View

Video: Where Were The Islands Of The Immortals? - Alternative View
Video: Why Couldn't Men Live in the Undying Lands? | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth 2024, June

For many centuries, people have tried to find an answer to the question of immortality. And this is not surprising, because from the very beginning of human history, life expectancy has been limited. From generation to generation, people had children who grew up, gained strength and energy to live, love and create. But time passed, and children themselves became fathers and mothers, then grandfathers and grandmothers. And so it went on forever: birth - death, birth - death …

How to stop the aging process? How to stay young and healthy forever? Almost every person living on Earth probably asked himself such questions. For centuries, mankind has made desperate attempts to find the "elixir of youth" or "cure for aging." History has brought us a lot of similar evidence. But this is a topic for a separate publication. In this work I will touch upon another issue, however, related to the problem of immortality. With its mystery and magnetic power, it, perhaps, even surpasses the search for ways to immortality.


Since very ancient times (at least since the 3rd millennium BC), different peoples had a belief in a "lost paradise" - a kind of mysterious land or mysterious islands where time seemed to stand still. Eternal youth reigned there and blessed people lived who never grew old. It was a country of general prosperity and happiness, where no one knew troubles and sorrows. There they did not know what crying was, and everywhere there was only laughter and the noise of universal fun.

The belief in the existence of such a country was based on numerous ancient legends; references to it have survived in many ancient sources and medieval manuscripts. Legends placed it in the north, then in the west, then in the east, then in the south - depending on where and when the people who kept them lived.

The country had countless names, the most famous of which are the Land of eternal happiness and youth, the Land of eternal youth, the Land of sorceresses and sorceresses, the Promised Land, the Land under the waves, the Isles of the Blessed, St. Brendan's Island, Guy Brasil, Champs Elysees, Elysium, Gardens of the Hesperides, Eden, Apple Island, Emine, Inis Avallon or simply Avallon, etc. According to Celtic mythology, the Holy Grail, the magic sword of King Arthur and many other wonderful items were kept in that country. The legendary King Arthur himself, who was transferred to Avalon by the fairy Morgana after a bloody battle in which he received a mortal wound, also rested there.


Many adventurers went in search of the legendary country. Some of them died on the way, others came back empty-handed. History has brought to us information about the visit of that country by famous historical figures, for example, Saint Brendan, but the reliability of such events has always been in doubt.

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What was this mysterious country like? Has it ever existed on Earth or was it just a figment of the imagination of people looking for a better life and striving for immortality? Or, as most philosophers and historians believe, did it reflect the ideas of ancient peoples about a different world and an afterlife? Or, as some followers of occult teachings believe, this magical land, inhabited by elves, fairies and other fairy-tale characters, still exists, only in another dimension? I am going to share my thoughts on this. Please, do not judge me too harshly, dear readers, if they differ from the ideas you have drawn up earlier. After all, we have too scanty factual material in the absence of even the most insignificant material evidence of the existence of an unknown country. And the field for the flight of fantasy and imagination is truly limitless here.