A Dead Chupacabra Was Found In Ukraine - Alternative View

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A Dead Chupacabra Was Found In Ukraine - Alternative View
A Dead Chupacabra Was Found In Ukraine - Alternative View

Video: A Dead Chupacabra Was Found In Ukraine - Alternative View

Video: A Dead Chupacabra Was Found In Ukraine - Alternative View
Video: Finally, living proof of a real 'Chupacabra'? 2024, July

In the Ukrainian city of Kolomyia, which is located in the east of Ivano-Frankivsk region, they found the corpse of an unusual creature. The Rybakov family, living in a country house, was dismantling old things in their attic the other day and unexpectedly stumbled upon the mummified remains of a small but fierce-looking animal with a large head and many teeth, sharp as razors, in two rows.

According to the authors of the find, they immediately thought that we were talking about the Chupacabra, a predator well-known among the local residents, terrorizing the private sector of the city. The bloodthirsty beast drags away chickens, rabbits and other domestic animals, managing to penetrate any metal fences and cages. At the same time, it would be logical to assume that the found corpse belongs to only one of the individuals of a mysterious species, either mutating due to the Chernobyl disaster, or one that came to us from a parallel world. It is possible that such chupacabras have long been living and breeding in the Carpathian region.

The fishermen packed the remains of the monster in a cardboard box and handed it over to specialists. First, the body of the alleged Chupacabra was examined by experienced hunters. They did not even begin to hide the fact that they had never met such animals. According to the trappers, one could assume that it is a marten, ferret, wildcat or raccoon dog. Nevertheless, the structure of the skeleton, the large skull and the creepy teeth of the dead creature suggest that this is a different breed of beast, moreover, so rare that it is difficult to even imagine what it is.

There is no money for proper research of Chupacabra in Ukraine

The find was taken to the Medical University of Ivano-Frankivsk. The staff of his biological department gathered a real council, trying to determine the belonging of the animal to any species known to science. Unfortunately, the experts were never able to come to a final conclusion. It is obvious that DNA examination could open the veil of secrecy, but Ukrainians do not have the opportunity to do it, only abroad, and there such a procedure costs decent money, which is also not available. Therefore, the remains of the alleged Chupacabra will traditionally go to the trash.

Recall that the chupacabra (translated from Spanish as "goat vampire") is a mysterious predator that bleeds livestock. The first such creature was noticed in the middle of the last century in Puerto Rico, then reports of chupacabras began to appear in other parts of the planet. It is believed that many countries of the world, including the former Soviet Union, may have their own cryptids that attack domestic animals and are now called chupacabras. Now, the Chupacabra found in Ukraine, of course, looks more like the baby of this monster, but this find proves that the mythical beast exists. Another thing, where did it come from?..