Extraterrestrial Life Will Be Discovered In 10-15 Years, - Scientist - Alternative View

Extraterrestrial Life Will Be Discovered In 10-15 Years, - Scientist - Alternative View
Extraterrestrial Life Will Be Discovered In 10-15 Years, - Scientist - Alternative View

Video: Extraterrestrial Life Will Be Discovered In 10-15 Years, - Scientist - Alternative View

Video: Extraterrestrial Life Will Be Discovered In 10-15 Years, - Scientist - Alternative View
Video: Is There Life On Other Planets? | SPACE WEEK 2018 2024, June

This prediction was given by Chris Impey, professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona. The search should begin in the solar system, but it is worth preparing for the fact that alien life may not meet our expectations.

In an interview with Futurism, astronomer Chris Impey suggested that scientists would find the first signs of extraterrestrial life in 10-15 years. However, one should not expect a collision with a higher mind. Impey is confident that only traces of microbial life will be found in space, news.eizvestia.com reports.

The most probable foci of alien life Impey considers objects in the solar system - it is with them that the search should begin. First of all, scientists should pay attention to Europa - Jupiter's moon covered with ice.

On Mars, according to the scientist, it will be extremely difficult to find life, since it is most likely hidden under the surface. Moreover, life on the Red Planet may have existed sometime in the past, and now only traces of its existence can be found. Recently, a team of scientists examined rock samples collected by the Curiosity rover in Mars' Gale Crater, which was once filled with warm water. The researchers hypothesized that conditions suitable for life on Mars lasted for about 700 million years and ended 3.1 billion years ago.

Outside the solar system, astronomers and physicists are exploring terrestrial exoplanets. Impey believes that the main object of research should be the atmosphere of these planets, and not their surfaces. Over time, technology will detect the presence of biomarkers such as oxygen and methane, which indicate the possibility of microbial life.

According to the astronomer, mankind has never before had such instruments for space exploration as it does now. “Any SETI experiment today is superior to all other similar experiments put together,” says Chris Impey.

Many experts are trying to find an explanation for the Fermi paradox and the many years of unsuccessful searches for alien civilizations associated with it. SETI project astronomer Seth Shostak believes that aliens may not be microbes or humanoid creatures, but robots. For this reason, scientists should look in space not for traces of extraterrestrial life, but for traces of extraterrestrial technology.