Trouble In The Paleontological Kingdom - Alternative View

Trouble In The Paleontological Kingdom - Alternative View
Trouble In The Paleontological Kingdom - Alternative View

Video: Trouble In The Paleontological Kingdom - Alternative View

Video: Trouble In The Paleontological Kingdom - Alternative View
Video: Prehistoric Kingdom Alternate theme trailer v2 (Avant-Garde Style) 2024, July

For twenty years, researchers have been perplexed to find traces of DNA and radioactive carbon in the bones of dinosaurs that died out "millions of years ago".

Many dinosaur fossils include fragments of real bones that did not have time to mineralize, in other words, petrified. For many researchers, the contents of these bones came as a complete surprise. Since the 90s of the last century, scientists have made a number of discoveries, discovering blood cells, hemoglobin, easily destructible proteins and fragments of soft tissues in the bones of dinosaurs, in particular elastic ligaments and blood vessels. And what deserves special attention is DNA and radioactive carbon.

Evolutionists now have a daunting problem to solve to explain the supposedly 65 million age of these bones. As Dr. Mary Schweitzer, involved in the discovery of blood cells, said, “If the blood sample changes beyond recognition within a week, how could these cells survive?”

Many dinosaur fossils include fragments of real bones that did not have time to mineralize, in other words, petrified. For many researchers, the contents of these bones came as a complete surprise. Since the 90s of the last century, scientists have made a number of discoveries, discovering blood cells, hemoglobin, easily destructible proteins and fragments of soft tissues in the bones of dinosaurs, in particular elastic ligaments and blood vessels. And what deserves special attention is DNA and radioactive carbon.

Evolutionists now have a daunting problem to solve to explain the supposedly 65 million age of these bones. As Dr. Mary Schweitzer, involved in the discovery of blood cells, said, “If the blood sample changes beyond recognition within a week, how could these cells survive?”

And really, what? In an organism that became extinct millions of years ago, they, of course, could not survive. They could only survive in remains that were quickly buried under catastrophic conditions and had been under sediment for several thousand years or less. But since the evolutionary worldview holds a strong position in scientific circles, it turned out to be quite difficult to publish the results of such a study. “One reviewer told me that it doesn't matter what the data points to, it just isn't possible,” says Dr. Schweitzer. “In a reply letter, I asked him:“Then what data will convince you?” - "None."

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Schweitzer recalls how she was initially attracted by a pronounced cadaveric odor emanating from a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton found near Hell Creek, Montana. When she mentioned this to Jack Horner2, a veteran paleontologist, he replied that all bones from Hell Creek smelled like that. The belief in the multimillion-dollar age of the bones of dinosaurs is so deeply embedded in the minds of paleontologists that none of them has ever paid attention to the atypical "smell of death" - right under their noses.3 Even Schweizer herself, in spite of many of her discoveries, apparently, cannot or does not want to move away from the established worldview. Notice the chronology of discoveries over two decades - the obvious and consistent indications that something is rotten in the paleontological kingdom with its dinosaur theories,extinct millions of years ago:

In 1993, to a surprise, Mary Schweizer discovers blood cells in the bones of dinosaurs.

In 1997, hemoglobin was found, as well as distinguishable blood cells in the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

In 2003, traces of protein osteocalcin.

In 2005, elastic ligaments and blood vessels.

In 2007, collagen (an important bone structural protein) in Tyrannosaurus rex bone.

In 2009, the easily degraded proteins elastin and laminin, and again collagen in the platypus dinosaur. (If the remains were really as old as it is customary to date, they would not contain any of these proteins.)

In 2012, scientists reported the discovery of bone cells (osteocytes), actin and tubulin proteins, and DNA (!). (The degradation rates of these proteins, and especially DNA, calculated from research indicate that they could not have been stored in dinosaur remains for an estimated 65 million years after their extinction. Their presence is more consistent with the biblical chronology of thousands of years.)

In 2012, scientists report the discovery of radioactive carbon. (Considering how quickly carbon-14 decays, even if the remains were one hundred thousand years old, they should not have left a trace of its presence in them!)

Attempts by evolutionists to explain the findings by contamination and an outright desire to keep radiocarbon dating readings secret, 19,20 indicate a reluctance to face the truth and admit facts that contradict the established worldview. Because a researcher free from prejudices in such cases would inevitably ask: "How?"