Energy Of The Body - Alternative View

Energy Of The Body - Alternative View
Energy Of The Body - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of The Body - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of The Body - Alternative View
Video: Everything You Should Know About Energy Systems | Part 1 2024, October

The human body has various parameters. There is a chakra system with seven main energy centers. Each of the chakras has three axes of rotation, and the amount of energy in the chakra depends on the speed of rotation. In addition, there is a system of energy meridians that run through various parts of the body and are comparable to cables that carry electricity to consumers. Each cell, organ, tissue has its own electric charge. The combination of energies of different density and intensity forms a subtle radiation, which can be measured and recorded with modern instruments.

Previously, the word "aura" was indecent for materialists, but now devices measure the density of the aura in picovolts (one millionth of a volt) and plot graphs according to its outlines. It is now known that all parameters of the human energy system are related to each other.

It is less known that the circulation of fluids (blood, lymph) and the mobility of bone structures affect human energy. Disruption of the circulation of energy in the meridian or chakra leads to disruption of blood and lymph flow, and subsequently to illness. One of the famous US osteopaths D. Still calls himself a mechanic, because he believes that all diseases begin with vascular spasm. In this case, thyroid diseases are most often caused by restriction of blood flow in the carotid arteries due to muscle tension.

One of the osteopathic techniques is called "Muscular-energy", because with effective muscle relaxation, the energy always increases.

But if the founders of the method applied these techniques locally, then on the basis of this principle, I developed a set of exercises, universal joint gymnastics for all major joints and all parts of the spine. This made it possible to significantly enhance the energetic effect of the original method. And at the same time, the method remains a dosed controlled medical effect. We always know how the process of human recovery is going, and we can dose it.

There is one more aspect of human energy, which, in my opinion, almost no one talks about. There are sedentary zones in the human body that are prone to stress. This is the sacrum area, the cervicothoracic junction and the upper part of the neck (the area of the first cervical vertebra)

The first and second cervical vertebrae are almost always displaced during the birth of the child. This leads to persistent tension and restriction of blood flow, primarily in the vertebral arteries. In this zone, the meridians of the urinary and gallbladder pass, the circulation of energy in which is disturbed. The upper chakras also suffer, the body's energy decreases.

During childbirth, the sacrum is often displaced. He can move later and there are many reasons for this: falling on him, a leg injury with the transfer of body weight to another. He can move already because each of us has a supporting leg, which is more loaded than the other. According to my observations, the sacrum stops moving at school age, and this also leads to a restriction of the circulation of energy in the lower chakras.

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Perhaps this is also why modern children do not run as before, but sit in front of televisions and computers. But that's not all. The displacement of the sacrum leads to the displacement of the uterus. During childbirth, the contraction of the uterus is not directed along the axis of the body, but diagonally. And this leads to the displacement of the sacrum and cervical vertebrae in the child.

It turns out that women with a displaced sacrum give birth to girls with a displaced sacrum. It seems to me that it was these biomechanical factors that caused the hereditary model of scoliosis, which arose in our country in Soviet times. The set of methods I offer allows you to restore the mobility of bone structures, the circulation of fluids at almost any age to a level above average.

Energy at the same time increases ALWAYS, and many diseases (hypertension, bronchial asthma, osteochondrosis, etc.) become physiologically impossible. Many negative processes in the body associated with insufficient blood flow, dehydration and tissue atrophy are reversible.

Age is not the reason for the so-called “age-related” changes. Why do muscles become decrepit if muscle cells divide throughout life? Because they need to be trained, fed and watered. That is, to ensure blood flow and lymph flow, and tissues will be restored. In this case, motor-visceral reflexes are activated. Working muscles make the internal organs work, and the whole system begins to work at a higher level.

But conventional osteopathy and manual therapy are focused on an average level of mobility, which can give an average level of energy. For many, this is also a blessing, since it allows them to somehow live and work. But we can get more - maximum mobility at any age, which is always accompanied by a significant increase in energy. The technology I work with allows this, and the only question that arises is the number of sessions.

I especially wanted to say about the chakras. They respond to blood and lymph flow. Specifically, the lower chakra needs the mobility of the sacrum. I conducted classes with many groups of students, mostly doctors, and at the beginning of the session no one had any movement of the sacrum. That is, everyone has this problem, and it can only be eliminated by special technicians. Massage, sports, various health improvement systems do not solve it. And what I am doing is not only manual therapy, it is reflexology without needles.

You can spin the chakra psychically, but if the sacrum does not move, it will not be long. Then there is a decrease in energy. When we release the sacrum from the brake, it works hard, there is no quick and significant return.

Every person experiences stress throughout their lives. After the situation that caused the stress has passed, the memory of it does not disappear for good, but passes from consciousness to the subconscious. And it can be stored there, throughout life, thereby burdening it. It is from here that chronic fatigue syndrome can begin, which now occurs in children. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically "clean files" - remove unnecessary information from the subconscious. The only question is how to do it.

There is a question and there is an answer. The experienced stress leaves in the brain “the core of the restrained affect”, and in the body (muscles, connective tissues) the centers of tension.

It is no coincidence that the word STRESS literally means STRESS! Or speaking in Russian, life strains us.

True, you can get rid of this tension, including with the help of various massage methods. But most massage techniques do not work on the most important areas: neck, sacrum (all muscles and ligaments around it), belly (and there are as many nerve cells in it as in the spinal cord).

A displacement of the sacrum by 0.5 cm leads to persistent tension in the muscles of the back and discomfort that can accompany a person throughout his life. Playing sports or ballroom dancing, as a rule, does not solve the problem, this problem is often encountered among athletes. The use of special equipment is required. In addition, it is important to work out the entire body, from the heels to the crown, only then there is a truly deep relaxation that lasts for a long time.

Significant muscle tensions are often found in people with high intelligence and a fine nervous organization, which also indirectly confirms the predominantly psycho-emotional nature of their occurrence. Such people are often engaged in "mental gum" - an internal dialogue with themselves or other people. This state takes a lot of time and effort, and a modern city dweller, as a rule, is not ready for special meditation practices.

Here, techniques help to activate the patient, which involve the brain and reflexively change the state (there is a slowdown in biorhythms). Through the muscles, we can train the nervous system to quickly switch from arousal to inhibition. Maximum activation is possible only after maximum relaxation. Those who do not know this try to get revitalized without deep rest, and instead get a decrease in activity to the extent of chronic fatigue syndrome.