Lines Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View

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Lines Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View
Lines Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View

Video: Lines Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View

Video: Lines Of The Aral Sea - Alternative View
Video: The Aral Sea: The Toxic Soviet Sea 2024, October

In 1990, at the bottom of the Aral Sea, the Kazakh scientist Boris Smerdov discovered mysterious geometric shapes. What are these - traces of aliens or an ancient civilization?

The bottom of the Aral Sea is dotted with strange lines and bizarre figures. They can only be seen from a bird's eye view: flat wide channels. And they discovered them only after the Aral Sea became shallow.

Specialists of the French databank of anomalous phenomena Objet volant non identifie (OVNI is a UFO. - Author's note) believe that these symbols are nothing more than signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. French scientists place them next to the mysterious figures of the Nazca desert in Peru.

The bottom of the dying sea revealed a secret

Kazakhstani geoglyphs (giant drawings on the earth's surface) were discovered by Boris Smerdov, an employee of the Kazakhstan Research Hydrometeorological Institute (today, the Research Institute of Environmental and Climate Monitoring).

- In April 1990, I was engaged in monitoring the level of the Aral Sea. There is such a zone, which until then nothing was known about - this is the area between the small and large seas, dotted with a network of lakes. I ordered aerial photography, and I designated the territory 10 kilometers more, just in case. When we received the finished photographic materials, the photographs turned out to be a lot of incomprehensible figures: at the bottom, on land, along the coastline. These figures are of several types: some are in the form of parallel straight lines, others are made as if someone was driving a cyclopean-sized hand along the bottom with a comb or just trying to draw something. The width of the lines is 10-12 meters, the distance between them is 100 kilometers.

- Do these signs look like letters?

- No, but there are two signs there, very unusual. I think they have a lot of meaning. They cover 20 square kilometers. The appearance of their lines is as if they were drawn according to a pattern. Their length is from 900 meters to one and a half kilometers. Width - about twelve and a half meters. As if a bulldozer had dug them up.

- What or who could have left such traces?

- Some believe that these are traces of ships: they say, cut through the bottom. Or the ice floes were floating. But if it was "painted" by an ice floe, then the trace, according to the laws of nature, would be different. Here, there are even wide furrows. The bottom in this part of the Aral Sea is silty-clayey, titanic efforts are needed to do this. I calculated mathematically: an iceberg weighing 18 thousand tons could have rammed such a furrow! But to move it, you need a wind of such force, which has not yet been in the history of the Earth. And then, on the Aral, the thickness of the ice is not more than one meter. I even assumed that the bottom was furrowed by military underwater equipment. But experts explained that even military vehicles do not have such power.

Mathematical formulas at the bottom of the Aral Sea

And then Boris Smerdov, without suspecting it, went the same way as the researchers of riddles in the Nazca desert - he decided to find mathematical logic in the Aralic symbols. And I found it!

- I found out that there are exactly the same elements that decrease in size in the direction from north to south. I have determined that all elements depend on coordinates - latitude and longitude - in an incredibly close relationship. Simply put, if you start measuring dunes or sand dunes, they will always have different mathematical parameters, since in nature many factors simultaneously act on them. There is such a correlation coefficient. In nature, it will never be close to unity. I calculated this coefficient for these figures: it turned out to be 0.995, 0.996, 0.998, that is, almost equal to 1! This suggests that all these elements are of unnatural origin. In general, I think that each of these lines was calculated in advance.

By the way, after a detailed study of lines and drawings on the Nazca plateau, scientists came to the conclusion that the desert is a giant drawing board, and the Nazca figures are "traces" of a drawing ray. "The harmony of the contour lines is explained by the ideal mathematical logic - they are all executed according to strict mathematical laws," the famous German mathematician and astronomer Maria Reiche concluded at one time. And the Russian ufologist and radiophysicist Alla Belokon believes that the Nazca lines are nothing more than a mathematical model of the Universe, and possibly the spatial connection of two worlds.

- Did you come close to these lines?

- As much as I could. On one of my business trips, in 1996, I got hold of an inflatable boat and persuaded our observer Margulan, a good hunter, tracker, to go with me to look for these tracks. By the way, he told me that one night he saw glowing balls flying in the direction of these lines. I armed myself with a telescope, a watch, a compass, but for the whole night I saw nothing. Another time, Margulan himself led me to a mysterious trail. It was left in the viscous mud, giving the impression that a giant ice rink had rolled and left an even depression. I even made a cross section in that place and brought samples of soil and dried algae to Almaty, but there is no money to hand over all this to the laboratory.

- Have you tried to show all this to serious scientists?

- I am an adherent of exact science and against far-fetched facts. I went with my discovery to the Academy of Sciences, where they told me: "We have no money for research, but what is THIS - we will say." None of the academicians and their scientific secretaries met with me again.

After that I went to Boris Zeylik, the head of the methodological Kazakh expedition, who had already left the country. Zeylik is one of the founders of space imagery in the geology of the USSR. He studied the photographs, and his opinion is that this is not microtectonics, that is, not moving phenomena of the earth. His opinion confirms my theory that the structures at the bottom of the Aral Sea are man-made!

I went to the Institute of Space Research to see the director, academician Umirzak Sultangazin. He is a mathematician, was engaged in space research, and since the arrangement of signs is a mathematical system, I was very interested to know his opinion. There was no opinion. He read my article in the newspaper "Science of Kazakhstan" and said: "I read it." And that's all. Yes, and at my institute they look at me as a weirdo.

Who will decipher the message

In 1996, Boris Smerdov published an article about his discovery in the newspaper "Science of Kazakhstan". In it, he tried to find a reasonable reason for the appearance of mysterious signs at the bottom of the sea.

Here are his assumptions:

1). The symbols at the bottom of the Aral Sea were formed during the manipulation of powerful devices and are not intended for anyone.

2). They contain information for representatives of a high civilization who can read it under a large layer of water.

3). They contain information for earthlings who should see it after the Aral Sea is shallowed.

However, no one, except the correspondent of Izvestia, was interested in this material. But the article in Izvestia was reprinted by the Florentine newspaper La nazione. So information about the Aral signs got to Europe, where specialists from the French OVNI Data Bank of anomalous phenomena drew attention to it.

The bank's representative was ready to come to Kazakhstan at any time, provided that the Kazakh side will bear the costs of his stay here. However, there was no one to meet the French anomaly specialist. Nevertheless, the mystery of the Aral Sea is included in the catalog of this international organization.

Meanwhile, Russian scientists have put forward a version that at the bottom of the Aral Sea there is an underwater base of aliens who are studying our planet.

At the same time, everyone agrees that the Aralic signs absolutely represent a kind of cipher that needs to be deciphered. The first attempts to do so found the coordinates of a clear relief sign that resembles a directional arrow.

Where is she pointing? Researchers have yet to answer this question. By the way, some of them are already talking about the symbols of the Aral Sea, as a message to humanity from aliens.

Beware of false information

There is an opinion that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have long been trying to establish contact with earthlings. And it has been especially active recently, as evidenced by the increasingly frequent signs in different countries of the world.

In August last year, a strange geoglyph was discovered near the village of Pitt in Hampshire (UK). This is a giant alien face and pictogram. Experts were able to decipher the pictogram. Here's what it says: “Beware of false information carriers and their unkept promises. There is a lot of pain (disease, misfortune), but it will last for some time. Believe. Outside this place (apparently, the Earth. - Approx. Auth.) Is good. We differ from you in the depth of our knowledge. The channel is closing."

In the 80s in England, about 500 circles and pictograms (conventional signs) were found in the fields of mature wheat. Even a whole science about this phenomenon was born - cereology.

They tried to explain the appearance of the figures by various reasons - from meteorological to divine. Among the possible were named air vortices, microtornadoes, ghosts, UFO landings. Eyewitnesses most often speak in favor of the latter - the ufological - version. Late travelers and night watchmen observed incomprehensible glow, or even the UFOs themselves in all their glory over the fields, where the next morning circles were found. None of the current versions has been officially confirmed.

But, as is often the case, interest in the unknown caused a series of fake messages to appear. A widely publicized case was when a newspaper paid a farmer money to create a pictogram on its land. But this was a trifle compared to the stream of forgeries that poured out a little later. The most painful blow to cereology came in September 1991, when two unemployed artists from Southampton confessed to falsifying the mysterious circles. The artists explained their pranks by the desire to become famous. The year 1999 returned a serious tone to the topic, when such circles began to appear in Russia.

Kazakhstani Boris Smerdov suggests that signs similar to the Aral ones should now appear at the bottom of the Caspian Sea. He believes that the Caspian Sea is going through hard times and, perhaps, someone is trying to warn us about the impending catastrophe.

- Do you yourself believe in alien intelligence?

- I believe that there is a higher intelligence that determines events on Earth and controls people. And I can confirm this by the example of my own life. Seven times I should have died inevitably, but I survived. I am sure - in order for me to find these signs.


reference There are geoglyphs in Egypt, Malta, USA, Bolivia, Chile and other countries.

There are two types of terrestrial images: various creatures and things and geometric shapes and lines. The most famous are Peruvian in the Nazca desert. Moreover, informative drawings in Nazca make up about 0.2% of the total number of figures, the rest are lines, triangles, zigzags, spirals, wavy lines.

There are three theories of the existence of such lines on Earth:

- they were used by ancient civilizations for rituals, most likely associated with astronomy;

- they were created to honor the alien gods;

- they are created by the aliens themselves.

Call to expert

Sergey Efimov, scientific secretary of the commission on anomalous phenomena of Kazakhstan:

“I've seen aerial photographs of these signs. They look really interesting. But, judging by the good preservation of the figures, they appeared not hundreds or thousands of years ago, but in the XX century, they are only a few decades old. Earlier tracks would have been washed away by currents and covered with silt. And who could have ruled the Aral Sea in the last century?

I think that the reason for the appearance of signs on the bottom of the Aral Sea should first be carefully looked for on the ground. Most likely, they are of terrestrial origin. Perhaps this is the result of fishing activities (trawl tracks) or military experiments - after all, it is known that the Aral Sea was actively used as a military training ground. And no unusual UFO activity in this area was noted.

As for the mathematical calculations, according to which the position of the lines indicates some given coordinates, this is too muddy. Although you can check this too. It would be interesting to go to "point X" and carry out excavations there. And at the same time, look at the lines themselves, take measurements, take samples.

There are not many other mysterious traces attributed to aliens in Kazakhstan. Strange circles appeared in 1991 near Leninogorsk, and in 1990 in the Turgen area. At the same time, several round pits with sheer walls formed in Central Kazakhstan. True, almost all of these phenomena received a prosaic explanation. Do the Aral Water


hide a highly developed civilization?

Two years ago, Kyzylorda scientists discovered fragments of an ancient highly developed settlement on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea. Until then they were hidden by the sea.

Initially, the find was dated to the XII-XIII centuries AD, however, at a greater depth, a masonry of gold coins with an engraved profile of a man in a two-horned helmet characteristic of the time of Alexander the Great was discovered. On the reverse side of the coin there is a coat of arms with a winged creature unknown to science and an inscription in Latin - "Nuricus Primus".

Academician M. Kozybaev, who at that time headed the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography, suggested that material evidence of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization on the territory of Kazakhstan was found at the bottom of the Aral Sea.