Horror Stories Of Rostov - Alternative View

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Horror Stories Of Rostov - Alternative View
Horror Stories Of Rostov - Alternative View

Video: Horror Stories Of Rostov - Alternative View

Video: Horror Stories Of Rostov - Alternative View
Video: 30 TRUE Scary Stories Told In The Rain | Mega Compilation | (Horror Stories) 2024, October

Each city has its own houses or entire streets, shrouded in an aura of mystery and mysticism. The Don capital also does not stand aside. In honor of Halloween, 161.ru compiled a list of the most mysterious and amazing places in Rostov. We also remembered stories with legends associated with them.

Serpentine invasion

This strange story began in 1995. Several interconnected apartment buildings located not far from the Central Market, at 53 and 55 Moskovskaya Street, as well as at 5 Temernitskaya Street, suddenly turned into a real terrarium. Gray snakes, similar to vipers, began to appear in the courtyards, and there were a lot of them. Reptiles crawled into apartments, causing an extraordinary stir among residents, authorities and the media.

- At the end of April 1996, the snakes seemed to break loose, filling the entire courtyard and all basements, penetrating the entrances and apartments. In early May, dozens of snakes were killed for the first time in the courtyards, - wrote the portal "Rostov Dictionary". - In October 1997, a fire broke out in the basement under the first entrance of house No. 55 on Moskovskaya Street. The very epicenter of the ecological disaster, in addition, caught fire!

Because of the fire, alarmed snakes literally climbed out of all the cracks, rushed to the rescuers. And just a year later, the basement flared up again. Then they decided to thoroughly clean the room and take out all the trash from there.

After that, the snakes suddenly disappeared and appeared ten years later - in 2007. Local residents declared a real war on them. People, armed with axes, hunted creeping reptiles. However, the invasion continued until the abnormally hot summer of 2010. Perhaps it was during that period that all reptiles died due to lack of water.

The "Rostov Dictionary", citing eyewitnesses, reports that at least two thousand reptiles were killed in the yard of the "house-terrarium". The reasons for the anomalies happening in the center of Rostov are still unknown.

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The ghost of the customs gate museum

Perhaps one of the most famous urban legends of Rostov and Aksai. Documentary films, notes and investigations were made about the ghost of the dungeons of the customs outpost, although only one person saw the ghost.

The customs post was built in the second half of the 18th century, next to the noble estate. The museum was opened here in September 1991. In 2000, in one of the basements, a museum worker, Vyacheslav Zaporozhtsev, saw the ghost of a young woman dressed in an old 19th century dress. The story quickly scattered, historians, journalists, mediums and psychics of all stripes joined in the search for the ghost. Researchers found out that under the outpost there was a three-level dungeon, and a young girl, presumably the daughter of the owner of a neighboring estate, accidentally pressed the mechanism, the wall closed and crushed her. Perhaps it was she who "appeared" to Vyacheslav Zaporozhtsev.

Green Isle Anomalies

Zeleny Island is one of the most famous anomalous zones in the Rostov region. Many strange and inexplicable, and sometimes frightening stories are associated with a piece of land in the middle of the Don.

- Rumors that “not everything is clean” on the Green Island spread in Rostov long before the current craze for “flying saucers” and aliens from another world. Somewhere from the mid-20s, the townspeople passed from mouth to mouth horror stories about ghosts, drowned people and the living dead, supposedly "entrenched" on the island, - wrote the journalists of the newspaper "Absolutely unclassified".

Many films have been filmed about a strange aircraft that allegedly crashed over the island in 1941. Of course, the NKVD officers immediately became interested in UFOs, who immediately cordoned off Zeleny, giving rise to a lot of gossip and rumors about devilry and aliens. Legend has it that the Chekists organized a whole laboratory here to study the fallen object.

Another example of an urban legend associated with the Green Island is the Black Stone. Someone claims that this stone literally hovers above the ground somewhere among lush vegetation. Once on the Green Island, a little girl was vacationing with her parents. While the parents were walking, the child ran away and disappeared. Adults combed the entire island, which, by the way, is not that big: its length is four kilometers, width is no more than one and a half kilometers. The girl was found sleeping in a tent. When she woke up, she told her parents that she saw a black buzzing stone in the grove. She touched him, and then she didn't remember anything.

In the 90s, the Rostov media wrote about a company of young people who came to the island in a boat and also saw a black buzzing stone. Experiencing panic fear and severe dizziness, the youth rushed away. The strange symptoms disappeared as soon as the guys swam to the other side of the river. They told their friends about the incident.

Ghost Tales

According to the city legend, the old house at 47 Gazetny Lane before the revolution belonged to the miller Solodov. His factory was located not far from the house. Once a fire broke out on it, it completely burned down, depriving Solodov of his condition. They say that after that the miller went crazy and kept returning to the ruins of his factory. Someone claims that his ghost is still groaning in a place dear to his heart.

Another ghost story is associated with the Sholokhov Museum at the intersection of Krepostny Lane and Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. Many years ago, it allegedly housed an office, one of whose employees fell in love with a client. When he came again, the girl decided to confess her love for him. The man listened to her revelations, turned around and left. Then the girl ran after her lover, slapped him in the face and fell down dead. The story is silent about what happened next to the man and whether he regretted his indifference, but supposedly on a certain day and hour he finds himself in one of the rooms of the building with a palm print on his cheek. Apparently, the girl hit him heartily.

The spirit of the deceased actor allegedly lives in the building of the Academic Youth Theater on Svoboda Square, 3. During his lifetime, the actor loved his job and was insanely talented. During one of the performances, he suddenly felt bad, and he died right on the stage of the theater. Since then, the actor sometimes appears in the building, but not to scare colleagues, but to warn them against the fall of heavy and unstable decorations, and even points out breakdowns of equipment and mechanisms.

Elizaveta Frolova