Human Races - The Antics Of Aliens - Alternative View

Human Races - The Antics Of Aliens - Alternative View
Human Races - The Antics Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Human Races - The Antics Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Human Races - The Antics Of Aliens - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, April

In the title, I outlined the topic so as not to injure the psyche of people adhering to the official paradigm, since we will talk about an alternative point of view. Moreover, I want to forestall possible disputes by stating that this is not a scientific article or even a theory, but a hypothesis based on the hypothesis put forward by A. Yu. Sklyarov.

Impressionable, gullible and vulnerable people, please do not read below.


Let me remind you briefly about the version of Andrey Sklyarov. In the distant past, when neoanthropes lived on Earth, a spaceship (or a small fleet) arrived on Earth. This was not a special expedition for research or colonization, but refugees from the losing party for power with attendants and loyal warriors.


Before the ship chose Earth as a stopping point, the Anunnaki visited several planets and rated them as unfit for life. It is not possible to establish the number of aliens who arrived, but it is possible to understand indirectly. It is known that initially the supreme power belonged to a family of seven creatures - the Annunaki, and also 600 creatures of the service personnel - Igigs are mentioned. Whether the rest of the retinue and the warriors were part of these six hundred, or whether there were a few of them no longer matters in principle. It is important to understand that there were few of them and that they had to fly (after defeating Anu, Kumarbi pursued him in the “Heavenly Kingdom”), unprepared, apart from the progressive power of their civilization.


The task of the arriving Annunaki was to survive in conditions that were not entirely suitable for them. It was required to establish food, equip housing, establish repairs, and possibly the production of the necessary equipment. This was entrusted to half (three hundred) of the arriving igigs. But at some point, they went on strike with their plight and demanded to create a biorobot - a slave who could do hard and primitive work. Those interested can read the translation of the first table of the Atrahasis myth.

Promotional video:


The supreme gods agreed with these requirements. One of the gods was killed (the question is why? If only this is not the head of the rebels) and from his genetic material and the neoanthrope who lived on Earth, after several unsuccessful attempts (again due to the unpreparedness of the expedition), the first Homo sapiens was created - a man named Adapa … Genetic hybrid of a neoanthrope and an alien. Unfortunately, the process of creating the first woman was not found among the Sumerians, but it is presented in the Bible as a story about the creation of Eve. But from the Sumerians an even more interesting myth has come down to us about the first group of people - seven pairs of men and women obtained in laboratory conditions, which were carried by the younger goddesses.


Thus, Humanity can begin with the first 15 pairs, where the first pair is Adapa and Eve, and then there are options: clones or seed material of the first pair, or independent initial components (for example, different eggs of neoanthropes).


Well, now about the race hypothesis. The Sumerians called the first people black-headed, which can be interpreted as black-haired, or indeed having dark skin. The first mines where the created slaves were supposed to be used were in the Tanzanian region. And already from Tanzania, some people are brought to Mesopotamia. And in this regard, there is one interesting myth about the parallel wild man (Epic of Gilgamesh). In the epic, the wild man Enkidu, with the help of the beauty of the harlot (temple attendant), Shamhat is brought into the city. Here is Enkidu's description:


Enkidu's lifestyle and physique is very similar to that of a Neanderthal. It is possible that this myth also testified to the receipt by a human of a reasonable genetic set from a Neanderthal. Moreover, in this hypothesis, the Neanderthal may not be able to produce fertile offspring - the abilities of aliens could bypass this difficulty using genetic technologies. I am inclined precisely to the option of the impossibility of natural crossing, between Homo sapiens and paleoanthropes. After genetic hybridization of a neoanthrope with an alien, the resulting human had to acquire a completely unique genetic set.

Could it be that the races formed on their own and the paleoanthropes did not influence here at all? Sure! It is enough to see how quickly the breeds are obtained by breeders. But living in places of appearance of races of paleoanthropes with the same characteristics and genetic traces of crossing of paleoanthropes with Homo sapiens, tip the scales in favor of the relationship of races with other branches of man.

Usually the question immediately arises, why was it necessary? Recall that for aliens, people are slaves - animals specially created for work, created by genetic engineering in a certain area. How do livestock breeders improve the breed? They bring a breeding animal to the local herd. But there is also the opposite option: the bringing of breeding offspring. But it requires acclimatization to new conditions. For better acclimatization of animals, they often resort to crossing the imported breeds with the local livestock. This makes it possible to obtain offspring that combines good productive qualities, adaptability to the conditions of a certain breeding zone and provides a wider rate of animal reaction to a variety of environmental factors.

The region of the Tigris and Euphrates - the origin of the European race, the Indus region - the origin of the Veddo-Australoid race, the Huang He region - the Mongoloid race
The region of the Tigris and Euphrates - the origin of the European race, the Indus region - the origin of the Veddo-Australoid race, the Huang He region - the Mongoloid race

The region of the Tigris and Euphrates - the origin of the European race, the Indus region - the origin of the Veddo-Australoid race, the Huang He region - the Mongoloid race.

So the aliens got the first person in Africa, brought him to the Middle East and crossed with the local form - the Neanderthal. And then the resulting hybrid was transferred to two more centers of Asia using the same technology (crossing with local hominids), which eventually gave rise to the Mongoloid and Veddo-Australoid races.