Lake Racetrack Playa. USA - Alternative View

Lake Racetrack Playa. USA - Alternative View
Lake Racetrack Playa. USA - Alternative View

Video: Lake Racetrack Playa. USA - Alternative View

Video: Lake Racetrack Playa. USA - Alternative View

There is Lake Racetrack Playa in Death Valley, California. Its name comes from two seemingly little combined words: English racetrack - "race track" and Spanish playa - "shore".

The clay bottom of Racetrack Playa is almost always dry, and nothing grows on it. It is covered with an almost uniform pattern of cracks that form irregular polygonal cells.

At the bottom there are stones, which are weighty lumps weighing up to 30 kilograms. At times, the stones move strangely, leaving shallow but very long furrows behind them on the ground. The path of the longest "trail" was 27 meters, and the depth was 2 cm.


Until now, no one has managed to see the movement of these stones, and even more so to photograph the phenomenon on film. But there is no doubt that the stones are moving - the grooves extend from almost each of them, and the trajectory of movement is absolutely arbitrary.


At the beginning of the XX century, scientists suggested that the reason for the mysterious movement in specific magnetic fields, but this version had nothing to do with reality.

Then scientists presented to the world another version of the movement of stones. In their opinion, the wind pushed the stones, and they slid on a relatively flat surface. Considering that the weight of some blocks reaches 30 kilograms, the second version was also refuted.

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In addition, there were also considerations that earthquakes could affect the movement of stones. However, this conjecture was quickly rejected, since seismic activity increases in that area extremely rarely, moreover, it is very weak in order to demonstrate such an effect.


Historians say that in 1849 a group of white colonists first appeared in the valley. They thought that the path through this valley would be the shortest road to California. Their expectations turned into tragedy. Exhausted by the long and arduous journey, the few surviving travelers who crossed the valley called it the "Valley of Death".

Over the past 10 thousand years, 4 different cultures of Indians lived in the valley, and individual families live there to this day, therefore superstitious people suspect the magic of ancient tribes in mysterious anomalies.