Mystical Moleben Triangle - Alternative View

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Mystical Moleben Triangle - Alternative View
Mystical Moleben Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Moleben Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Moleben Triangle - Alternative View

Russia is a gigantic country, and, accordingly, everything that is inherent in a huge country, it has a huge amount.

Whatever you do, there will always be amazing facts in Russia. This also applies to mystical places with which the territory of Russia is full of abundance. Our story will go about them.

Moleb Triangle

This place has long become a cult place among researchers of all stripes, here ufologists, alternative historians and hunters for the "Bigfoot" trade. This zone is located on the banks of the Sylva River, on the border of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Perm Territory. Among the people, the name of the M-triangle was stuck behind the zone.

There are enough mysteries in this place for several decades to come. What they have not seen and felt in this place. Even during the Soviet era, there were various rumors about the zone. So a huge sixty-meter thawed patch was discovered here, which appeared after the takeoff of a huge purple ball. Some eyewitnesses claimed to have witnessed a UFO crash landing. Someone saw massive take-offs of objects similar to oranges, and many felt a sharp deterioration in their condition, panic or headaches.

As soon as the first publications about the events in the zone appeared in the press, a stream of hunters for the unknown rushed here. In the piggy bank of the unknown, there is a huge amount of scientific results. So, jumps in the course of time, abnormal operation of the compass and electronics, as well as discharge of batteries and loss of radio communication were recorded in the zone. There is also a mass of evidence of encounters with strange creatures and sightings of many UFOs. The zone is also famous for the appearance of ball lightning in any weather and the screams of unseen creatures.

There is a monument to aliens in the zone, and at the entrance to the zone you can see a sign that warns that this place is unsafe.

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The zone is known for its isolated mysterious places. For example, in the zone there is such a place as "Mukhortovsky obstruction", in this place, witnesses often see figures of humanoid creatures, which seem to fluoresce and spoil above the ground. Near the river there are the so-called "Witch's Rings", and here you can often see light highlights in the form of white spheres in photographs.

Also not far from the abandoned settlement of the Old Believers is a green tunnel, which was formed from intricately intertwined trees and bushes. And in the vicinity of the "Black River", researchers often recorded anomalies with clocks, when time slowed down or, on the contrary, ran forward. Also in these places, creatures very similar to snow people were often seen.

It should be noted that scientists from official science also conducted research in the zone, but their conclusions speak in favor of a natural explanation for incomprehensible phenomena. It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. But to this day, here you can find people who believe in aliens, and they are absolutely sure that the zone is a portal for alien visits.