Taoism: An Ancient Philosophy For Harmony In Life - Alternative View

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Taoism: An Ancient Philosophy For Harmony In Life - Alternative View
Taoism: An Ancient Philosophy For Harmony In Life - Alternative View

Video: Taoism: An Ancient Philosophy For Harmony In Life - Alternative View

Video: Taoism: An Ancient Philosophy For Harmony In Life - Alternative View
Video: The Art of Effortless Living (Taoist Documentary) 2024, May

Taoism teaches us how to live in harmony with ourselves, following the Tao. This is an easy course of action that takes its example from nature to find inner peace.

More than two thousand years ago, the ancient sages of China sought to answer the supposed "irrefutable" questions that humans have been struggling with since the dawn of our species:

  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Where did the universe come from?

Taoism is a philosophy and, in some cases, a religion that can rightfully be considered one of the greatest contributions of ancient China to the world.

This can be a little tricky to determine at first. In fact, the opening lines of his most important text, The Tao Te Ching, written by Lao Tzu about 2,500 years ago, warn that “The Tao that can be spoken is not the Eternal Tao.” In other words, the moment you try to understand it with your mind and put it into words, you have already lost its essence.

But while Taoism may seem overwhelming to the uninitiated, its message is simple and profoundly life-changing.

The purpose of this article is to demystify this ancient wisdom and show how it can be used to change our lives for the better.

What is Tao?

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Taoism is based on the concept of Tao. Literally translated, it means "The Way."

Tao can be understood as:

Thus, we can think of Tao as a blank canvas on which this entire universe appears. Moreover, it is also the driving mechanism of creation, the source and essence of all things.

Tao is the natural, omnipresent and light order of the cosmos. Creative energy that inspires and animates everything at the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels.

It is the force that guides the orbit of planets, stars and galaxies. This makes the rivers flow to the sea. And it allows our bodies to digest food, circulate oxygen and effortlessly breathe, grow and live.

This creative principle is invisible to the senses. But this can be clearly inferred from its effects. If this were not there, nothing else could exist.

The universe cannot suddenly appear. In order for something to exist, there must be some factor supporting its existence. This factor is called Tao.

Taoism is largely a "cold" philosophy.

For Taoists, the secret of life is not to force, annoy, or struggle to control and manipulate reality, but to relax, smile, and float downstream, allowing things to unfold naturally.

This brings us back into line with the natural order of the cosmos.

Result? Our life unfolds with much greater harmony, peace, joy and ease.

Here is one analogy for understanding the practical application of Taoism - thinking about troubled waters. What's the best way to clear muddy water? Interfere with or try to remove all dirt particles? It actually creates more confusion. Water purifies naturally when we simply let the sediment settle.

The ancient sages realized that the human mind works on the same principle.

Instead of trying to understand, seek, and control when we allow ourselves to be peaceful and calm, we find ourselves returning to balance without effort.

Perhaps in today's super-stressful times, this ancient philosophy offers a cure for the struggles and tensions of modern life?

Taoism is a natural rhythm

Taoist philosophy was inspired by careful observation of the natural world.

You only need to spend a little time outdoors to feel the eternal pulsating rhythm of nature. The sun rises and sets every day, and the seasons change one after another. Rivers flow to the sea and clouds feed the earth with water. Trees and plants grow, blossom and decay. Animals live according to their unique nature, instinctively knowing everything they need to live and reproduce.

The entire space functions according to built-in programming. The hidden mind that exists and operates in all things and in all beings.

This includes people. However, as the only species endowed with intelligence and the capacity for free will, humans are also the only species capable of violating their own nature.


Lao Tzu, the "father" of Taoism

It is clear from reading the Tao Te Ching that many of the problems that society faced during the time of Lao Tzu are familiar to us today: greed, materialism, vanity, conflict and war.

Lao Tzu appealed to the leaders of his time with significant parts of the Tao Te Ching, urging them to avoid unnecessary conflicts and put the interests of the people above their own.

Alas, today, more than ever, political leaders need to embrace the Taoist message of harmony, compassion and humility.

Lao Tzu warns that when people lose touch with their own essence, the Tao, conflict, suffering and death will inevitably follow.

It is clear that today we live in dangerous times. The planet's resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. Conflict and exploitation are rampant, and unequal distribution of resources is suffering billions.

Human greed threatens our continued survival as a species and the future of the planet on which we depend.

If there is an innate harmony and perfection in space, then how did people manage to make such a mistake?

Taoist solution

Taoism teaches that the path to harmony is to return to alignment with Tao.

Tao does not need to be invented. This is the essence of who we are. We just have to remove any obstacles that might block its flow.

People are blessed and cursed with the ability to exercise free will. All other creatures on the planet automatically follow their instincts and programming. They naturally follow the Tao.

However, humans are capable of acting against their own nature. It is interesting to study the work of anthropologists like Lasse Berg, who have highlighted the incredible differences between people in pre-modern, pre-industrial cultures and people living in our modern post-industrial, capitalist world. Their findings are of great importance.

In fact, the society that has evolved over the past several thousand years has distorted human nature.

Berg discovered that humans are not inherently bad. They are initially not driven by greed, selfishness and violence. This is not who we are, but it happened through living in a culture that undermined our values and diminished our true nature.

Studies such as Berg's show that humans are essentially a species that is characterized by cooperation, peace, curiosity, and harmony. We are biologically designed to live in small groups, living in harmony with nature, having only what we need, and working several hours a day, performing tasks that use our innate skills and inclinations.

Physiologically, we are the same as millions of years ago, but our way of life changed radically when we moved from hunting to a society based on agriculture.

The moment we set up fences and created the concept of "ownership", we decided that we must be ready to fight, defend and kill for this concept. Then we had to create money, armies and hierarchical power structures.

We now live in a society that is completely cut off from the natural world. We worship money unconditionally, which is also an idea someone came up with. An absolutely symbolic creation.

Indisputable materialism and unbridled greed are destroying us and the planet we live on.

When we lose touch with the natural flow of life and our own nature, as humans have clearly done, suffering is inevitable.

The central theme of Taoism is the concept of "return".

Everything comes from Tao, and everything returns to it, just as rivers inevitably return to the ocean. Returning to alignment with Tao, the natural impulse of the cosmos, everything changes.


To go with the flow

We can learn a lot from the water. While it is one of the mildest and most potent substances, it is also one of the most potent. Water is vital and capable of cutting through rocks and literally moving mountains.

Nature follows the natural order of existence effortlessly. If it doesn't, chaos will ensue. Imagine that one day the sun decided not to shine, or the fire suddenly cooled down, or the water stopped flowing. The world will simply collapse!

The human mind is an amazing thing, capable of great achievement and innovation. But our mind is also capable of creating innumerable problems for us.

We are the only species on the planet that believe that we can somehow do better than life itself.

Lao Tzu speculates that humans assume they could rule the universe and do a better job. He's pretty sure we're only making a terrible mess.

The Taoist sage Chuan Tzu noted the same when he said:

When we are inflexible and unyielding, when we resist life and try to control and dominate it - arrogantly believing that we always know better - we think of ourselves as strong and tough.

What we don’t understand is that the human ego, with its dull vision, is the source of almost all of our problems, both on an individual and social level.

In trying to dominate life and others, we usually resist the natural flow of life. We think we can fight the tide and work our way upstream because we are determined to do our will and get what we want.

The Tao Te Ching indicates the danger and futility of such thinking. Even nature, with all its power and grandeur, cannot create a storm that will last forever.

Strength requires tension that cannot continue indefinitely, and sooner or later will wear us down. We also have no way of knowing that what we think we want is actually in our interests. We can only see a tiny part of the big picture, so our ignorance always outweighs our knowledge.

Second, our toughness doesn't make us strong - it makes us vulnerable. Using another metaphor of nature, Lao Tzu points out that a tree that stands firmly can break when struck by a storm. However, the tree, which is flexible, will easily withstand any storm. Its branches will bend in the wind, not break under it.

Everything in life is ebb and flow. The secret to success and strength is to have the wisdom to join the path of the universe. Focus our energies wisely and work with this natural flow, not against it.

Taoism is inaction

One of the key tenets of Taoism and one of the most exciting and potentially life-transforming ideas of Eastern philosophy is called Wu Wei, which means "do without action" or "inaction."

Instead of straining to make things happen, which often involves fighting against the flow of life, Taoists succumb to the flow, allowing the right action to spontaneously arise.

Rather than trying to align life with the whims of our mind and ego, a powerful practice is to stay still, go inward and figure out what life wants. Who we should be, what we should do, have and create.

Each creature in creation has its own mission, its own built-in duty based on their particular nature. To follow our nature is to follow the built-in pattern or program of the universe.

By following our nature, our actions become easy and the results are more likely to be positive. It also saves a lot of energy, which can then be used to simply enjoy life.

The Tao Te Ching warns that by trying to force actions, we often simply lead to chaos:

Taoism is based mainly on close observation of the natural world, in which no action is taken.

Nature is not trying to do anything more than your body is trying to breathe, circulate blood, or digest food. Everything happens spontaneously through "inaction".

Everything in life has its own flow, its own pace and speed. If we can tune in to it and join it, we can achieve without undue effort and enjoy ease in everything we do. We find that we know instinctively what to do and when. This mind is Tao, acting within us and around us. Relax in this flow and let the Tao guide your life.

When we are in a state of flux, life becomes much easier, less stressful, and infinitely more enjoyable.

It has to do with recognizing that we are not actually directing our lives - it is Tao, or the creative mind of life, operating within us.

Are we living our own lives and who are we? Or does life really live on us?

Acting in accordance with our nature and following the natural impulse of the cosmos, our life flows with impeccable ease and simplicity.

Taoism is the harmony of Yin and Yang

We tend to think absolutely - from the point of view of good and evil, light and darkness, positive and negative, beautiful and ugly, desirable and undesirable.

Taoism recognizes that the universe is made up of two opposing but complementary forces. This is called Yin and Yang. However, they are not separate. They are depicted in the famous yin / yang symbol, intertwined in a state of perfect balance.

While the human mind tends to classify things as “good” and “bad,” and we cling to and resist things accordingly, all things are part of an indivisible whole.

Taoism teaches that the secret of life is in harmony with everything, with life in its entirety.

Opposites are just two sides of the same coin, and, whatever one may say, we cannot get around this fact. We simply cannot have light without darkness, heat without cold, top without bottom, or joy without sadness.

Therefore, Taoists strive to live with humility and acceptance of good with bad and accept everything that comes as part of a rich life path.

Taoists believe that by achieving perfect balance and harmonizing Yin and Yang, we achieve not only peace of mind, but also health and longevity.


Some aspects of Taoist philosophy are difficult to understand for the average 21st century Westerner.

Most of us are conditioned from a young age to see life as something that we need to shape and manipulate in order to get whatever we want out of it. Usually in terms of power, money and property.

To ancient sages, such a view of life might seem ignorant and stupid. Why should we always seek everything that we can get from life when life has already given us everything?

Shouldn't we instead live with gratitude, appreciation, and the desire to contribute to life?

If we walk through life with the right attitude, always feeling that life somehow owes us more than it gives us, then we will eventually become unhappy people.

But if we instead live with a mood of gratitude, contentment and a desire to bring something back to life, then it is pretty much guaranteed that we will live much happier and richer. And we will probably be much more popular with other people.

As Lao Tzu says in the last verse of the Tao Te Ching:

Taoism includes three jewels

Lao Tzu outlines what he calls the Three Jewels. The three values or qualities of the mind that are the key to a life of virtue, integrity, and harmony.

These three gems are compassion, moderation, and humility.

“With compassion, you will be courageous,” Lao Tzu tells us. “Through moderation you can give to others. With humility you can live honestly."

These are great values for life. Compassion is seeing through the eyes of love. And we do this simply by realizing our common connection as the embodiment of Tao.

The human ego tends to feed judgment, competition, and negative comparison. When this happens, compassion goes away and we disconnect and distance ourselves from our fellow beings. This almost inevitably leads to isolation, conflict and disaster.

It is because of this disunity and lack of compassion that wars start and people are capable of performing terrible acts against each other. This means a complete violation of the laws of Tao.

Moderation is a key tenet of Taoism and the Tao Te Ching mentions it many times. Nature works in light moderation and this is how the natural balance is maintained. Since everything in life is connected, more is taken out of fear and greed than we need, which leads to imbalances and negatively affects not only others, but also ourselves at some point in the future.

Failure to moderate is one of the key failings of the human race. And this is also the reason that only 1% of the population holds half of the world's wealth. Lack of moderation may be our failure.

Humility is another key meaning that Lao Tzu often refers to. Humility means recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is given by the life of Tao. It doesn't belong to us. Even our bodies do not belong to us. Like the air that fills our lungs, everything is simply loaned to us. And in the end, we have to return everything.


For a wise person who truly understands the nature of reality, there is absolutely no room for complacency or arrogance. Such a person lives with the greatest humility and gratitude and is constantly amazed at the miracle of existence.

Leadership, War and Peace

Much of the Tao Te Ching was addressed to the political leaders of the time. Legend has it that Lao Tzu worked as an archivist at the court of the Zhou Dynasty. He was known throughout the country as a man of great wisdom. Frustrated by the corruption he was seeing around him, Lao Tzu decided to leave society behind, so he quit his job, packed his things and rode off on a buffalo ride. Sages clearly know how to make dramatic exits!

Recognizing him at the Hang-ku mountain pass, the gatekeeper implored him to share his wisdom before leaving the kingdom. Lao Tzu duly obeyed and it is said that he wrote the entire Tao Te Ching in one night.

Lao Tzu's words are uncompromising when it comes to leadership.

He tells us that the greatest leader is the one people don't even know they are. Instead of imposing himself on riot and selfishness, a true leader works quietly behind the scenes, trusting his people and allowing them to flourish on their own.

“The best leader says little,” he says in verse 17. "He never speaks casually." Luckily, they didn't have Twitter back then.

There is no place for the ego when it comes to leadership. Rather than trying to look good and wasting his time controlling and manipulating others, a true leader trusts his subordinates by backing down and walking cautiously from behind the scenes.

A great leader "leaves no trace" once the job is done. This humility is the source of their greatness. For, as Lao Tzu said, "if you do not accept the meaning, you will never lose it."

Rather than trying to exalt themselves, Taoists see merit in being inferior to others. They focus on how you can serve, rather than what you can receive.

Again, the three gems - compassion, humility, and moderation - are essential to directing their actions when they are in any position.

Taoism encourages us to let go of the need to control and dominate others. He sees the role of leadership as hands-off. The more we try to control and impose our point of view on others, the more we sow the seeds of conflict. When this happens, a war begins.

Contrary to what we might assume, war is not a natural occurrence. This is a completely human invention.

According to Taoism, peace should always be our highest value, since peace is the nature of Tao.

Lao Tzu warns that:

“Whatever is strained by force will soon disintegrate. Those who lead people by following the Tao do not try to reject the world or use weapons to fulfill their will. The use of force always creates opposition. The weapon is often turned against the owner."

Conflict should clearly be avoided wherever possible. This does not mean that Taoism stands for blind pacifism. Some things in life have to be fought for. If injustices and crimes are committed, such violations must be addressed. But Lao Tzu says:

To live a life based on the Tao, we must learn to solve problems before they get out of hand and deal with things while they are still simple.

This includes following the flow of the Tao and responding appropriately to the moment it unfolds and maintaining order by not letting things collapse.

Leadership and life in general are very important to learning to surf the waves of life with skill, balance and poise.

Become a sage

In short, Taoism is about returning to harmony with the flow of life. True, we are already Tao. We are the expression of his universal excellence.

When all obstacles to assessing our own essential nature are removed, we begin to see ourselves as we are. Whole, free and one with all things.

Happiness is not something we should strive for. After all, happiness is the essence of our own nature, when it is not impeded by limiting thoughts and mistaken beliefs about ourselves and the nature of reality.

Balance, harmony, inner peace is not something we need to add to ourselves. They are already in us. They are part of the factory default settings.

Little effort is required on our part. Our only effort is to discover and remove any obstacles to appreciate the perfection of our own nature, including its apparent flaws.

Taoism suggests that instead of constantly trying to fill ourselves with thoughts, experiences, beliefs, and sensory pleasures, we allow ourselves to let go and relax in a state of quiet receptivity.

There is nothing selfish or selfish about a sage. Such a person is freed from the tyranny of both reason and social conditioning. He is free and completely consistent with his nature. Like a newborn child, pure and innocent.

The sage should not be afraid of what others fear or what others want. He is not thirsty because he knows that he already has everything.

"I drift like a wave in the ocean," says Lao Tzu. "I blow aimlessly like the wind."

He later declares, "Only by living the Tao can you really be yourself."

This implies that there is more to us than we can understand. The part of our nature that transcends limited body and mind and the illusory self-worth that causes us so much suffering.

In conclusion, I would like to generalize Taoism as "the path of harmony."

Using the universal flow - the creative intelligence that drives this whole show; making the sun and stars shine, causing flowers to bloom and keeping us all alive - we begin to appreciate the joy and surprise of being just alive.

There is a natural order in life, and when we return to it with balance, life becomes easier, more peaceful and harmonious.

The main message of Taoism? Let it go, let it happen, be simpler, be kinder and enjoy life.

Practical Tips for Living Based on the Tao

Become aware of the natural rhythms of life and your body. Instead of trying to force things, follow this rhythm wherever possible. Eat when you are hungry, complete your daily tasks when you have more energy, and sleep when you are tired.

Spend some time in nature. Observe the light action of the natural world and all the creatures in it. Life is actually very simple. Only people complicate it. Think about how you can simplify your life.

Practice Taoism effortlessly. Become aware of the needs of whatever situation you are in, and let the solutions present themselves naturally. Turn inward and see what you intuitively feel you have to do in any given situation. Instead of trying to understand life, let life unfold to you. Just let go, watch and let the answers come.

Realize the unity of all things and the interaction of the opposites of Yin and Yang. Instead of resisting problems and adversity, try to leave things as they are. Be like water and find ways to get around your obstacles with ease and grace.

Remember the three gems: compassion, moderation, and humility. Take a fearless moral record and see how you can best express these qualities in your daily life.

If you find yourself in any leadership or authority position, be it the CEO of a corporation or a parent, see how you can apply the Taoist approach to leadership. Instead of trying to impose your will on others, take a step back and encourage people to shine for themselves.

Subdue your ego. Always try to control your ego and let your life be based on service, not control.

Realize the mystery and wonder of life. Instead of trying to constantly manipulate life, relax and calm down, let things be and appreciate all the beauty around you.