Running Into The Light Of The North Star Or The Psychotropic Weapon Of Shamans - Alternative View

Running Into The Light Of The North Star Or The Psychotropic Weapon Of Shamans - Alternative View
Running Into The Light Of The North Star Or The Psychotropic Weapon Of Shamans - Alternative View

Video: Running Into The Light Of The North Star Or The Psychotropic Weapon Of Shamans - Alternative View

Video: Running Into The Light Of The North Star Or The Psychotropic Weapon Of Shamans - Alternative View
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This psychic effect was studied by paranormal researcher Alexander Barchenko. The Soviet secret services and members of the Nazi organization "Ahnenerbe" were interested in the measure. A person who was sick did not feel pain and followed any orders.

One of the characteristic features of the disease, which has received the scientific name "Arctic hysteria", is the desire of the sick person to rush exactly to the north, to the light of the North Star. Attempts to detain such a person are useless. He falls into a rampage and gains tremendous strength. There are many stories of sailors who have suffered from this disease. So, back in 1792, the merchant Rybin's son Alexei fell ill with scurvy while fishing, but as soon as the northern lights appeared in the sky, he found the strength to rise, threw himself over the side of the schooner and swam to the north.

The same fate befell two Norwegian sailors, whose ship wintered off the coast of Antarctica. Both, under the flashes of the northern lights, fled across the ice to the light of the North Star - strictly in the direction of the pole. And one of them, almost hacked to death with an ax the navigator of the ship, who was trying to prevent him from jumping overboard.

One of the types of measuring, manifested itself during the ritual of shamans. Groups of people fell into a trance, muttered in unknown languages, repeated each other's movements and did not feel pain. Characteristically, after the attack, no one remembered what had happened.


This disease interested Academician Bekhterev. The Brain Institute organized an expedition to the Kola Peninsula, led by Alexander Barchenko. Unfortunately, he was unable to find out the cause of the phenomenon, which he called "directed mass psychosis."

The Germans were also very interested in this massive disease and, like Barchenko, focused their attention on shamans. Specialists of the secret society "Ahnenerbe" in the 30s of the twentieth century visited the Kola Peninsula, where they studied the rite of ritual. They have collected extensive material describing the methodology for introducing people into a state of measurement. It has been established that people fall into a trance after the shaman's terrifying short shout. After that, they unquestioningly followed orders, did not feel pain and could perform actions at the limit of human strength. For example - a long march across the tundra. Sometimes the violent was humbled by measuring, and the criminals could be turned into zombies for life. The Nazis considered this experience very valuable and planned to use it as a psychotropic weapon.


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It is known that the Soviet state security bodies also studied measuring both on the peninsula and in their secret laboratories. The archives of these studies are still classified. But after the war, Soviet scientists discovered a connection between the polar lights and attacks of Arctic hysteria. It turned out that sometimes the aurora pulsates at frequencies close to the rhythms of the human brain and can have a negative effect on people.

In the modern world, the art of mass management has reached great heights. We do not think it is necessary to give many examples. One has only to remember the "test" sessions of Kashpirovsky and Chumak, when the high suggestibility of the masses was revealed. Today, the impact on our psyche is conducted more sophisticated and not so straightforward, but very effective.