Bioenergy: Cases Of Miraculous Healing - Alternative View

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Bioenergy: Cases Of Miraculous Healing - Alternative View
Bioenergy: Cases Of Miraculous Healing - Alternative View

Video: Bioenergy: Cases Of Miraculous Healing - Alternative View

Video: Bioenergy: Cases Of Miraculous Healing - Alternative View
Video: Bio Energy Healing (1991) 2024, September

Official academic science classifies bioenergy as a so-called alternative science. However, the absence of a theoretical scientific base does not confuse those who have experienced the miracles of alternative medicine and believed in the impossible …


Klavdiya Y. worked as a medical assistant in a regional hospital. A healthy family, a good house, cows, pigs, chickens and geese on the farm. Once a neighbor came to her with a request to let a relative who had arrived to spend the night, because due to the large renovation undertaken, there was nowhere to place a guest in the house. The cordial Claudia did not refuse. In the evening, a neighbor brought a neat dry old woman.


“I'm going to the Lavra, I want to bow to the holy relics. So I stopped by on the way to my niece”- this is how she explained her appearance in these parts. Guests were always welcome at Klavdia's house. By that time, rich borsch, and dumplings with sour cream, and pickles and preserves were already ready. The old woman gladly treated herself to dumplings with cottage cheese and homemade sour cream, tirelessly praising the hostess. And suddenly she noticed that she did not even touch them.

- Why don't you eat? Do not love?

“I love it,” the woman sighed sadly. “But I can't afford dairy products for many years. Ulcer. Fourteen stomach operations. Only a quarter of it remained. As we eat milk - I do not sleep all night because of the pain.

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In the evening of the next day, the neighbor, having put her aunt on the train, again went to Claudia's.

- Here, Baba Manya ordered me to tell you. She took a three-liter jar of clear liquid out of her bag.

- What is it?

- Water. Charged. She is my healer! Especially for you I messed up. Drink half a glass on an empty stomach.

- Lyusya, I have been treating people for twenty years, - Klavdia smiled softly, but did not dare to refuse, so as not to offend her friend.

Some time has passed. The can of water would have remained forgotten somewhere on the shelves, but somehow the friend went to Claudia's again.

- Baba Manya sent a letter asking if it helped you? Looks like she liked you.

Claudia embarrassedly mumbled something unintelligible, but for herself she decided that at least she would try, so as not to get into an awkward position again. When one, and when three times a day, she drank half a glass of charged water, not that she believed in healing, but rather to clear her conscience.

Once at dinner, she, endlessly missing dairy products, drank a glass of milk and ate cottage cheese with sour cream. Knowing that a sleepless and painful night awaited her, she lay down separately from her husband in another room and, preparing for the unbearable pain, curled up as usual, clasping her stomach with her hands.

The woman woke up only in the morning. She looked around her in bewilderment. She slept without waking up all night! Without pain! Since then, she has not denied herself either cottage cheese, or sour cream, or dumplings.


Valentina T. was injured in her youth. The boiling oil disfigured the left hand. Since then, an attractive woman tried to hide her from prying eyes whenever possible. Once she was on her way to visit her son, an officer who served in a distant garrison. In a two-seater compartment, her fellow traveler was an elderly man. Pleasant to talk to, he said that he was also going to the Far East to meet with his medicine man.

Noticing the woman's disfigured hand, he asked her permission to conjure a little over her. Valentina, the head teacher of the school and a convinced atheist, agreed so as not to offend him, albeit without much eagerness. The trip lasted several days. A man once or twice a day took her hand in his palms, whispered something, stroking her. Valentina felt extremely uncomfortable with this.

Several months passed. One day, while hanging out in the yard just washed linen, she glanced at the back of her hand. Due to the instantly onset of weakness, Valentina could hardly stand on her feet - the skin on her hand was absolutely clean, without any scars.

Always telling this story, Valentina can hardly hold back her tears because of the inability to personally thank that same fellow traveler. When they parted, they did not exchange any contacts. If he suddenly reads this material, let him know that he is very grateful. Immensely!


Russia. Early 1990s. Devastation, timelessness. No job, no money, no prospects. Nobody knows how to live on. On store shelves, only bags of bay leaves and jars of seaweed. The people are in despair - all accumulations have turned to dust.

Alexander and Natalya G. from Moscow are seriously thinking about sending their 11-year-old daughter to her relatives in Siberia. There, even a cow, potatoes, their own farm - they won't let you die of hunger. And then the news: the wife is in the ninth week of pregnancy. But there is a problem: the ultrasound showed a detachment of the placenta. Doctors insist on hospitalization for the entire period of pregnancy.

The husband is shocked. To be alone for seven months with a teenage daughter, while constantly visiting my wife in the hospital, and even without work, without money! Have an abortion? But they dreamed of a second child for more than ten years! It turns out that not only trouble comes at the wrong time …

An absolute pragmatist who does not believe in miracles, he and his wife went, on the recommendation of friends, either to a bioenergetic, or to a psychic, or to a psychotherapist - who can figure them out! Okay, it won't get any worse!

They were taken separately. He still doesn't know what that healer did to his wife. But for more than twenty years he remembers the words addressed to him: “The main problem is in you! This state of your wife is due to your vague position. Make a decision at last!"

Alexander was silent all the way home. And at some point he suddenly decided: to be a child! Nothing, we'll survive somehow, we'll break through!

Three days later, his wife was tested and underwent a final examination before hospitalization. In the evening she, crying, almost shouted to her husband:

- An ultrasound scan showed that everything is fine … Sasha, I am a surgeon with fifteen years of experience! I absolutely know for sure - this cannot be! Do you understand ?! It can not be! Any practicing doctor will confirm this to you!

… The child appeared when it should. Absolutely healthy. And there was no hospitalization.


- There is an episode from the life of the greatest scientist, Nobel laureate, father of nuclear physics, Niels Bohr. One of his guests, seeing a nailed horseshoe in his house, was amazed: "Do you, a great scientist, believe that a horseshoe brings happiness?" Bohr replied with a smile: “Of course I don’t believe it! But, you see, a horseshoe brings happiness even to those who don't believe in it."

Miracles rarely happen in our life. And even then - only at the New Year tree. Everything else lends itself to logical explanation. Everyone knows that a person is not just a skin-covered structure of bones, veins and muscles. Each cell of our body is an independent substance that consumes energy and emits it. Each is tuned to a specific frequency.

Together they create the music of our body. And just as a person with perfect pitch is able to catch even one false note in a huge number of sounds emitted by a symphony orchestra, so a bioenergy therapist hears the “melody” of the human body, catching the slightest irregularities in its rhythm.

But a bioenergy therapist is not only an attentive listener, he is also a tuner and conductor, capable of making every cell of the human body sound without falsity, using his inner or cosmic "tuning fork". This is how bioenergy works. And no miracles.

It's all about the horseshoe.

Alexander DZHUGA, "Secrets and Riddles" magazine