12 Facts About What Will Happen To You In Outer Space In 90 Seconds - Alternative View

12 Facts About What Will Happen To You In Outer Space In 90 Seconds - Alternative View
12 Facts About What Will Happen To You In Outer Space In 90 Seconds - Alternative View

Video: 12 Facts About What Will Happen To You In Outer Space In 90 Seconds - Alternative View

Video: 12 Facts About What Will Happen To You In Outer Space In 90 Seconds - Alternative View
Video: EVERY PIXAR Easter Egg In LUCA! 2024, September

1. During the first 10–15 seconds, you remain conscious and feel the moisture evaporating from the tongue. The same thing happens with the entire surface of the body - as with heavy sweating. Therefore, in an airless space, a person feels icy cold.

2. Attacks of nausea and vomiting are possible, since gases from the stomach and intestines are rapidly pushed out. (Note: before going into outer space, it is better to refrain from soda and hot sauces).

3. If the Eustachian tubes in the ears are clogged with earwax or something else, then problems with the inner ear may arise, if not, everything is in order.

4. The heart rate rises sharply, then gradually falls, just like blood pressure. The venous pressure rises steadily as gas bubbles form in the body.

5. The body can swell up to twice the usual size, the skin is stretched, unless, of course, you are wearing a tight elastic suit.

6. According to the Space Biology Datasheet, finely fitted elastic clothing can completely prevent gas bubbles from forming when the pressure drops to 15 torr (millimeters of mercury).

For comparison: normal atmospheric pressure is 760 torr, and the pressure on the lunar surface is about 10-11 torr. Blood boils at 47 torr. The body is inflated due to the fact that the liquid in the soft tissues turns into a gaseous state. However, the skin is strong enough to withstand this pressure. So, you will not be torn apart, you will just swell like a balloon.

7. As the body pushes steam through the nose and mouth, and the body's fluid content decreases, you feel more and more cold. The mouth and tongue become icy.

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8. If with all this you find yourself in direct sunlight (without special protective equipment), you will get a severe sunburn.

9. Due to the lack of oxygen, the skin acquires a bluish-purple hue known as cyanosis.

10. The brain and heart remain in relative order for about 90 seconds. When the blood pressure drops to 47 torr, the blood begins to boil and the heart gradually stops. After that, nothing will help you.

11. But if the pressure is restored in time, the body will gradually return to normal. True, for a while you will lose sight and the ability to move. But over time, both functions will recover. In addition, you will not taste the food for several days.

12. On the other hand, if you hold your breath or try to obstruct the free flow of air during sudden decompression in any other way, then “the increase in intrapulmonary pressure will lead to such a strong expansion of the chest that can cause rupture in the lungs and destruction of capillaries. The trapped air is squeezed out of the lungs into the chest, and through damaged blood vessels it enters the general bloodstream. And through the bloodstream, air bubbles spread throughout the body and can easily reach such vital organs as the heart and brain."

Something similar can happen during decompression on board an aircraft flying at high altitude. If this happens, remember that you should never hold your breath.