Giants (Ghana) Of Greece - Alternative View

Giants (Ghana) Of Greece - Alternative View
Giants (Ghana) Of Greece - Alternative View

Video: Giants (Ghana) Of Greece - Alternative View

Video: Giants (Ghana) Of Greece - Alternative View
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Memories of the giants also remained in Hellas, but there they were called Giants (ancient Greek Γίγαντες; singular Γίγας) - in ancient Greek mythology, giants. That is, the creation of the Earth. Remained the myths about the struggle of giants with the gods of Olympus, gigantomachy (Greek γῐγαντομᾰχία, literally "battle with giants"). The giants are described as huge monsters with a human body to the waist, with dragon tails instead of legs (born from Gaia and Tartarus).

And what is most interesting, they describe Erichthonius in the same way. Raised by Athena, who handed the baby in a closed box to the daughters of Cecrops - Gerse, Aglavra and Pandros. She forbade the girls to look into the box, since Erichthonius was entwined with a snake (or had a snake's lower half of his body). And the daughters of Cecrops are also three, like Harit.

Relief with gigantomachy
Relief with gigantomachy

Relief with gigantomachy.

They had shaggy, thick hair and long beards. The lower limbs passed into the scaled bodies of the dragons. By tradition, each giant was armed with a spear. The battle took place on the Phlegraean fields (Phlegraei Campi, τά Φλεγραία πεδία, ή Φλέγρα, its own "scorched earth"), which are usually located in volcanic countries (in the far West, in the Campania of Arcadia, Thessaly and others. The giants were born, according to the legends also on the Phlegraean fields or on Pallene.”About the struggle of giants with Zeus and other Olympians, gigantomachy (other Greek γῐγαντομᾰχία, literally“battle with giants”), only later authors report. Thus, according to mythical legend, Gaia, enraged by the imprisonment of the titans in Tartarus, gave birth to huge monsters with a human body to the waist, with dragon tails instead of legs (born from Gaia and Tartarus). They had shaggy, thick hair and long beards. The lower limbs passed into the scaled bodies of the dragons.


By tradition, each giant was armed with a spear (except for Polybotes, the enemy of Poseidon fought with a trident, like the god of the seas himself). There were 150 giants in total, but among them there were only 12 of the most important and powerful, who were supposed to defeat the twelve gods of Olympus: one giant for one Olympian god. Thus, the oldest giant named Alcyoneus was born with the goal of overthrowing Hades himself, Enceladus was the enemy of Athena, Polybotes was born to destroy Poseidon, Mimant was the death of Hephaestus, and Porphyrion was the rival of Zeus. But these giants, according to the prophecy of the goddesses of fate and Hera (the wife of Zeus), were vulnerable: they could be killed by a god, but only with the help of the forces of a demigod. Therefore, the gods called on ancient heroes to help in a new war. From the Phlegraean fields, which are usually found in volcanic countries (in the far West, in Campania,Arcadia of Thessaly, etc.), they began to hit Olympus with fragments of rocks and burning tree trunks. Born in the Phlegrean Fields or Pallene. According to the Arcadians, the battle took place near the town of Baphos in Arcadia.

Relief with gigantomachy
Relief with gigantomachy

Relief with gigantomachy.

A terrible battle broke out in which the gods, thanks to the help of the Cyclops, the hundred-handed giants and Hercules, won and killed the giants: some of them were buried under volcanic islands (for example, Enceladus - under Sicily, Polybotes - under Kos.

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According to Lucan, Athena showed them the head of the Gorgon and they became mountains.

The word Γίγαντες consists of the two words Gaea (ancient Greek) Γῆ, Γᾶ, Γαῖα - "Earth" and γαντες.

And this is what Homer writes about a leader named Guney. (Guney (ancient Greek Γουνεύς)) is a character of ancient Greek mythology. He is the son of Okit and Avrophyta, from Keith, from northwestern Thessaly, he brought the Enians under Troy on 22 ships, Hunei was called the leader of the Enians and Perrebes, and upon his return he got into a storm near Mount Cafereus. After leaving the ships, he arrived in Libya and settled on the banks of the Kinipa River. Here, under the name Enian, Homer gives the earliest mention of the Wends (Ened, whom Quintus Curtius Rufus also calls genetics. I must say that the word WANAX, king, was pronounced by the Greeks as ANAKS).

That is, Homer indicates where the Huns-Gants lived in a time close to him - in Thessaly, where it was possible to engage in horse breeding, and the Eneta-Venets are immediately mentioned. And next to the Huns, which will be important in other parts of the book. The leader of the Huns of Asia Minor was obviously also Gannimed, the hero of the Hellenic epic. According to myths, he was a Trojan prince, and for his beauty was taken alive to heaven by Zeus himself.

Axes of the Borodino hoard of the State Historical Museum
Axes of the Borodino hoard of the State Historical Museum

Axes of the Borodino hoard of the State Historical Museum.

Schliemann hoard axes, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Schliemann hoard axes, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Schliemann hoard axes, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.

And here, it should be remembered that, judging by the finds in the Three lobular temporal rings, jade axes, incredibly similar to the stone axes of the Borodino treasure, attributed to the Seima - Turbino culture, then Troy of the same time apparently belonged to this culture. And the name Gunnimed - "The Leader of the Ghans" here no longer looks like an accident, but shows that the Greeks remembered the name of that tribe that came from Asia.