Researchers Of The Paranormal After Death - Alternative View

Researchers Of The Paranormal After Death - Alternative View
Researchers Of The Paranormal After Death - Alternative View

Video: Researchers Of The Paranormal After Death - Alternative View

Video: Researchers Of The Paranormal After Death - Alternative View
Video: Hauntings, Histories, & Campfire Tales: What Ghost Stories Tell Us | Coya Paz | TEDxDePaulUniversity 2024, June

With a person who conducts research in the field of the unknown and the supernatural, by a strange coincidence, at an hour, strange things also begin to happen. For example, they suddenly acquire the ability to bifurcate and appear in front of other people in a “thin” body. Well, after death, some of them even become real ghosts!

Harry Price (from England 1881-1948) became a "ghost hunter". For almost 40 years, Harry has been researching poltergeists and ghosts throughout England. He has written several books on this topic, such as The Most Restless House in England (1940) and Poltergeist Over England (1945). He had a choleric temperament.

For Harry, it was enough to hear out of the way that a ghost appeared in some place on the other side of Britain, he immediately took off and went there in order to study the phenomenon. Acquaintances spoke of him as an extremely eccentric gentleman with an unbearable character. Harry changed several professions during his life, but his passion for the paranormal remained unchanged.

He died in March 1948. And soon a resident of Sweden said that he was constantly visited … by the ghost of Harry Price. Before that, the young Swede had never had an interest in ghosts and most likely had never heard of Harry Price before. But one night, at night, he saw an unfamiliar old man next to his bed, who began to speak to him in English. From what the guest said, the Swede could only understand that he called himself Price.

The ghost began to come repeatedly, and other family members also saw him. The phantom looked exactly like a living person and the Swede repeatedly tried to photograph him, but the image of the old man did not appear on the film.

The young Swede began to study English in order to communicate with his mysterious visitor. He soon began to understand a little of Harry's speech. He said that for many years he had been studying the phenomenon of ghosts and spirits. But they didn't just talk about that. So, Harry gave advice to a Swede who had health problems, which doctor would be the best for him to be treated … It is not known how it all ended. Of course, it is surprising that Price chose for contacts after death, a person who lived in another country and did not hear anything about him and his lifetime work.

In 1982, with a psychic and bioenergy researcher A. V. Martynov, a strange incident happened. He was in Kiev on April 2, but meanwhile on that very day he was met by several acquaintances in the Crimea near Feodosia, near the Elektropribor plant, where Martynov had been more than once and had been before. And moreover, his double talked with these people for quite a long time. He told one woman his phone number in Leningrad. In addition, the telephone was installed for him only 2 weeks after his return from Kiev. And the amazing thing was that the digits of his number completely coincided with the double dictated earlier !!!

Something similar happened to another domestic lover of the paranormal - I. V. Vinokurov. In March 1995, he left home for a few days on business. One evening, he made an agreement with his wife on the phone that he would call her tomorrow, March 3, at nine o'clock in the morning to clarify the time of his return. However, at the appointed time, he did not call. After waiting for a while, his wife left the kitchen, where there was a telephone, and went down the corridor to the bathroom. Passing the ajar door of her husband's office, she mechanically cast a glance at her - and was taken aback: the head of the family, in person, was standing at the desk, and was sorting through some papers. His wife clearly saw his profile, he was dressed as he always dressed at home … The woman immediately thought that her husband had already returned home, but somehow went home unnoticed by her. Although she was well aware that this could not be: because the front door was next to the kitchen, where Vinokurov's wife had been all this time. The woman hurriedly went to the room - and found that her husband had disappeared. A few seconds later, he himself called her on the phone. Later, the researcher concluded that his double appeared in the apartment at the very moment when he began to dial his home number …

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