Before The Second Coming: The Miracles Of Jesus In The Bible And The Koran - Alternative View

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Before The Second Coming: The Miracles Of Jesus In The Bible And The Koran - Alternative View
Before The Second Coming: The Miracles Of Jesus In The Bible And The Koran - Alternative View

Video: Before The Second Coming: The Miracles Of Jesus In The Bible And The Koran - Alternative View

Video: Before The Second Coming: The Miracles Of Jesus In The Bible And The Koran - Alternative View
Video: Prophet Muhammad (S) Mentioned In Gospel of John (Bible) 2024, September

Muslims love Jesus Christ as much as they love and respect other prophets. It is worth noting that Jesus is mentioned in the Qur'an more often than the Prophet Muhammad. In the holy book for all Muslims, the Arabic name of Jesus Christ - Isa - occurs 25 times. Expressions such as "son of Mary", "word of God", "Spirit from God", "Messiah" and "Messenger of the Lord" are also used.

Blessed prophet

Muslims believe that Jesus is a blessed prophet who has been given a wonderful and honorable life by God. The Lord says about him in the Quran:

"… He will be revered in this world and in the last life and will be one of the close ones." (Surah "The Family of Imran", 3:45).

God also promised that Jesus would be rewarded for his suffering in the hereafter. The Koran says that Jesus preached the highest moral values and had an extraordinary character that immediately attracted the attention of people. He is described as an extremely loyal and courageous person with a very strong faith in God. (Surah "Cattle", 6: 83-87).

Jesus' life was full of miracles that began to take place even before his birth, and many people witnessed them. Some of these miracles are recorded in the Bible. The Qur'an says that Mary received the good news about Jesus and that he will be sent as a messenger to the people of Israel. Mary spoke to the Lord about the miraculous birth of her son:

“She said: 'How can I have a boy if I was not touched by a man and I was not a harlot?' He said: “That's it! Thy Lord said: "This is easy for me …" " (Surah "Mary", 19: 20-21).

Promotional video:

God worked miracles for the sake of his chosen prophets, to protect them from unbelievers and hypocrites and to help them transfer faith in God to people. Thanks to the miracles given to him by God, Jesus was able to heal the sick and crippled; to treat people suffering from leprosy; restore sight to those who were blind from birth, and even raise the dead. We learn from the Bible that he always said to those he healed, who were naturally impressed, "Your faith saved you."

Some of the miracles that Jesus performed with the help of the Lord God are mentioned in both the Qur'an and the Bible.

Raising the Dead

According to their holy books, Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus raised the dead:

“Having said this, He called out in a loud voice: 'Lazarus! Get out. And the dead man came out, entwined hand and foot with burial cloths, and his face was tied with a kerchief. Jesus says to them: 'Untie him, let him go.' (Gospel of John 11: 43-44).

Remember how the Lord said:

"… O Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary)! Remember the mercy that I showed you and your mother … by my permission, you brought the dead alive from the graves …". (Surah "Meal" 5: 110).

Miraculous healing

The Bible and the Koran contain a description of the healing of the blind and lepers by Jesus.

“When Jesus and his disciples came to Bethsaida, people brought a blind man to him so that they could touch him … He laid his hands on him and asked him: does he see what? He looked and said: “I see people passing by, like trees…”. And he was healed and began to see everything clearly. (Gospel of Mark 8: 22-25).

“I will heal the blind and the leper and revive the dead with the permission of Allah. I will tell you what you eat and what you store in your homes. Truly, this is a sign for you, if only you are believers. " (Surah "The Family of Imran", 3: 49).

Bird revived from clay

This miracle is only mentioned in the Qur'an:

“He will make him a messenger to the sons of Israel (Israel). He will say, “I brought you a sign from your Lord. I will create for you the likeness of a bird out of clay, I blow on it, and it will become a bird with the permission of Allah … “. (Sura "The Family of Imran", 3: 49).

We understand from the Bible and the Koran that the very creation of Christ was a miracle, and that the whole life of Jesus was full of miracles. Therefore, the second coming of Christ, eagerly awaited by both Muslims and Christians, will also be a wonderful and metaphysical event that will have a beneficial effect on the entire world.

Miracle of the Second Coming

Many scholars of the past, as well as many scholars of our time, have spoken out about the second coming of Jesus and told people about the conditions he will face. For example, the Messianic Heritage says: “As in the time of Jesus, we live in the shadow of an impending apocalyptic event … We are all helpless hostages of a reality that we no longer fully control … And amidst general anxiety, insane feelings of powerlessness, disappointment of inept or irresponsible politicians, there is an urgent need for a real spiritual leader … who will understand, take responsibility and, of course, without violating the established democratic freedoms, will take on the role of leader in order to re-give meaning to a life that is becoming more empty."

In addition, Acts (1:11) provides evidence of his return:

"… This Jesus, ascended from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him ascending into heaven."

The Qur'an also joyfully announces his second coming:

"… and those who followed you, I will exalt until the very day of resurrection above those who disbelieved. Then you are to return to me, and I will judge between you in what you disagreed with." (Surah "The Family of Imran", 3: 55).

In this verse, the Lord says that the group of true followers of Jesus will surpass the unbelievers until the Day of Resurrection. Jesus did not have many followers during his time on earth. Therefore, we cannot say that the early Christians were superior to the unbelievers in the sense given in the verse. This will be possible in the second coming of Jesus, which will be a great blessing for all mankind.

For the first time in their lives, the people of today's world will appear before the prophet and will be able to feel his love, to know his wisdom. Believers, be they Christians or Muslims, should prepare for his arrival and expect him with joy, excitement, and enthusiasm. Believers need to reflect on the meaning of world events and be aware of the signs of the end times so that they can pave the way for the most important guest that believers have ever expected.

