How Will The Earth Turn Over? Dzhanibekov Effect On The Scale Of The Planet - Alternative View

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How Will The Earth Turn Over? Dzhanibekov Effect On The Scale Of The Planet - Alternative View
How Will The Earth Turn Over? Dzhanibekov Effect On The Scale Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: How Will The Earth Turn Over? Dzhanibekov Effect On The Scale Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: How Will The Earth Turn Over? Dzhanibekov Effect On The Scale Of The Planet - Alternative View
Video: Dzhanibekov Effect applied to Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96 GEOID) 2024, September

Back in 1985, right after Vladimir Dzhanibekov discovered his famous effect, there was an attempt to link it with the revolution of the axis of our planet. A change in the position of the magnetic poles indicates a displacement of the core. The mathematical model of the process, the analysis of the situation in the historical myths and prophecies of the peoples of the Earth, foreshadow the inevitable event when we see the sunrise in the West!

Dzhanibekov effect

In 1985, at the Salyut-7 station, while unloading a transport ship, Vladimir Dzhanibekov unrolled a lamb with his finger, which fastened tapes holding containers for stowing things sent into space.

The lamb got off the hairpin, and to the cosmonaut's amazement, having flown about 30 centimeters, it turned 180 degrees, rotating in the same direction, but with a different pole, and after about 30 centimeters the lamb again made a somersault. The astronaut was so interested in this phenomenon that he fixed the nut in a plasticine ball and repeated the experiment with the same result!

After a little confusion in scientific circles, it turned out that the Dzhanibekov effect can be perfectly explained using classical mechanics. (The rotation of the nut can be analyzed using Euler's equations by a system of seven first-order differential equations.)

Angular velocity projections onto proper axes
Angular velocity projections onto proper axes

Angular velocity projections onto proper axes.

Promotional video:

It can be seen from the graphs that with a very insignificant perturbation of the angular velocity vector, a body twisted around an axis with a maximum moment of inertia will periodically change its orientation in space by 180 degrees like an avalanche.

The essence of the phenomenon is that a body with a displaced center of gravity, freely rotating in zero gravity, has different moments of inertia, impulses and initial velocities relative to different axes of rotation. When untwisting a plasticine ball with a nut, it is difficult to twist it strictly along one axis. There will necessarily be a minimum impulse imparted to the body, directed relative to the other axis. Gradually, this impulse accumulates and outweighs the axial rotation of the body. Thus, the ball first rotates around one axis, then this axis is turned in the opposite direction. A somersault occurs, but after the same time, the axis turns over again, returning the body to its previous position. In space, where there is no friction, this cycle can be repeated many times.

Displacement of the center of gravity of the Earth

The Earth's center of mass, or geocenter, is chosen as the origin in many coordinate systems because it is a very stable point in the Earth's body. This point is realized by observing satellites moving in a gravitational field. The geocenter is recommended as the origin for the earth's reference system in (IERS, 1996) and (IERS, 2003) as the center of mass of the earth, including the oceans and atmosphere.


The analysis of satellite laser rangefinder observations confidently shows that the frame of reference, implemented in the coordinates of observation stations, stationary relative to the earth's crust, noticeably shifts relative to the center of mass of the Earth.

It can be seen for a reason, in 1997 the International Earth Rotation Service conducted a campaign to study the stability of the geocenter, in which 42 researchers from 25 scientific groups took part, using modern geophysical models and the results of processing laser measurements, GPS and DORIS.

Secular shifts in the position of the geocenter can be explained by the following reasons:

  • changes in sea level;
  • changes in the ice sheet (in Greenland, Antarctica);
  • tectonic displacements in the earth's crust (growth in the volume of the Earth).

The stability of the Geocenter is influenced by the position of the core of our planet floating in the mantle! The inner core rotates at a speed different from the outer. This creates a dynamo effect in the form of convection currents. As a result, this giant electromagnet generates the planet's magnetic field (MF). Therefore, by the actual position of the axis of the magnetic dipole, one can judge the position of the Earth's core!

So, the displacement of the core of our planet should be fixed by the difference between the magnetic axis and the axis of rotation.


“At the beginning of the first systematic observations of the geomagnetic field (1829), it was noted that the Earth's magnetic dipole (respectively, and the inner core) is displaced relative to the planet's axis of rotation by 252 km towards the Pacific Ocean. According to 1965 data, this displacement increased to 430 km, and continues to increase! At what distance from the center of the Earth is the magnetic dipole at the present time, it was not possible to find out, since for some reason this information is no longer published in open sources."

These phrases have been walking around the Internet for a decade! I offer readers a mathematical model that calculates the deviation of the planet's core from the Geocenter by the coordinates of the magnetic poles:


The angle a between two points A (μ1; λ1) and B (μ2; λ2) on the sphere, (where μ and λ are latitude and longitude) is determined from the spherical cosine theorem:

a = arccos⁡ (sin⁡ (μ1) * sin⁡ (μ2) + cos⁡ (μ1) * cos⁡ (μ2) * cos⁡ (λ1-λ2))

The distance of the magnetic deflection from the geographic center of the Earth, (where R is the radius of the Earth):

H = R * √¯¯1-sin² (a / 2)


If we take the coordinates of the magnetic poles from Wikipedia, then the distance between the axis of the magnetic dipole (and therefore the core) and the Geocenter is growing and is currently about 1500 km (this is 24% of the Earth's radius), which causes great concern!

The problem is in the accuracy and synchronicity of obtaining the coordinates of the poles. Official data on the position of the Earth's magnetic poles. The result is 2015 - 1517 km, 2017 - 1548 km.


An alternative reason for such a significant displacement may lie in the fact that the magnetic axis is not straight, reflected in the work of G. A. Shmonov. "The double-headedness of the northern and multi-point of the southern magnetic pole of the Earth"

Earth's magnetic poles and their true position

True magnetic poles are small areas in which the magnetic field lines are absolutely vertical. They do not coincide with geomagnetic and do not lie on the very surface of the Earth, but under it. The coordinates of the magnetic poles at a given moment in time are calculated within the framework of various models of the geomagnetic field by interactively finding all the coefficients in the Gaussian series.

Accordingly, the magnetic axis - a straight line passing through the magnetic poles - does not pass through the center of the Earth and is not its diameter!

Precession of the virtual North Pole for one hour at the height of the magnetic storm on March 17, 2013. According to the Novosibirsk Observatory
Precession of the virtual North Pole for one hour at the height of the magnetic storm on March 17, 2013. According to the Novosibirsk Observatory

Precession of the virtual North Pole for one hour at the height of the magnetic storm on March 17, 2013. According to the Novosibirsk Observatory.

The positions of all poles are constantly shifting (even hourly!), Especially during magnetic storms caused by streams of charged particles from the Sun.


As you can see, daily pole displacements can amount to several hundred kilometers.

What affects the Earth's magnetic field?

According to today's concepts, the Earth's MF is a combination of several magnetic fields generated by various sources.

  1. Main field. More than 90% of the total magnetic field is generated in the planet's outer liquid core.
  2. Magnetic anomalies of the earth's crust caused by the remanent magnetization of rocks. They change very slowly.
  3. External fields generated by currents in the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth are transient.
  4. Electric currents in the crust and outer mantle are excited by rapid changes in external fields.
  5. Influence of ocean currents.

Magnetic poles drift across the surface of our planet at a speed of about 40 km per year.

Displacement of the Earth's North Magnetic Pole since the early 17th century. The red points are the observed positions, the blue ones are the calculated positions calculated using the GUFM (1590–1890) and IGRF-12 (1900–2020) models with a time step of 1 year. For the years 1890-1900, a smooth interpolation was performed between the two models.

Dzhanibekov effect applied to the Earth

Let us consider the conditions under which our planet could repeat the trajectory of the plasticine ball in the experiment of Dzhanibekov.

First, the Earth's center of gravity (Geocenter) should significantly shift relative to the geographic center of the planet (based on the mathematical model, now it is about 1500 km, which is 24% of the radius, conditions are ripe!).

Secondly, the "flip" occurs along the axis of the ball (the Earth's axis is tilted 23.44 ° and is perpendicular to the axis of the planet's motion).

Third, experience shows that the "somersault" is carried out in one revolution of the ball (in the case of the Earth - in a day)!

Not very accurate, in my opinion, modeling the process of "somersault" of the Geoid

The planet's motion is more like a top than the Janibekov effect. Also, the model does not take into account the stabilizing role of the Moon.

"But the effect of a regular cyclic flip of the poles in a body rotating in weightlessness concerns only bodies with an unstable center of gravity, what does this have to do with our Earth?" - the Attentive Reader will ask.

Probably, each of us at least once tried to spin a raw or boiled egg on the table - the difference is immediately visible. Our Earth is a relatively small solid core floating in a thick layer of liquid magma and a thin layer of solid lithosphere three-quarters covered by oceans, which means it is again liquid. A sort of huge ball the size of a planet, mainly consisting of substances in a liquid phase, where there is simply nowhere to take the rigid center of gravity.

The inner core is shifting, most likely due to the moon

It is reasonable to consider not the Earth separately, but the "Earth-Moon" system, since by the mass ratio (1:81) it is unique in the solar system. Under the influence of the Moon's gravity, the core of our planet is periodically displaced from the axis of rotation and as a result of the centrifugal force acting on it, it gradually moves away from the center of the Earth, overcoming the resistance of the viscous external liquid core. There are no forces that would return the inner core to its original state. There is only one possibility to re-enter a state of stable equilibrium - displacement of the Earth's axis of rotation.

Mention of the Sun rising in the West in ancient myths

In the Indian myth "Strengthening the earth" it is said that "… in those days, the earth swayed like a breeze, like a lotus leaf, from side to side" and the gods had to strengthen it.

In the Syrian city of Ugarit (Ras Shamra), a text was found dedicated to the goddess Anat, who "destroyed the population of the Levant and reversed the two dawns and the movement of the stars."

The Mexican codes describe the "Sun in four movements." The luminary that moves to the east, opposite to the modern Sun, they called Teotl Likso. The ancient peoples of Mexico symbolically likened the changes in the direction of the solar movement to the celestial ball game, which is accompanied by earthquakes on the planet. When the Earth flips, the northern stars become southern. This phenomenon is described in the codes as "the departure of four hundred southern stars."

Plato writes in his Politician:

In another work of Plato (Timaeus), it is said about the displacement of the earth's axis of the Earth during a nightmare cataclysm:

Here it is appropriate to recall the subcrustal ocean (see the article "The Flood"). With the "somersault" of the Earth, most likely, there will be no displacement of the waters of the oceans, but the process of "squeezing", under the action of centrifugal force, of subcrustal waters and magma to the surface of the Earth will take place!

The Chinese had a belief that "a new order of things came about only after the stars began to move from east to west." The Jesuit missionary Martinius (17th century), based on ancient chronicles, wrote the book "History of China", which says about the displacement of the Earth's axis: "The pillar of the sky collapsed. The earth was shaken to its very foundations. The sky began to fall to the north. The sun, moon and stars have changed the way they move. The entire system of the universe was in disarray. The sun was in an eclipse and the planets changed their paths."

The Karelo-Finnish epic "Kalevala" tells that terrible shadows covered the Earth, and the Sun sometimes left its usual path."

Herodotus mentions that before the flood the Sun came out from the West, and before the flood it left the East.

The Qur'an says about the future harbinger of the Day of Judgment:

The fact that the phenomenon of "somersault" of the planet is periodic is clear from the Dzhanibekov effect, and it is clear that the smaller the size, speed and mass of the body, the more likely it will happen!

As readers remember from the article "The Flood", the Earth in antediluvian times was almost half the radius and the speed of its rotation was more than three times faster (7.2 hours a day)! Accordingly, in ancient times, the probability of a "somersault" of the Earth was much greater than it is now! And as the Earth expands, the likelihood of a "coup" does not disappear completely, but significantly decreases!

How dangerous is a planetary upheaval?

The best answer to this question is an experiment in the vacuum of space! It is necessary to take a ball with a displaced center of gravity from a material wetted with water. Immerse it in a liquid that will envelop the ball with a drop and, with minimal acceleration, unwind it (without splashing the liquid from the surface), and then release it into an airless space.

I think that in the vacuum chamber our model of the Earth with the oceans will "tumble like Janibekovski" together with the liquid!

This will show whether there will be strong disturbances of the hydrosphere and atmosphere during the revolution of our planet. And if instead of a mass eccentric, a video camera is placed in a ball and released into space, we will see the movement of the stars when the Earth rolls over!

In 1976, academician N. I. Korovyakov by modeling conditions and processes, occurring in the center of the Earth (hydrodynamic top), established a previously unknown pattern of eccentric displacement of the inner core in the shell of our planet. He writes: "The dense earth's core does not at all stick out royally in the middle of the globe, nailed there by the authorities of geophysics, it travels in the molten magma along a pentagonal trajectory." In his opinion, the movement of the core and molten magma along the perimeter of the pentagon affects the movement of continents, the growth of mountains, and the drift of the Earth's magnetic poles. Movements cause earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and affect the climate and ocean currents.

The International Association of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences confirmed the reliability of the discovery of world significance, and in 1997 issued the scientist a diploma under No. 63. Long-term experiments and calculations made it possible to establish that the inner core of the Earth, under the influence of the gravity of the Moon and the Sun, moves in magma in a peculiar orbit - trajectories of a pentagonal shape (along a pentagram!).

Our ancestors undoubtedly possessed esoteric knowledge about the causes of cataclysms that occurred in the distant past. It is not for nothing that in the occult sciences they use the pentagram to protect against Satan, whose possessions are in the underworld. When he breaks free (leaves the limits of the pentagram), then the world will undergo terrible devastation.

What is the danger that threatens humanity with the "somersault" of the Earth?

The earth is a kind of gyroscope with three degrees of freedom. If the movement of the inner core towards the earth's surface continues at the same pace as it is now, then after a certain time the center of mass of the planet will shift so much that the Earth will simply tumble in space, like a plasticine ball with a shifted center of gravity in Dzhanibekov's experiment, in order to take a more stable position the axis of its rotation. "Somersault" can happen suddenly, under the influence of external factors, ie when lunar and solar tides add up, under the influence of galactic magnetic fields on the magnetic moment of the nucleus, or when flying near a massive space body.

However, the Moon is also a stabilizing factor that makes the Earth resistant to somersaults.

The overturn of the planet, judging by the myths, already took place in antiquity and, comprehending the prophecies, will invariably occur in the future! The prerequisite for this event is the displacement of the planet's core, which is fixed by the deviation of the axis of the magnetic dipole from the axis of the Earth.

This will be a test for all mankind, but not fatal! At the moment of "somersault", under the influence of centrifugal forces, volcanic activity will sharply increase, the ocean level will rise and the expansion of the Earth will increase. Perturbation of the magnetic field (with a change of poles) will lead to disruptions in radio communications and all electronics, from an increase in the flux of radiation falling on the planet, part of the flora and fauna will die. In place of the North Star, the Southern Cross will appear, and the Sun will rise in the West!

Author: Igor Dabakhov