Guests Of The Planet Earth - Alternative View

Guests Of The Planet Earth - Alternative View
Guests Of The Planet Earth - Alternative View

Video: Guests Of The Planet Earth - Alternative View

Video: Guests Of The Planet Earth - Alternative View
Video: PLANET JUST LIKE EARTH: Alien Life - National Geographic Documentary HD 2024, June

Aliens. This word immediately seems to us as something mysterious and inexplicable. Now this topic is of the greatest interest to us earthlings than ever before.

A lot of newspapers and magazines have been published recently, informing us about the Unidentified Flying Objects and their owners, constantly plying near the planet Earth, and even on the planet itself.

Many publications on the topic of UFOs indicate, in particular, “The purpose of these creatures' stay on Earth is the destruction of the human race, for their own settlement on this planet. To do this, they use earthly women: these foreign creatures implant their genes into them, and they, in turn, pass them on through their fetus.

I remember that in 1999 there were even rumors that most of the world's population was not people, but other beings. The difference from humans was as follows: from early childhood, these creatures displayed many talents: the ability to draw like great artists, at the age of four they easily learned the languages of other countries, in general, all the so-called geeks and geniuses belonged to beings of foreign origin.

At the same time, articles of a different nature were published. Their content consisted in the fact that Unidentified Flying Objects arrive on our planet to study various Earth rocks of stone, metal, etc. There was even information that alien beings want to warn us of the impending danger: they warned of the danger of using nuclear weapons, of impending meteorites and comets that could wipe the planet Earth from the face of the Universe.

In general, if you collect all the publications, rumors about aliens, you get such a knot of information that it will be more difficult to untie it than to find out where the Universe ends.

But still I will try to understand, at least in a small part of the information and, perhaps, I will be able to untie a piece of this "knot".

So, let's start everything in order, from a very long time ago.

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During the excavation of ancient caves, wall paintings were found depicting interesting objects. In theory, a fish was depicted on the wall of this cave, but this work of art looked more like an airplane, during the Second World War. Too much the tail of the fish resembled the tail of an airplane.

Also during the excavations, a skull of a creature was found, whose age is 2,000,000 years. A distinctive feature of this skull was the expansion of the bone in the temporal and occipital parts, thus, this skull was twice the size of an ordinary human skull.

While drilling a tunnel in the mountains, workers accidentally discovered a candle from a car. Since the mountains were formed hundreds of thousands of years ago, it is unclear how the car candle got to this place. This case proves the hypothesis of the early existence of an advanced human civilization.

From these cases it follows that perhaps Unidentified Flying Objects landed on our planet in very ancient times, and people who saw this tried to capture them in drawings or other activities.

Let's move on in time. Let's look at the world from 5,000 BC to 2,000 AD.

Religion is, in my opinion, one of the most important sources informing us about the presence of foreign beings on our planet.

Ancient Egypt. The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were considered gods among the people. They assured that they came to them from heaven in order to keep the population of this country in peace and harmony. These arguments were also confirmed by the priests. Pharaohs claimed that they can control various Earth elements: floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. The people trusted their rulers and feared them, but once the population grossly insulted their pharaoh.

We all know about the existence of the highest Egyptian pyramid - the pyramid of Cheops. So, Pharaoh Cheops spent all the money from the state treasury for the construction of this magnificent structure. After his death, famine began in the country and the people found that the treasury was empty, for which they became angry with their late ruler.

The enraged crowd burst into the tomb of the great pharaoh and, seizing his mummy, left the pyramid, soon the mummy, once the ruler of Ancient Egypt, carelessly lay outside the Egyptian state.

According to legend, immediately after the commission of sacrilege, a hailstorm began, which claimed many lives.

Ancient Greece. Once a crime was committed in the ancient Greek city of Sparta. The violator of the law was pursued by the military, but he hid in the temple of the sea god Poseidon. According to the law, the rulers had no right to touch those who were in sacred places and asked for protection from God, i.e. was in the temple. The Spartans broke this law: they broke into the temple, grabbed the fugitive, dragged him out into the street and immediately executed him.

The ancient historian Herodotus writes in his story that after this incident an earthquake began, which destroyed half of the warlike city.