Why The Working Day Consists Of Exactly 8 Hours: Who Invented It - Alternative View

Why The Working Day Consists Of Exactly 8 Hours: Who Invented It - Alternative View
Why The Working Day Consists Of Exactly 8 Hours: Who Invented It - Alternative View

Video: Why The Working Day Consists Of Exactly 8 Hours: Who Invented It - Alternative View

Video: Why The Working Day Consists Of Exactly 8 Hours: Who Invented It - Alternative View
Video: Alternate Days Problem - Time & Work || IT Careers 2024, September

Modern people who enjoy the benefits of socialism such as an 8-hour working day, paid vacation, weekends, pensions, have long forgotten where all these things came from. Forgotten in the same way as they have not understood the true meaning of the celebration of May 1 for a long time. As for all the listed benefits, the rights to them were literally torn out by the labor movement at one time.

The working conditions were terrible
The working conditions were terrible

The working conditions were terrible.

At the beginning of the 20th century, everything was not the same as it is now. And in this case we are not talking about fashion for clothes or perception of female beauty. First of all - about the attitude of people of the exploiting classes to people from the exploited classes. For example, the relationship of the bourgeoisie to the workers.

Note: In a broad sense, the proletariat is any exploited worker, and not necessarily a factory worker. In the modern sense, the programmer sitting in the office is also a proletarian.

Robert Owen
Robert Owen

Robert Owen.

But back to the 19th century. Industry around the world was booming at that time, and the operation was very harsh indeed. The terrible living conditions of ordinary people constantly came into conflict with the ideas of enlightenment, which is why the left - socialist, and then communist ideas - gained more and more popularity in European countries. In 1817, Robert Owen, a British entrepreneur, philosopher, educator, and leftist, formulated the 8/8/8 rule: “Eight hours is work. Eight hours rest. Eight hours is a dream. At that time, in the countries of Europe and America, the working day in factories and factories was 12-15 hours.

Explanation: The terms “right” and “left” originated during the French Revolution and were originally applied to MPs sitting on opposite sides of parliament. The right advocated the preservation of the old order, the left - for the creation of a republic in France and the separation of church from state. Subsequently, the terms began to be applied to political systems depending on their relationship to property rights and distribution of benefits. In our time, the right is the supporters of capitalism. Nationalism is considered to be the highest manifestation of right-wing ideology, and fascism is considered to be the extreme. The left are supporters of socialism. Communism is considered to be the highest manifestation of left ideology, and anarchism is considered to be the extreme.

Left and right went from the French parliament
Left and right went from the French parliament

Left and right went from the French parliament.

Promotional video:

In 1866, a congress of the International Working People's Association was held, at which Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels made speeches (I think they need no introduction). During their speech, they called for the introduction of an 8-hour workday. As a result, on May 1 of the same year in Chicago in the United States, workers staged a massive strike. They demanded an increase in wages, a reduction of the 15-hour working day to 8-hour, the abolition of child labor, the introduction of social guarantees. In Chicago alone, 40,000 people took to the streets. More than 11 thousand workers came out in support of reforms in Detroit, another 10 thousand in New York.

May 1 is celebrated in memory of American workers
May 1 is celebrated in memory of American workers

May 1 is celebrated in memory of American workers.

It all ended sadly. This event went down in history as the Haymarket Riot. Due to the provocation of the anarchists, the police opened fire on the crowd, as a result of which there were killed and wounded. Subsequently, arrests and round-ups also began. Several hundred more people were injured in the search for the perpetrators. The police used, among other things, torture. American newspapers attacked the entire leftist movement in the United States. Taking advantage of chaos and police arbitrariness, criminal activity has intensified in many cities.

Leftist ideas were rapidly gaining popularity around the world
Leftist ideas were rapidly gaining popularity around the world

Leftist ideas were rapidly gaining popularity around the world.

Nevertheless, despite the systematic repression of the left movement, the authorities of different countries were gradually forced to make concessions to the workers. Interestingly, Mexico was the first country in the world to establish an 8-hour workday directly! As for Russia, the situation before the 1917 revolution did not improve much. The working day was reduced from 11.5 to 9.5 hours, while child labor remained, and the attitude towards workers in most factories was terrible, there were no social guarantees. All of the above finally changed only after the arrival of Soviet power, which enshrined social guarantees and an 8-hour working day in the constitution.

Workers fought for their rights all over the world
Workers fought for their rights all over the world

Workers fought for their rights all over the world.

Thus, the 8-hour working day is one of the most important achievements of the left movement around the world. It is important to understand that the authorities and the bourgeoisie ultimately made concessions for a reason. Rallies, strikes and demonstrations thundered all over the world, where they were systematically dispersed and even shot by police and army. The Haymarket riot was far from an isolated incident. Similar events took place in most European countries, including the UK and France. And after the socialist revolution thundered in Russia, the entire bourgeois world shook. Fearing a similar development of events in their states, the bourgeois authorities were forced to make numerous concessions.

The struggle of the left culminated in the socialist revolution in Russia
The struggle of the left culminated in the socialist revolution in Russia

The struggle of the left culminated in the socialist revolution in Russia.

You should remember this the next time you have to hear the passages that fascism and communism are one and the same.

Note: many will probably remember that the Nazi party in Germany was called the "National Socialist German Workers' Party". It should be remembered that if an eggplant calls itself a stool, it will not become a stool. What matters is what policy the party pursues and what ideas it professes. Specifically, the NSDAP had nothing to do with socialism, since its policy defended the same big bourgeoisie. The word "socialist" was added by the Nazis specifically to attract the people. Recall that the German fascists waged a fierce struggle against the German communists (many of whom, by the way, were killed later) and wanted to show that it is possible to build a "welfare state" without communist ideas. Dr. Goebbels was generally a master of deceiving huge masses of the people with words alone.

Not all socialism is what it calls
Not all socialism is what it calls

Not all socialism is what it calls.

Another striking example of a name inconsistency is the late Soviet Union. In fact, the bourgeois counter-revolution in the USSR began not in Perestroika, but even under Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, when capitalist elements began to be introduced into the economy - which directly contradicts socialism.