Astroarcheology Confirms The Spread Of The Cult Of The Sun Throughout The Earth - Alternative View

Astroarcheology Confirms The Spread Of The Cult Of The Sun Throughout The Earth - Alternative View
Astroarcheology Confirms The Spread Of The Cult Of The Sun Throughout The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Astroarcheology Confirms The Spread Of The Cult Of The Sun Throughout The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Astroarcheology Confirms The Spread Of The Cult Of The Sun Throughout The Earth - Alternative View
Video: Astronomy and ancient Greek cult: new perspectives to Greek religious architecture and cult practice 2024, September

Did you know that all over the Earth there is a lot of evidence that the whole of humanity used to greatly revered the Sun. In particular, such facts are cited by the researcher Richard Cohen in his book "Chasing the Sun":

More than three thousand structures scattered around the world, almost all of stone, testify to man's obsession with the Sun. Most of them are oriented in the direction of sunrise or sunset, some coincide only once a year, usually on the day of the solstice.

Whether you're looking at the Stonehenge stones or the Mayan pyramids in Yucatan, the Great Plains megaliths in America, or the Dancing Namoratunga stones in the grassy savannas of Kenya, these are all silent priests of solar ceremonies.

Most civilizations have built their solar monuments with extreme care. A significant percentage of Middle Neolithic burial grounds, as it turns out, were built with the expectation of facing the Sun at certain times; in Britain alone, more than nine hundred such burials have survived, and Stonehenge, of course, occupies the first place among them.

Stonehenge makes a magical impression on the human imagination. In the slanting rays of the sun, ancient stones win in beauty and grandeur. It becomes clear how important the sun was for the people who created this place at the cost of so much effort.

However, on the whole, the facts irrefutably indicate that a significant number of such structures were quite deliberately associated with the Sun. And if Stonehenge can be considered the pearl in the crown of such prehistoric monuments, then there are also a large number of smaller jewels scattered around the world.

For example, a burial mound in Newgrange, Liam Grain ("Sun Cave"), aka "Irish Stonehenge". The megalithic mound is a contemporary of the first Egyptian pyramids. From the outside, it looks like a mess of stones on top of a small hill, but inside it is one of the wonders of the world. At exactly 9:02 am on the winter solstice, a ray of sun penetrates a small window at the end of the gallery 20 yards long and creeps for the next 17 minutes along this corridor until a supernatural glow reaches a round stone on the opposite wall of a small and completely dark room.