Humanoids And The Underground: Scientists Have Found New Information About Life On Mars - Alternative View

Humanoids And The Underground: Scientists Have Found New Information About Life On Mars - Alternative View
Humanoids And The Underground: Scientists Have Found New Information About Life On Mars - Alternative View

Video: Humanoids And The Underground: Scientists Have Found New Information About Life On Mars - Alternative View

Video: Humanoids And The Underground: Scientists Have Found New Information About Life On Mars - Alternative View
Video: Nasa Insider Leaks Mars Rover Photos 2024, September

The Red Planet is fraught with many more unsolved secrets. So, when studying NASA images obtained from Mars, a virtual alien and UFO hunter publishing evidence of the existence of alien creatures under the pseudonym Streetcap1 on his video hosting posted a video in which many of his subscribers saw a humanoid and a certain hidden hatch, presumably leading to the dungeon. The virtual ufologist noted that the space agency has again hidden from the public evidence of the existence of aliens.


The online specialist admitted that he was faced with something unidentified and inexplicable, the image of which, unfortunately, cannot be fully examined at maximum zoom. He asked users to comment on what they saw and express their assumptions. According to some followers, the international office corrected the video, deliberately overlaying white pixels on an object that they wanted to hide from the public eye. This conclusion netizens made on the basis that the shadow clearly does not belong to a white object, resembling a tower from a distance. In their opinion, the object behind the white spot is some kind of animal that may have bent down. To the right of him, the followers saw something somewhat resembling a sewer manhole. A number of subscribers suggestedthat in front of them is the image of a flying saucer.


If the assumptions turn out to be correct and NASA, for some purpose, is still trying to hide from humanity photo and video evidence of alien life, or even contact with humanoids, when will they be ready to announce their discoveries to all people, if any? The day before, a group of hackers published an appeal in which they suggested that the space agency would soon announce sensational information proving the existence and contact of people with extraterrestrial intelligence. They came to such conclusions after the speeches of the representative of NASA, who said that the department was on the verge of incredible discoveries against the backdrop of the latest research and discoveries. In particular, they talked about the discovery of thousands of exoplanets using an orbiting telescope, the detection of hydrogen, and, possibly, water vapor on the moons of Saturn and Jupiter.


This was followed by a statement from the head of the space agency's scientific programs that today the unprecedented discoveries that hackers talked about have not yet happened, therefore there is nothing to announce yet. After all, standing on the verge of sensational discoveries or having real evidence of the existence of aliens are two different sides of the issue. He also noted that a lot of research work is being carried out, which, perhaps, will soon help answer the question: "Are we alone in the Universe." But when exactly this will happen, no one knows.


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However, many images obtained thanks to the Curiosity rover raise doubts about the veracity of these words. Indeed, several times on them one could see some anomalous objects, flying saucers or traces of the manifestation of alien creatures. NASA representatives still deny everything. Most likely, there is evidence in the form of a photo, but experts are striving to find even more information, working carefully and in secret, so as not to make a "fuss" and not to harm the ongoing work. This is confirmed by such large-scale and costly projects of the space agency, which most likely would not have been implemented if there was no certainty in achieving the ultimate goal.


Earlier, thanks to the Google Space service, images of the base on the red planet-neighbor got on the Web. But it remains unknown who the creator of the secret base is: aliens or the American government, which is conducting secret research work there. Supposedly there are large solar panels and, in general, the base has a great length. However, this information does not inspire much confidence, since such massive buildings could have been noticed long ago. Some suggest that it was not without the processing of photos with Photoshop. Also, none of the scientific minds comment on this information in any way.


The images received from the rovers have repeatedly excited the minds of people and caused a lot of assumptions, which no one can or even does not want to confirm. Even 40 years ago, a photo of the pyramids and the so-called Sphinx from the surface of the planet flew around the world. Why are these structures so similar to earthly ones and who could have built them then? Last year, what looked like a humanoid creature sitting on a rock came into the picture. Then the space agency called what they saw simply "anomaly."


Scientists have repeatedly said that Mars was previously inhabited, rivers flowed on its surface, and there was oxygen. As a result of some kind of global catastrophe, irreversible changes have occurred on the planet. But is there life there now?


If any hints of evidence of the presence of humanoids on the red neighbor are found, NASA now and then "denies", referring to low-quality images, broken devices, device failures, and visual illusion. Who knows, maybe because of the almost daily publications in the press of information about the existence of aliens, people themselves tend to finish painting in their heads, looking at the image of an alien in a stone or any play of light in the picture.

Julia Iulskaya
