Something Went Wrong On The New World Order Steam Train - Alternative View

Something Went Wrong On The New World Order Steam Train - Alternative View
Something Went Wrong On The New World Order Steam Train - Alternative View

Video: Something Went Wrong On The New World Order Steam Train - Alternative View

Video: Something Went Wrong On The New World Order Steam Train - Alternative View
Video: E108 - Pandemic And New World Order - Is there any connection 2024, September

On June 30, 2020, a study was published in the British scientific journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, according to which a star disappeared from the Kinman dwarf galaxy.

According to astronomers, we can talk about the so-called Luminous blue variable (LBV) - a pulsating blue supergiant with a mass of about 100 solar, and the luminosity of the Sun by 2.5 million times.

The European Southern Observatory, which worked somehow suspiciously very quickly, illustrates the situation as follows:

After watching this wonderful video, the BBC and everyone else rushed to write about the epoch-making event, but in fact there is no event as such. If such a large and bright star disappeared in the sky, then why does this star have no name? Let not Antares or Betelgeuse there, but at least some kind of gibberish of letters and numbers. But no.

In the largest super-duper telescope, the Kinman galaxy looks like this:


The stars that are distinguishable are ordinary stars of normal size, and the LBV, that is, the Bright Blue Variable that disappeared, is somewhere in the middle and obscured by a dust cloud, like all LBVs.

Promotional video:

Bright blue variables are bright because they emit from themselves not only light, but also the stellar wind - huge masses of matter. The solar flares known to us there seem to occur every second and over the entire surface, as a result of which all this gathers around a star into a nebula, a classic example of which is the Homunculus nebula:


In the center of this nebula is LBV Eta Carinae, it is at a distance of 7,500 light years from us. The Kinman galaxy is 75 million light years away from us, so it's natural that you can't see anything inside.

The presence of a blue giant inside this system is assumed only on the basis of a specific light signature, which is obtained by studying the spectrum of the galaxy:


And further, studying such curves, astronomers draw the estimated LBV, which is highlighted in blue on the graph:


In the period 2001-2011, astronomers regularly looked at the Kinman galaxy and everything was unchanged there. Then, in August last year, astronomers were given a new toy, through which they again looked at the painfully familiar galaxy and did not see the signature of the presence of LBV there. And a year later they dashed off an article about it and now everyone writes that “the star disappeared yesterday”. What star? What is “yesterday”?

All this once again demonstrates how stupid journalists are for the most part. Dumber only the famous astronomers, who are now wondering about what happened there and why.


And the answer there is very simple - astronomers simply do not know anything about the stars, or the universe, or their place in this universe.

Last year, Mr Beatriz Villarroel and a team of two dozen junior adepts published a report on a programmatic comparison of USNO images of the sky in the 1950s and images from the Pan-STARRS telescope taken between 2010 and 2014. And as it turned out, about 100 stars were GUARANTEED from the sky, 25,000 were most likely missing, plus another 125,000 of the 600 million were possibly missing.

Well, where did they go? Collapsed into a black hole, as they say about this LBV now? Or were they devoured by hefty space sharks? Or did they break away from the Flat Earth dome and fall into the Atlantic, whereupon the sharks devoured them already there?

In general, astronomy is a very dark science, in contrast to conspiracy theories, in which everything is clear and unambiguous. Attentive readers will have noticed that the missing star is labeled on the PHL 293B LBV figure. LBV stands for Luminous blue variables, meaning Bright blue variable, and PHL 293B is the second name for the Kinman galaxy. Why not PHL 239B or PHL 911 / 666B there we do not know, but the code is obvious and looks like some kind of message.

Now let's see where this code is drawn there:


It turns out that this galaxy named after Jesse Pinkman Kinman is located in the constellation Aquarius, whose era seems to have just begun. Coincidence again?

We find it difficult to explain all these miracles on our own, but, as our reader Jash writes on the forum, commenting on this news, according to the views of modern Israeli mystics, the New World Order is projected onto Earth by the archangel-ruler (Sar / Sir) of the constellation Aquarius, which for the next 2000 receives a label for the great reign, also known as the Age of Aquarius.

So what do we see? We see that the entire world press is hysterical about the disappearance of a star that no one saw when it was born and which disappeared altogether a year ago. The star has disappeared from Aquarius, which has muddied its chip kingdom here for 2,000 years.

Most likely this is some kind of sign, but what kind - here you can only guess. Maybe there the dark forces banged some hefty uterine pepelats with Anunnaki eggs, maybe some chief of the light forces glued the flippers - it's hard to say. The only thing that is clear is that something went wrong with the New World Order and Mr. Wilford's steam locomotive, taking us to a bright digital future, is in danger of derailing, so we are following the development of events.