Where Do Meteorites Come From To Earth? - Alternative View

Where Do Meteorites Come From To Earth? - Alternative View
Where Do Meteorites Come From To Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Meteorites Come From To Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Meteorites Come From To Earth? - Alternative View
Video: Why So Many Meteorites Come From The Same Place 2024, September

One of the fundamental problems of modern geology / cosmology is the so-called chondrules, or chondrules - starting from the more correct English version of chondrules.


Chondrules are small (up to a millimeter in diameter) crystalline formations in meteorites. They look like small crystals or balls surrounded by darker, compressed cosmic dust:


In Latin / Greek, from where all modern scientific terminology comes from, the ending -ula is used to denote something small. For example, in biology there is such a thing as a globule, which literally translates as “a small ball”. Therefore, it is not very clear what idiot and why he called chondrules chondrules, after all, these are small round stones, not cartilage. And if these stones are isolated from a meteorite, then they look something like this:


The substance from which chondrules are formed are magnesium silicates, a typical representative of which is called olivine and comes from the deep, deep mantle. Therefore, when olivines begin to pour out of the volcano in large quantities, volcanologists sit in mugs and begin to pray, and the faint of heart call their families and say goodbye to relatives.

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Why and how olivines are formed in the mantle geologists argue, but no one even argues why and how olivine chondrules are formed, because they do not know. In order for a meteorite to receive such a granular structure, it must be heated to two or more thousand degrees, and then sharply cooled. In space, such a sharp heating-cooling does not happen even in theory.

At one time, the officials tried to write off everything on the theory of a dusty protoplanetary disk, from which asteroids appeared, after which volcanic activity began on larger asteroids and chondrules appeared in their mantles. The theory is extremely idiotic, since somehow asteroids with volcanoes have not been noticed. Moreover, it is not clear what kind of volcano can be on small stones, which are the majority among asteroids.

Apparently the thought of the idiocy of the official theory did not allow the scientific adepts to fall asleep, so now they are putting forward a new, rather interesting theory, which The New York Times writes about today.

According to this perfectly reasonable theory, chondrules form in meteorites that fly past something hot. Such a hot object could be a planet on which the entire surface is molten rock.

For example, a very young planet or a planet near a star. Passing by such an ocean of lava at a close distance, meteorites heat up, they form olivine or a similar mineral, after which the meteorite flies away and the olivine solidifies in chondrules.

There may also be a situation when a planet, which is a sphere of lava, seems to shoot meteorites, and they are nothing more than frozen stone splashes that flew into space.

The theory is quite interesting and the most interesting in it is the fact that there are no lava planets or brown dwarfs in the solar system. Nevertheless, the meteorites heated by them, as it were, are.

Scientists are trying to solve this paradox by moving in time, saying that the Earth itself could stuff the space with chondrules, when it was just emerging, when there was no lithosphere and instead of the atmosphere, the planet was covered with lava. But no one has seen such an Earth in the eyes - all this is nothing more than a theory.

In addition, meteorites with chondrules come to us along such trajectories that they definitely came from distant space. Technically, the meteorites could have come from proto-Jupiter or the embryo of another large planet, but to heat their orbit had to be very low and therefore it is not clear: what caused a piece of rock to leave this low orbit over the giant protoplanet and fly to Earth?

Meanwhile, the presence of another star in the solar system perfectly explains everything - it is she who heats meteorites. Nevertheless, it is easier for the officials to come up with some kind of pseudoscientific heresy than to admit this simple fact. Therefore, it is even interesting: what will happen when the fact of the presence of another star in the solar system is suddenly seen by everyone? Probably, people will run after academicians with sticks, as for violators of quarantine, so we are looking forward to the approach of these epoch-making events.